
Create Super Fantasy

The youth sat on a chair, facing the sea. With a trace of spiritual energy, he pointed to this magnificent world. Wherever something is wrong, he points it out. ... Someone once wielded a sword and slayed a dragon, bathed in dragon blood. Someone once enjoyed drinking chicken soup, raising nine phoenixes in their backyard. Someone once sat on the mountaintop, speaking eloquently, suppressing millions of troops in one breath. Someone once moved mountains and relocated peaks with their pen, painting a beautiful picture that trapped immortals and gods. And that year, spring blossomed. They were nothing more than ordinary butchers, smelly scholars, chicken farmers, and poor artists. This is a story of transforming the Low Martial Continent into an extraordinary and fantastical world.

sunshine8023q · Eastern
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73 Chs

Inside the Immortal Palace, Outside the Immortal Palace

The Immortal Fate Secret Realm... is about to open!

Everyone's mind was shaken.

As the bubbles under the sunlight began to shatter, dense and surging energy currents crisscrossed around.

The mountains and forests swayed in the roaring wind, startling the birds and crows.

People couldn't even keep their eyes open, even though they were vigorous martial artists.

A fierce wind blew, and it seemed as if dark clouds were rolling in the sky.

A heavy atmosphere lingered over everyone's heads.

Xiang Shaoyun stood up, staring at the cracking bubbles and the gradually emerging Immortal Palace in the large pit, his mind becoming increasingly serious.

Xiang Shaoyun had to admit that the immortals were indeed powerful. Having been suppressed by the "immortal" twice, Xiang Shaoyun realized that he was not qualified to contend with the "immortal" now.

However, precisely because of this, Xiang Shaoyun's heart was even more spirited.

Ever since he reached the level of Grandmaster, he had lost his goal. But now, the appearance of the immortals opened a door for him.

One day...

He would definitely gain the qualification to have an equal conversation with the "immortals"!

Li Sansi, Kong Nanfei, and Mo Shougui also stared closely at the underground palace that emerged after the bubbles burst.

The lingering light blue energy streams, each one filled with wisdom, seemed like elves drifting between heaven and earth.

"What is this exactly?" Li Sansi, dressed in white, was extremely astonished.

Mo Shougui stared at the Immortal Palace, his eyes showing both shock and greed.

Kong Nanfei adjusted the book box behind him, took a deep breath, and murmured, "Master said that these light blue wisps of wisdom are spiritual energy. The heavens and earth have spiritual energy... It breaks the fundamental shackles of martial arts and the constraints of heaven and earth."

Kong Nanfei's words made Li Sansi and Mo Shougui even more shocked.

To receive such high praise from the Confucian Master, the inheritance of the immortals in this underground palace must be extremely precious.

It should be noted that, even in the Great Zhou Dynasty, despite the worldly fame, the words of the country's teacher still held authority.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't say anything. He naturally knew what spiritual energy was, clearer than anyone else, because... spiritual energy existed within his body.

The bubbles completely dissipated.

The purple in the sunlight seemed to have been stripped away, reflecting on the Immortal Palace.

Purple mist pervaded, noble and mysterious.

With glass and golden tiles, vermilion walls, and the lingering spiritual energy, it emitted a dazzling array of colors.

Everyone was stunned.

Five miles away from the Immortal Palace.

Dantai Xuan trembled all over, incredulously staring at the Immortal Palace, a flush appearing on his face.

"Immortals... Are there truly immortals in this world?!"

"If one can attain immortality, why worry about not becoming the emperor of the world!"

Dantai Xuan's eyes were filled with greed and ambition.

Mo Ju, who fanned lightly with a feather fan, also felt incredulous. All of this... went against his understanding of the world over the years.

Not only Dantai Xuan, but also the governors of other counties and the strongmen of various schools and families were equally astonished.

Lü Mu stood on the earth slope, leaning on the emerald bamboo cane, looking at the radiant Immortal Palace, revealing a smile that seemed to say, "Everything is under control."

He glanced triumphantly at the beauty Qianqian beside him, who was stunned, her eyes wide open, her tempting red lips slightly parted.


The Immortal Palace was surrounded by ethereal spiritual energy.

Xiang Shaoyun's gaze condensed, gripping the Qilin Order in his hand, and suddenly shot out.

He wanted to seize the opportunity, holding the Qilin Order, to enter the Immortal Palace.

At the moment Xiang Shaoyun moved, Li Sansi and the others also came to their senses and followed suit.


Suddenly, the Immortal Palace trembled.

As if there were immortal sounds lingering in the air.

In the next moment...

Li Sansi, Xiang Shaoyun, and others were extremely astonished. The Heavenly Qi Orders in their hands emitted a shimmering light and flew out of their hands.

And it wasn't just them.

Even the strongmen in the crowd who held the Heavenly Qi Orders couldn't conceal it anymore.

Their Heavenly Qi Orders were being pulled by an irresistibly powerful force.

They flew out in all directions.

Ten Heavenly Qi Orders, shimmering brightly, floated in front of the Immortal Palace.

"Heavenly Qi Orders unite, Immortal Gate opens, the great peng rises with the wind for a day."

"Immortal Fate Ground, hundred bones wither, life and death determined by destiny today."


In front of the Immortal Palace, two lines of immortal energy emerged, surrounded by oppressive words.

People looked up, bathed in golden light.

In the next moment, the ten gathered Heavenly Qi Orders spun rapidly in the sky, causing the Immortal Gate of the palace to slowly open with a long creaking sound.

Terrifying suction erupted.

The ten holders of the Heavenly Qi Orders, unable to control their bodies, were absorbed by the terrifying force into the Immortal Palace.

