
Creating A New Legend

Waking up in the streets of New York gifted with a mental library of Harry Potter magic is awesome but what isn't is a hell hound trying to hunt you for breakfast before you know where the hell you are.

Azazyel · Book&Literature
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33 Chs

Chapter 29

After that exhausting gym class along with the further proof of how survival of the fittest was the school motto, I took a fantastic shower in the locker rooms as the water unlike other public showers wasn't ice cold there was actually hot water along with the almost bruising water pressure that came down from the showers seemed to massage my tensed muscles other than my bruised wrist and arm where my opponent managed to grab me it was rather relaxing.

I walked out of the locker room and started walking towards my next class which was Advanced Mathematics and no it wasn't just useless math you learn once and never look at again unless you are an engineer. It was math that influenced magic like formulaic equation magic that a lot of human magicians and also minorly bridged over into the mathematical portions the alchemy and divination arts apparently in later years as we picked up our own styles we could choose which version of math class we would join.

As I rounded a corner and started down the hallway my next class was my sore arm was grabbed from behind. "Hiss" I grimaced as the thin hand let go instantly and I turned and saw the thin waif of a girl who I was partnered with looking down at the ground... Well crap I dontwant to scare her off.

"Sorry I didn't want to surprise you, but you grabbed my sore arm see." I pulled shirts sleeve and showed the purple bruises from where I was grabbed earlier and she winced in sympathy.

"So what's you're name anyway, that shitty teacher didn't even bother taking roll call." I huffed and she weakly smiled.

"Uhm my name is Elyria." Her voice was really soft and her watery eyes frankly made me wanna scoop her up into a hug but I bared with the cuteness and listened as she obviously psyched herself up for talking to me. "I, I wanted to... I wanted to say thank you... for earlier I cant really fight." I cant stop my heart from melting at this literal ball of fluff so with a sigh I just gently patted her head and used my secret weapon I learned from giving Scathach massages apparently running around in a body suit without a bra even if she is supernaturally... perky had her shoulders become sore sometimes so I learned to take care of her and learned the secret of using elementally tuned mana to massage people.

I gently ran warm mana through my hand as I was pelting her head and literally I saw the girl melt into me with a hug and I realized something fantastic no something revolutionary. She was hiding her body shape through illusions and they weren't the solid kind because where as she was a solid B cup at best when she hugged me. oh ho ho BIG. I mean she went from a B and cut out the curves of the B and became an E with how much they spread across my own chest.

"Cough Cough" I knew with how shy she was, it was likely she would probably pull a Hinata and faint on me or something cliché so I gently pulled back as she came back to her sense's and I finished off the lewd headpats with a cold almost icy mana that fully awoke her from her stupor.

The best part of using cold mana on the brain was that it almost seems to smother the emotions of a person and allow only there pure thoughts to come out where as was demonstrated just a moment earlier was hot mana smothers the thoughts of the target and brings out the emotions and thus she sought out my comfort as she seems to already see me as a safe figure to seek comfort in.

She leaned back and now with a calm expression stated "I just wanted to say thank you for your protection I... Never really was interested in learning from my mother about combat, but now I see that I will need it..." She paused in compilation before seeming mental agreement. "Frankly I need lesson's on combat and you're high speed style compliments the tree hopping method my mother taught me so could you please teach me in your free time." I frowned in thought thinking back something about what she just said was triggering something in my head, and Elyria catching my frown cut it off and I could see my mana has already dissipated with her becoming nervous.

"Um I can repay you for the tutoring and my Mother is the high ranking member of the Dryads race if you want we could otherwise get you some magical herbs or something..." As she was talking my mind blanked as I took in her body shape and looking at her actual faces shape I came to a disturbing thought...

"Hey uhhh kind of awkward but are you related to Ellesmera, and how old are you?" With mounting dread I saw her eyes expand in surprise...

"How do you know momma!" She yelled excitedly

As my mind was firmly stuck in a logic loop, No more importantly do I have a dad now or something? "More importantly how old are and uh who is your dad..." I trailed off as I recalled Ellesmera didn't seem to want to have any other children, so what made her change her mind.

Elyria nodded seeming to see my confusion and shelved her own questions to answer me "I just turned four years old a couple months ago." Ok Greek super growing babies at work as usual don't pay attention to the details. "I don't have a Dad really, Mom just split her essence apart and used a branch from the Yggdrasil tree to impregnate herself to make me."

Whelp makes more sense than the birth of Aphrodite or the horror show of how Athena was born. "Ok so uh have you heard about a Jake Barris from.. you're mom" I was so closing to saying our mom but I feel like if she hadn't recognized me I frankly don't wanna be the one to pop this dirty bubble. Not to mention this whole thing stinks of Tiamat manipulating shit in the background honestly I am damn sure my so called Fiancée is already here at this school just waiting to pounce on me and knowing the dragons of this universe are like, they will want to steal my underwear and or aggressively seek impregnation.

"Thoom" A gush of mana blew past me as a familiar presence came over her and Elyria's eye's brightened up further and the first thought to come to me was 'dammit why does this need to take place in the hallway...'

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