
Create Super Fantasy

The youth sat on a chair, facing the sea. With a trace of spiritual energy, he pointed to this magnificent world. Wherever something is wrong, he points it out. ... Someone once wielded a sword and slayed a dragon, bathed in dragon blood. Someone once enjoyed drinking chicken soup, raising nine phoenixes in their backyard. Someone once sat on the mountaintop, speaking eloquently, suppressing millions of troops in one breath. Someone once moved mountains and relocated peaks with their pen, painting a beautiful picture that trapped immortals and gods. And that year, spring blossomed. They were nothing more than ordinary butchers, smelly scholars, chicken farmers, and poor artists. This is a story of transforming the Low Martial Continent into an extraordinary and fantastical world.

sunshine8023q · Eastern
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73 Chs

The World of Jianghu, the Court, and Me

By the shore of Beiluo Lake, a path of green stones encircled the lake. A dilapidated donkey cart rattled along, seemingly crafted from dried wood. Perched atop the cart was a young man in a navy blue robe, leisurely dangling his legs over the side while holding a wooden pole with a carrot tied to it hanging in front of the donkey.

The donkey huffed and puffed, eagerly chasing after the dangling carrot as they moved forward. The young man sat back, enjoying the shimmering waters of Beiluo Lake. "What a wonderful place. It would be great to retire here," he mused aloud. "I've heard that 'Drunk Dust Pavilion' in Beiluo City is quite unique. The ladies there are said to be exceptionally skilled. I wonder if it's true."

Resting his chin on his hand, he continued to swing his legs, lost in thought. "It's a shame... Drunk Dust Pavilion has been occupied by that arrogant and unreasonable Young Master Lu. Another day without justice in Da Zhou," he lamented, shaking his head with a tinge of regret. Adjusting the direction of the carrot, he steered the donkey in a new direction. "Honestly, I didn't want to come to Beiluo City. This city... is just too eerie," he muttered to himself. "But the Grandmaster rarely leaves the capital, so this is a rare opportunity..."

"Why does he always assign these tasks to me? That expressionless face is more suited for it than mine... He's the number one assassin in the world, and I'm just a donkey driver," he grumbled, seeming full of resentment. But since he was already here, he had no choice but to continue the mission.

Giving the donkey a kick to pick up the pace, the cart rumbled along the green stone path by Beiluo Lake, the sound of the donkey's hooves echoing in his ears.


On the road outside Beiluo.

A carriage sped away from the city.

Inside the carriage, Lü Mu was dressed in white, absentmindedly playing with the copper coins hanging around his neck, his gaze deep. "Is what Young Master Lu said... true? Can the 'Qi of Heaven and Earth Command' really open the remnants of immortal fate? Did my teacher send me to Beiluo because he foresaw the immortal fate here?"

Leaning back in the carriage, his figure looked somewhat frail, but his eyes were bright. "If there really is immortal fate, why would Young Master Lu trust me so easily? Isn't he afraid I'll unite with the various factions and seize the opportunity?" Squinting his eyes, he sighed dejectedly after a moment of contemplation.

He didn't have the capital to unite with the various factions, even if he possessed the information given to him by Lu Fan. The appearance of the Qi of Heaven and Earth Command would inevitably attract attention, and besides, there might be others besides Young Master Lu who received guidance from immortals. Lü Mu had no capital at all, so his best option was to cooperate with Lu Fan. Perhaps he could still get a share of the pie, otherwise... he would truly have no chance at all.

Moreover, before leaving, he saw the appearance of the Confucian Master. Perhaps... Young Master Lu also intends to unite with Confucianism. With Confucianism as a support, if he still foolishly tries to unite with the other factions, he would truly be stupid.

The carriage was quiet, with only the sound of the wheels spinning rapidly making vibrations. After a long time, Lü Mu lightly tapped the carriage with his bamboo cane and said to the coachman outside, "Let's not rush back to 'Dragon Hole Pavilion' for now. Let's make a detour to Wulong Ridge..."