And the door of the Immortal Palace slammed shut once again.

The ten Heavenly Qi Orders burst with dazzling light, dispersing like meteors in all directions between heaven and earth.

The Heavenly Qi Orders disappeared, once again scattered everywhere.

Everyone was stunned.

After absorbing the holders of the Heavenly Qi Orders, the Immortal Palace closed tightly again.

"Why did the Immortal Palace close?" Five miles away, Dantai Xuan clenched his fists, bloodshot eyes appearing, as he did not have a Heavenly Qi Order.

Beside him, Mo Ju also narrowed his eyes.

"After opening the Immortal Gate with the Heavenly Qi Orders once, they scattered again. If we collect the Heavenly Qi Orders again... can we reopen the Immortal Gate?" Mo Ju thought of this.

Dantai Xuan took a deep breath. "Even if we can enter again, what then? Now that the Heavenly Qi Orders have scattered again, if we go searching again... who knows how long it will take!"


Dantai Xuan roared.

A martial general came over respectfully from behind.

"Gather the army!"

"Prepare the fire crossbows. Without the Heavenly Qi Orders, I will forcefully break through the Immortal Gate! Even if I have to pile up lives to qualify!"

Mo Ju frowned, his feather fan swaying.

"My lord, it's not advisable!"

Mo Ju persuaded, feeling that it would be better to search for the scattered Heavenly Qi Orders again and reopen the Immortal Gate.

"It's too late... Now that it's confirmed that there is Immortal Fate in the Immortal Palace, how important is seizing the opportunity?!"

"Only by obtaining Immortal Fate can one become the Emperor of the World!"

Dantai Xuan glanced at Mo Ju, ignoring the dissuasion, and continued to give orders.

Mo Ju sighed. He suddenly doubted whether choosing to serve Dantai Xuan, the prefect of Beiluo County, was the right decision.

It wasn't just Dantai Xuan.

After confirming the Immortal Fate in the Immortal Palace.

The prefects of various counties couldn't sit still.

Some prefects ordered people to search for the scattered Heavenly Qi Orders again, while others ordered the gathering of large armies. Dantai Xuan's command also inspired them.

They were going to break open the Immortal Palace with manpower.

Can the Immortal Palace withstand the impact of tens of thousands of troops?


Beiluo, Heart Lake Island.

Lu Fan leaned back in his wheelchair, holding a bronze wine cup containing warm green plum wine.

He sat on the terrace, the sky changing above his head.

The wind blew, rustling his white robe, gently swaying, his temples dancing.

He stared at the chessboard, his eyes flickering.

"Gathering ten Heavenly Qi Orders can open the Immortal Gate. Once opened, the Heavenly Qi Orders scatter again. Rarity makes things valuable. This way... people all over the world will chase after Immortal Fate."

Lu Fan played with the wine cup, his lips slightly upturned.

In his pupils, lines were flickering, and the intense intensity of his soul was constantly running. Through the spiritual pressure chessboard, he seemed to see everything happening in Wolong Ridge.

He heard Dantai Xuan's roar and saw many prefects deploying their troops.

Lu Fan took a sip of green plum wine, smiling faintly and shaking his head.

His gaze shifted to the Immortal Palace.


Inside the Immortal Palace.

Xiang Shaoyun, Li Sansi, Mo Shougui, and others stood still.

Compared to the colorful brilliance outside the palace, inside, it was eerily quiet, even a bit gloomy and damp. The air was filled with a scent of death.

However, the palace was spacious, with rows of ever-burning white candles around, their flickering light illuminating the dim palace.

"This Immortal Palace... feels somewhat like a royal tomb," Li Sansi said slowly, his voice lingering and echoing in the palace.

Xiang Shaoyun glanced at him but didn't speak. He furrowed his brows, looking around.

In the Immortal Palace, there were clearly thousands of strands of spiritual energy, so why... couldn't they see a single one now?

"An Immortal tomb? Can Immortals die too?" Mo Shougui said.

Kong Nanfei didn't speak. Instead, he took out a metal compass from his book box.

The compass was useless, unable to measure anything.

"This Immortal Palace is too strange..." Kong Nanfei took a deep breath.

Mo Shougui held his sword, squinting around. "Don't you feel like this Immortal Palace is a trap?"

"It's like someone is guiding us step by step into this palace," Mo Shougui continued, "Could it be... set up by Confucian scholars and Yin-Yang masters?"

Mo Shougui raised an eyebrow at Kong Nanfei.

Kong Nanfei put away the compass, picked up his book box, and smiled brightly at Mo Shougui. "You know too much."

"Shut up."

Suddenly, Xiang Shaoyun spoke from afar.

Mo Shougui wanted to say something, but the atmosphere in the Immortal Palace suddenly changed...

The row of white candles flickered, and with a "buzz" sound...

They turned into a deep green color on their own.


On Heart Lake Island.

In Lu Fan's pupils, the positions of the ten people who obtained the Heavenly Qi Orders in the Immortal Palace were reflected.

"The setting of this secret realm began as the tomb of ancient Qi cultivators."

"Immortal Fate, since it's Immortal Fate, naturally can't be obtained too easily."

"The tomb has spiritual energy, which transforms into spirits. Killing spirits can obtain the spiritual energy bath..."

"And... the dormant king of the copy should awaken as well..."

Lu Fan murmured, then took a sip of wine and chuckled lightly.

"Life and death are destined, wealth and honor are in the heavens."

He placed a white piece on the board.

The moment the white piece fell.

Deep in the Immortal Palace of Wolong Ridge.

A pair of eyes closed for countless ages suddenly opened.