

"Donny, take out the trash, will ya?"

"On it Julio!"

Donny was working in a local pizza shop and the trash in the back was full, and as a dishwasher it was his job to take out the trash.

As he dragged the heavy trash bag out the door to the alley, he heard a fight going on.

"Hahah, let him have it Ryan!"

"Nice kick! You hit him right in the liver!"

"How do you like it? Huh? You piece of shit!"

It was a large boy with two of his friends, and a girl watching from the back, while there was a bloodied boy on the ground beneath their feet.

Donny looked at the scene, but didn't say anything.

'Not my problem.'

Donny threw the trash away, which caught the attention of everyone in the alley, but after making eye contact with the battered boy on the ground Donny simply shut the door.

Leaving the kids to their own business.

"Ahahaa! Would you look at that? That's exactly how little anyone cares about you." the boy named Ryan said, pressing down on the boy beneath him with his foot.

The boy on the ground was Viktor, and while this wasn't the first time he had gotten beat up by this group, it was the worst beating so far. 

Why were they beating Viktor? Well, today it was because the girl who was watching, claimed that Viktor stared at her body lewdly.

The woman was Bianca, Ryan's woman, and even though it was a lie Ryan still beat up Viktor.

Viktor was laying on the ground, staring emptily at the end of the alley, where he could see people walking by. Not a single person caring about what was happening in this alley. 

'Life is so unfair.' Viktor thought to himself. 

He was still getting beat, but because he had curled into a ball the bullies didn't really do any significant damage to him anymore. That was until Viktor heard the sound of a zipper becoming undone.

Followed by two more, before a rain of warm liquid began to pour onto Viktor's head. 

'These fuckers! Beating me half to death wasn't enough?! Now they have to piss on me?'

Viktor was furious, but he endured because he knew he had no power to stop them. He was a simple homeless, orphaned child, who was malnourished and had no muscles to speak of. 

As they finally finished, Viktor was trying his best not to gag and throw up from the stench, when Ryan walked right next to him.

"Don't even think of looking in the direction of Bianca again, or I will kill you next time. Learn your place in society."

As Ryan went to stand up and leave the alley, something in Viktor snapped.

'Even if I die, I won't let them go like this... Not anymore... If this is how my life is... I don't want to live it anymore.'

With that resolve, Viktor quickly uncovered his head that he had been protecting, and bit Ryan's exposed ankle as hard as he could.


Ryan was on the ground from the sudden attack on his ankle, and was frantically kicking at Viktor's head. However Viktor wasn't letting go. As if he were a dog who got a hold of a meaty juicy bone, he sunk his teeth in harder.

One of Ryan's goons finally reacted, and kicked Viktor's head hard. Causing his head to hit the pavement, and bounce back, only to hit the ground again as Viktor lost the ability to hold his head up anymore. 

In Viktor's final attempt, he managed to completely tear Ryan's Achille's heel. However, Viktor was no longer moving. The first to notice was Bianca. She looked closely at Viktor, before shouting at the other three.

"You moron! He isn't fucking moving, or breathing! You killed him!"

The other three froze, while helping Ryan stand up. The one who kicked Viktor began stuttering.

"N-no h-h-he attacked Ryan! I was just trying to help Ryan and I accidentally kicked him in the head a little too hard..."

The others began to look at Viktor, who had begun pooling blood underneath his head, while not breathing.

Ryan was the first to say something.

"He... He attacked me. We acted in self defense... I'll talk to my uncle.. He is the chief of police, so he'll know what to do. For now, don't fucking tell anyone anything, and don't leave your houses for a few days... Let's go."

With that the four left Viktor's motionless body among the trash behind a pizza shop. 

As a drip of Ryan's blood flowed down his throat.


'I... Where am I? The last thing I remember is... my whole body was hurting. I was... Getting beat up by the asshole Ryan and his goons.'

Viktor tried to look around, when he realized he couldn't. After what felt like hours, Viktor finally began to feel something on his skin.

'It feels like... Rain.'

Cold and wet, hitting his whole body indiscriminately, a refreshing feeling as it washed away the shame from getting peed on earlier.

It was a few more minutes before Viktor finally was able to open his eyes, only to find himself unsurprisingly in the same alley as before. He tried to turn his head, but he felt an incredible pain when he tried to move it. 

It was at this moment that Viktor realized something.

'Why... can I see my feet...'

It was then that Viktor realized, that his neck was snapped in a weird position. The reason he couldn't move his body? His spine was damaged.


Viktor was cursing in his mind, while ignoring the itching sensation on the back of his neck.

After an hour of laying among the trash cursing in his mind, Viktor suddenly realized that he could move his head. He immediately looked around, trying to figure what was going on, but after finding nothing except himself in the alley he began to organize his thoughts.

"I feel fine... Actually I feel good?"

Viktor stood up, and inspected himself. He didn't have a scratch on him! 

"This... isn't right. What happened? I remember biting Ryan and then getting kicked so hard in the head that I felt like I was going to... die... Did I die?"

Viktor looked at himself and could only say that he was perfectly healthy. Healthier than even before the beating. He felt like he had been eating a healthy diet for months, and working out regularly.

He was so confident with the energy brimming through him, he walked over to a dumpster and tried to pick it up with one hand.

And it worked.

He lifted the dumpster as if it were a cardboard box. It was filled to the brim with large trash bags, but even if it were empty this was not a feat Viktor should be capable of. Viktor then hurried and set it down, when he suddenly smelled something that smelled delicious.

Following his nose, he tracked down the smell to a trash bag. He tore it apart, as eating from the trash was not something new to him, but when he opened it up there was simply an uncooked steak among a bunch of trash.

He sifted through the bag, as he was sure this is where the smell was coming from, but he didn't find anything that matched the smell.

Until he sniffed the raw steak.

He couldn't describe it, but there was just a mouthwatering smell emanating from the piece of meat, that was so enticing that eventually Viktor couldn't resist anymore. He took a bit. Just a small one, to confirm whether or not the smell was indeed from the steak.

When Viktor took that first bite, he felt as if he took a bite of the finest A1 wagyu steak, seasoned perfectly by a 3 star Michelin chef. The next thing Viktor knew, he was tearing into the steak with his teeth, however he suddenly heard the faintest gasp of air from behind him.

He slowly turned around, horrified that someone saw him eating raw meat from the trash, because while he would do it.

He didn't want anyone to see him do it. It was too shameful for him.

As a young man, he wanted nothing more than to make friends, but seeing someone eat from the trash didn't make that very easy. When he turned around fully he saw an incredibly beautiful girl, who looked about 16 the same age as him, but instead of disgust she had a blank look on her face.

She shook her head, seeming to collect herself, but then her face began to turn red before she ran away.

"What just happened... She didn't... Find that disgusting?"

Viktor was confused, but he decided he should leave the alley before Ryan and his goons come back. In case they decided to finish it, since they had already attempted to kill him. 

He walked back to his tent, which was located under an overpass bridge in a less busy part of the city, right on the edge of a suburb.