"Alright." Outside the carriage, the coachman grinned, flicking the reins and urging the horses to speed up.


On the Heart Island.

The atmosphere on the island was somewhat stagnant. The Grandmaster smiled with righteousness, while Lu Fan's move alleviated the spiritual pressure. The collision between the two could be called a clash of scholars.

The Grandmaster was originally a Confucian master who had traveled through various factions, suppressing them so that they did not dare to show their heads. His righteousness was enough to suppress even the grandmasters of martial arts, although he had never practiced martial arts himself, he possessed extremely strong coercive power.

However, faced with the righteousness of the Grandmaster, Lu Fan remained relaxed and carefree, which surprised everyone on the island.

Lu Changkong looked at Lu Fan with a complicated and gratified expression. He had not expected Lu Fan's growth rate to be so fast. Now, he actually had the strength to contend with the Grandmaster.

Feeling the surging spiritual energy within him, Lu Changkong took a deep breath. Nie Changqing and Ning Zhao's eyes were filled with excitement. They had never known Lu Fan's true strength before. And now...

They finally got to know the true strength of their young master.

A level comparable to the masters... He can contend with the Confucian Grandmaster, and among the various factions, he is also a top-tier power.

Lu Fan once said that he would make "Baiyu Jing" surpass all the various factions, and now it seems that it wasn't just empty talk.

The wind disappeared.

The oppressive atmosphere shrouding the world suddenly dissipated.

The righteousness dispersed, and Lu Fan's spiritual pressure also dissipated and disappeared.

"Hahaha, truly promising youth," the Grandmaster laughed.

"Changkong, you've raised a good son," the nearby Lu Changkong chuckled, unable to conceal his delight.

"Master, please," Lu Fan smiled. "Ping'an knows that Master enjoys good wine, so I had someone prepare some plum wine."

The Grandmaster brushed his sleeves and walked over.

"Baiyu Jing..." The Grandmaster's gaze fell on the plaque in front of the building, quietly savoring the name, then smiled, "A good name."

The Grandmaster sighed inwardly. It was clear that Lu Fan had received much more immortal fate than the Emperor Yuxuan Wenzhou.

If Yuxuan Wenzhou was just a stumbling beginner gifted by heaven...

Then Lu Fan was a mature recipient of heaven's gifts, and the difference between the two... was quite significant.

The Grandmaster stepped onto the green stone stairs.

Lu Changkong and Luo Yue followed behind him.

Suddenly, the Grandmaster's body trembled, stopping in his tracks, his gaze unknowingly drawn to two vertical plaques.

Every person entering Baiyu Jing would involuntarily be attracted by these couplets. Lu Fan wasn't surprised by this.

The Grandmaster stared at the couplets for a long time.

For almost the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn.

Then, he slowly came back to his senses.

In the murky depths of the Grandmaster's eyes, there was a hidden trace of shock and awe.

"These couplets... were suggested by Ping'an?" The Grandmaster withdrew his gaze, very calm.

Unlike the huge reactions of Nie Changqing and Lü Mu, the Grandmaster remained calm.

"No, they were suggested by my mentor," Lu Fan said as his wheelchair automatically turned towards the Baiyu Jing building and went inside.

He guessed that the Grandmaster had realized something from the couplets of enlightenment, but since the Grandmaster didn't show it, he didn't ask.

When the Grandmaster heard Lu Fan's reply, his body stiffened slightly before returning to normal.

But Luo Yue and Lu Changkong didn't fare as well.

Lu Changkong was fine, after all, he had a foundation of spiritual energy. He took two or three steps back and stabilized his mindset.

But Luo Yue was in a sorry state. He was only a first-rate martial artist. Reciting the couplets softly, he was blasted back by the immense pressure, falling to his knees, coughing up blood, his face filled with lingering fear.

Lu Changkong didn't enter the Baiyu Jing building.

