
Create Super Fantasy

The youth sat on a chair, facing the sea. With a trace of spiritual energy, he pointed to this magnificent world. Wherever something is wrong, he points it out. ... Someone once wielded a sword and slayed a dragon, bathed in dragon blood. Someone once enjoyed drinking chicken soup, raising nine phoenixes in their backyard. Someone once sat on the mountaintop, speaking eloquently, suppressing millions of troops in one breath. Someone once moved mountains and relocated peaks with their pen, painting a beautiful picture that trapped immortals and gods. And that year, spring blossomed. They were nothing more than ordinary butchers, smelly scholars, chicken farmers, and poor artists. This is a story of transforming the Low Martial Continent into an extraordinary and fantastical world.

sunshine8023q · Eastern
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73 Chs

If Numbers Matter, are Immortals... Still Immortal?

Beiluo, Heart Lake Island.

Everything on the island was quite novel to Mo Liuliu. It was a place filled with contradictions. It seemed lively with only ten strange chrysanthemum flowers growing, yet the air was clean and fresh, purer than those deep mountain forests.

Mo Liuliu walked along the lake shore slowly, feeling the gentle lake breeze brushing against him, lifting his spirits. "Beiluo... Heart Lake Island."

Mo Liuliu slowly took off the hairpin from his head, the cheap beads on it swaying. He rubbed the name on it, gripping the hairpin tightly. "Azhu, wait for me. I will definitely come to see you alive."

Mo Liuliu said silently in his heart.

In the distance, Jing Yue carried a yellow pearwood sword box, lazily watching Mo Liuliu. Mo Liuliu was the second-ranked assassin of the Mo family, extremely powerful. Even Jing Yue might not be a match for him.

But... was Jing Yue worried?

Not at all. Because behind him sat a young man comparable to a top figure of the Hundred Schools!

Mo Liuliu still knew better than to be ungrateful. If he didn't know any better...

Jing Yue thought of the young master's bad temper and couldn't help but want to whistle to enjoy the show.

Mo Liuliu ignored Jing Yue and looked into the distance.

About a mile from the lake shore, there was a figure wrapped in a black robe, sitting cross-legged with a grim pig-killing knife on his knees. Two miles away, a woman in white sat in the same posture, seemingly communicating with heaven and earth.

Squinting, Mo Liuliu vaguely felt the serpent-like energy between heaven and earth being drawn by the two, flowing into their bodies and condensing into Qi Pellets!

Mo Liuliu remembered Lufan's request, to reach the third stage of the Qi Pellet within a day, otherwise... his head would be taken to see Azhu.

Thinking of this, Mo Liuliu inexplicably felt nervous. He didn't want Azhu to see his bloody head, so... to survive, he must reach the third stage of Qi Pellet.

"What realm is the Qi Pellet stage?" Mo Liuliu felt a headache coming on.

He turned his head and looked at Jing Yue hanging behind him. Jing Yue grinned with a brilliant smile like sunshine.

Mo Liuliu turned his head back expressionlessly...

This silly look... his aura is not as strong as mine, nor does he have any special qualities. It's better to ask the butcher.

After that, Mo Liuliu lightly stepped on his toes and flew towards Nie Changqing.


Wolong Ridge.

Outside the Immortal Palace.

The sound of battle shook the heavens.

Dantai Xuan's large red cloak fluttered in the wind as he waved the command flag in his hand. The dense army surged out and charged towards the Immortal Palace.

Mo Ju stood behind Dantai Xuan, feeling complex emotions.

Dantai Xuan had the courage to command various county governors to join forces, mobilizing a thousand troops to charge the Immortal Palace.

But Mo Ju couldn't shake off a sense of unease.

He waved his feather fan lightly, his gaze fixed firmly on the Immortal Palace.

Mo Ju admitted that what Dantai Xuan said was correct. Even someone as powerful as Xiang Shaoyun would only have to swallow his bitterness when facing tens of thousands of troops.


Could mortals really contend with immortals?

If numbers mattered, then are immortals... still immortal?


When the first soldier, his face red with excitement and stimulated by the reward of a hundred thousand silver taels, crazily charged into the Immortal Palace within five miles, the terrifying pressure forced him to kneel on the ground, cracking the ground beneath him.

The following soldiers also rushed in.

Densely packed, like a gathering of ants.

However, each one was oppressed by the pressure emanating from the Immortal Palace.

Some stepped on the bodies of the previous soldiers and continued to charge forward.

These soldiers who came from behind showed joy on their faces because they found that as the number of people increased, the pressure from the Immortal Palace decreased.

Dantai Xuan held the command flag, his gaze sharp.

When he saw one soldier after another bravely break through the five-mile barrier and continue forward, he couldn't help but show joy on his face.

 "Indeed... there's nothing that a ten thousand strong army can't solve. If there is... then twenty thousand, thirty thousand!"

"I just don't believe that we can't pave the way into the Xianyang Palace with human lives!"

Dantai Xuan's eyes blazed like torches as he raised the battle flag high.

Behind Dantai Xuan.

A squad entirely composed of first-class warriors burst forth.

Mo Ju's gaze condensed, realizing Dantai Xuan was serious, even dispatching the warrior squad that was cultivated at a great cost.

This squad might not match the individual combat strength of a master warrior, but on the battlefield, each one is a ** crushing tool against masters!

The squad consisted of twenty members, with Dantai Xuan carefully selecting top-tier first-class warriors.