He knew that the Master and Lu Fan had something to discuss, so he turned around and wandered around the island.

Those ten chrysanthemums basking in the sunlight caught his interest.

The Master ascended to the second floor of the building.

On the terrace, Yi Yue finished brewing the wine and stood up.

Ni Yu and Nie Shuang widened their eyes, watching Lu Fan and the Master.

The chessboard was set up, with white and black pieces placed in their respective boxes.

The Grandmaster sat down, looking at the chessboard and stroking his beard.

Lu Fan leaned against his wheelchair, the two sitting across from each other over the chessboard.

Yi Yue poured wine for Lu Fan and the Grandmaster, the hot aroma of the wine mingling with the tartness of the green plums.

"Master, shall we play a game?" Lu Fan smiled.

The Master stroked his beard, squinted his eyes as he tasted the wine, his face full of contentment.

Drinking wine, playing chess.

These days were quite enjoyable for the Master.

Pieces were placed on the chessboard, the crisp sound of "da da" echoing back and forth.

As they played, they drank wine and chatted about various things.

The scent of sandalwood wafted through the air, calming the mind and spirit.

After a game of chess ended, the board was filled with black and white pieces. Lu Fan regretfully returned the captured black piece to its box.

"Master, your chess skills are superb. I am humbled in defeat," Lu Fan sighed.

Although he had the chess manual "Yi Tian Shi," he had studied it for too short a time. Compared to a master-level player like the Master, he was still lacking.

Meanwhile, Ni Yu had already widened her eyes.

Something doesn't seem right! 

How did the young master's chess skills... become so strong?

The Grandmaster held his wine glass, coughed slightly, his demeanor desolate, giving off a sense of aging gracefully.

"Few are those in this world who can play chess with me, Ping'an. Today, seeing you, truly makes me take notice. Before long, when your chess skills mature, it'll be like overturning mountains and rivers with a flick of your hand. I'm afraid I won't be your match anymore," the Grandmaster remarked.

Lu Fan just smiled.

The wine in the Grandmaster's glass had cooled down, and although Yi Yue wanted to refill it with hot wine, she was waved off by the Grandmaster.

Setting down his wine glass, the Grandmaster tucked his hands into the wide sleeves of his robe, his gaze deep and murky as he looked at Lu Fan.

"Ping'an, I have a couple of doubts... that I'd like you to address."

"If I don't ask now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance..."

The Grandmaster said, his tone tinged with desolation, his white hair and age spots seeming even heavier.

Lu Fan raised an eyebrow, lowering his hand to smooth the woolen blanket covering his legs.

"What doubts do you have, Master?" Lu Fan asked casually.

The Grandmaster smiled, his gaze deep as he looked through the pavilion towards the small island.

Suddenly, he seemed to see three strange streams of energy moving around the island.

"Building power, destroying noble families, killing disciples of the various factions... What is your ultimate goal?" 

"Now that the Great Zhou is in turmoil, on the brink of collapse, with the rise of heroes in both the martial world and the court..." 

The Grandmaster leaned forward in his chair, coughing.

"Ping'an, do you have any plans for this world?"

The question was blunt, with no attempt to hide its intent.

He was probing for Lu Fan's ambitions, the ambitions of a mature recipient of heaven's gifts.

Nie Changqing, Ning Zhao, Yi Yue, and the others held their breath.

Lu Fan slowly lifted his head, meeting the Grandmaster's gaze.

Their eyes collided in the air, silently exchanging thoughts.

The scent of sandalwood wafted gently.

In the terrace of the pavilion, Lu Fan's elegant voice suddenly sounded.

"I am building power to retire peacefully, destroying noble families and killing disciples of the various factions because they provoked me."

"If they didn't provoke me."

"What does it matter to me, how the martial world, the court, and the world at large fare?"

"After all, I, Lu Ping'an, am quite easygoing." 

s: Another long chapter, please bookmark~