Clad in fine armor, they swiftly raced through the mountain ranges.

Soon, they charged into the five-mile radius in front of the Xianyang Palace.

Their spirits were shaken.

Indeed, the terrifying pressure within the five-mile radius of the Xianyang Palace diminished as the number of people increased!

This pressure was like a limited water flow; as more people shared it, it naturally became less.

"Charge! Break through the Xian Gate!"

The leader of the warrior squad growled, bearing the pressure and speeding forward.

Four miles, three miles, two miles...

They saw the tall and mysterious Xianyang Palace gates, shrouded in a seven-colored glow.

They unslung the long poles from their backs, bundling twenty poles together to form a thick pillar.


The leader growled.

Ten members protected, ten members held the pillar, and they charged into the one-mile radius of the Xianyang Palace, aiming straight for the closed Xian Gate!

Five miles away.

Dantai Xuan's bright red robe fluttered as he tossed the battle flag to Mo Ju.

With a "zing" sound, he drew the long sword from his waist.

"Xian... is nothing more than this!"

Dantai Xuan chuckled softly.

Then, with a leap, he rushed towards the Xian Gate under the protection of his guarding warriors.

The hearts of the surrounding regional governors also became eager to try.


The expressions of everyone changed slightly.

They realized... the sky had darkened.

Looking up, they found that the once sunny sky was now covered by dark clouds that rolled in with a terrifying momentum, as if the city would be crushed!

It was suffocating.

The movements of the tens of thousands of troops within the five-mile radius of the Xianyang Palace suddenly halted, their ecstatic expressions disappearing.

Dantai Xuan's warrior squad also felt a chill instantly spreading from the soles of their feet to their entire bodies...

Around the Xianyang Palace, there were faint blue airflows constantly galloping.

The next moment...

They transformed into ripples, suddenly expanding.

The warrior squad members' bodies all shook, their actions to break open the Xian Gate frozen.


All twenty members coughed up blood.

Pressed firmly to the ground.

Their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, only to see the top of the Xianyang Palace.

The faint blue airflow began to converge, forming a palm holding a chess piece, with the palm grasping a glass-like chess piece.

A magnificent voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"Heaven and earth are ruthless, treating all things as... chess pieces."

As the voice fell, the chess piece also fell.


Only this clear sound remained in the world.


Dantai Xuan's warrior squad let out a terrified, desperate roar.

The spiritual pressure that had increased countless times in an instant directly crushed their bodies...

Boom, boom, boom!

Within five miles of the Xianyang Palace.

All the soldiers, all the warriors...

All "boom" song, like ice and snow melting away, were wiped out, leaving only the ground soaked in deep red, and the pungent smell of blood.

The immortal takes a piece and wipes away the prosperity of all living beings with a single thought and word.

Dantai Xuan's half-foot was about to step into the five-mile radius of the Xianyang Palace, yet...

Before stepping in, the nearly 20,000 troops within the five-mile radius of the Xian Gate, along with his carefully cultivated warrior squad, were all wiped out in an instant, as if erased by someone.

Only the splashing blood remained, dyeing the land in front of the Xianyang Palace a bloody red.

It was like a human hell.

Half of Dantai Xuan's body was drenched in blood, his entire body trembling like a sieve.

His eyes were filled with horror, his pupils reflecting the five-mile blood-soaked ground.

His legs weakened, and with a thud, he knelt down.


 In the celestial palace, the antechamber.

Xiang Shaoyun, who had just slain the last imp with his weapon, was enveloped in a mist of vital energy as his Qi Dantian rapidly revolved, ingesting spiritual energy. However, the spiritual energy, after entering his body, seemed to circle around and then dissipate.

"Damn it!"

Xiang Shaoyun slammed his shield onto the ground.

Lacking the means to cultivate immortality, his conversion rate of spiritual energy was pitiful, and it became increasingly difficult to refine as time went on.

Having slaughtered all the imps in the antechamber, he hadn't managed to refine even a wisp of spiritual energy.

Suddenly, Xiang Shaoyun turned his head abruptly.

Frowning, he looked towards the outside of the celestial palace, as if sensing some great terror occurring beyond.

Li Sansi and Mo Shougui also seemed to sense something.

In a fleeting moment, they felt an icy chill throughout their bodies.

"Those people outside... could they have done something foolish?" Mo Shougui muttered, his eyes narrowing.

"I, Xiang Shaoyun, and Li Sansi can't withstand the pressure within three li... For ordinary martial artists to barge in is almost a death wish."

Xiang Shaoyun withdrew his gaze, unconcerned with the fate of others.

His attention was drawn to the stone door of the central chamber.

Since there were no means to cultivate immortality in the antechamber, perhaps there would be some in the central chamber, where the coffins were placed.

Carrying his weapon, Xiang Shaoyun, with his robust figure, strode towards the closed stone door of the central chamber.

He raised his hand and pressed it against the door.


His pupils contracted.

The stone door shattered into pieces, sending dust and debris flying.

Xiang Shaoyun stepped back, staring intently at what lay beyond the door.

In the central chamber, rows of white candles ignited on their own, their eerie green flames illuminating the entire area.

Li Sansi, Mo Shougui, and Kong Nanfei gasped in unison, gathering together.

Their eyes fixed on the central chamber.

And there they saw...

As the dust settled, under the greenish glow of the candlelight,

the emaciated Taoist figure inside one of the coffins slowly turned his head.

A pair of eyes reflecting the green candle flames,

emitting a green light, stared straight at them.