
Create an army of zombies to rule the apocalypse

Traveling through the post-apocalyptic, horror zombie-ridden world, Zhou Qiang activates the zombie-making system. Zhou Qiang activates the zombie manufacturing system. The zombie manufacturing system can create all kinds of zombies. When he creates an ordinary zombie, he is just a passerby among the zombies, unnoticeable! If you create a Growler, it will rampage through the city, causing panic among the survivors! Creating the King of Zombies, the survivors retreat a hundred kilometers as it dominates the zombies! All the way to the madness of manufacturing, unknowingly, Zhou Qiang realized that the zombies he created have become so numerous that they rule over a city, becoming the King of the End Times!

GiveBreathe · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Killing zombies with traps, cool!


A strong walker, but with a thick bundle of rope on him, came under a large street tree.

It's so alien in the world of zombies.

It should be noted that walkers are unlikely to make this kind of move.

The strong walker's next action, however, challenged human perception.

It was seen removing the rope from its body and tying it under the big tree in a dead knot.

Its hands were stiff, but it did some of this maneuvering well, tying out a dead knot and holding the rope firmly in place.

Needless to say, this was the zombie doppelganger under Zhou Qiang's control.

The rope, which was quickly tied by Zhou Qiang's zombie doppelganger under his control, was just stretched across the street.

One is not enough, Zhou Qiang has prepared several.

The ropes were all tied to the sides of the trees on both sides of the street.

It was only after completing all of this that Zhou Qiang was commanding dozens of zombie minions with weapons to stand on both sides of the rope.

With this little trap, losses can be minimized.

"The next step is to draw it in."

There's a reason the trap was set here.

Not far away, there was a Mammothman strolling about.

It is the goal of Zhou Qiang.

After the deployment was completed, Zhou Qiang controlled the zombie doppelganger and began to run wildly towards this one Mammothman.

The Mammoth One was surrounded by only sporadic zombies, and it was so unique amongst this horde of zombies, with its scarlet skin, powerful muscles, and blocks bulging with explosive power.

It was equally unconscious, only doing pointless strolling.

Zhou Qiang approached it, and the brick he held in his hand, he nonchalantly threw it towards it.


Good aim, the brick hit the mammoth man.

Zhou Qiang didn't care about its reaction and immediately turned around and ran.

The tall Mammoth One, it was first confused for a moment, and in the next moment went into a state of rage.


It let out an odd growl before charging towards the walker who had dared to provoke it.

Mammothers aren't exactly fast, slightly faster than the average walker.

Zhou Qiang had a head start, and it would take some time for the Mammoth Man to catch up.

Since Zhou Qiang was only provoking the Mammothers, the scattered zombies on the streets seemed indifferent to this.

This is exactly what Zhou Qiang wants.

Controlling the doppelgangers to run wildly, the speed of ordinary zombies, who ran wildly faster than ordinary humans due to not caring about the damage to their muscles and joints.

A big one and a small one, in pursuit.

The trap set by Zhou Qiang was originally not far away, and after just a few minutes, Zhou Qiang controlled this zombie to jump up and cross the first rope.

"Stand by to slash at its head dead center as it falls."

Zhou Qiang issued a directive.

In the next moment, Zhou Qiang's thoughts, shifted to another powerful zombie.

The real starter, or himself.

After the zombie controlled by Zhou Qiang had crossed two ropes in a row, the Mammoth Man was finally there.

It let out a roar, not caring at all about some of these ropes, or in its instinctive reaction, not needing to avoid them.

And the walkers by the rope were ignored by it.

Where are the zombies in the city?

Running, the rope tripped over its feet.

At this kind of speed, and by surprise, the result is naturally tripping.

Zhou Qiang, who had been staring, didn't hesitate for half a second, controlling the strong zombie doppelganger and pouncing over with his dual swords in his hands.

The Mammoth One that just fell, it's not like a human, with a thinking consciousness.

It just instinctively tried to get up.

However, Zhou Qiang would not give it such an opportunity, and when it had only raised its head, the blade tore through the air and viciously slashed at the back of its head position.

The slash was the zombie doppelganger slashing out, doing his best.

The machete went halfway into the head and then got stuck in the bone.

Zhou Qiang's heart was startled.

The mutated zombies had tougher muscles, and even their bones were much harder.

If it was an ordinary zombie, this knife would be enough to cut its head in half.

Not being able to think too much, Zhou Qiang's machete in his other hand slashed out again.

The cut was in the neck.

The violence was immense, and again the exposed back of the neck was nearly severed as he faced the slumped Mammothman.

Both slashes were fatal wounds, and the Mammoth Man, no matter how strong he was, was killed on the spot.

Zhou Qiang had only just stood upright when the zombie minions behind him who had slowed down by half a beat pounced over as if they were crazy, all types of weapons greeting the Mammoth One's head.

In the blink of an eye, the Mammoth Man's head was sparse.

Zhou Qiang was speechless.

You're all dead, and you're just here for the fun?

[You get a Mammothman shard!

The cue appears in time.

The first Mammothman shard arrives.

Just ...

"Shit, you guys stop!"

Zhou Qiang hurriedly gave the order.

Finally, the zombies, who had been slashing about for a while, all stopped.

Zhou Qiang approached, only to see that the Mammoth Man was a bloody mess, his head and neck already in pieces.

It's the neck towards the back that's sparse.


Zhou Qiang was dumbfounded.

All that could be seen was a splash of green liquid running through the sparse meat.

Needless to think, this would be the genetic fluid produced in the zombies.

When the survivors hunted the Growlers, Zhou Qiang was the one who saw them take out this genetic liquid.

Mammothers are green, while Growlers are blue.

"It seems the blue color of the genetic fluid represents the level of the mutant zombie?"

Mammothers are first order, and the genetic fluid is green.

How many orders would the Growler be again?

Zhou Qiang now didn't even understand the role of the genetic fluid on humans, was it to allow human genes to evolve, or was it something else?

Being in this post-apocalyptic world, Zhou Qiang was a blur.

The only way to know some of this is to reach out to the survivors.

This Mammoth Man's genetic fluid, which was unusable, was destroyed by the zombie minions.

The lack of an extracting syringe is also a contributing factor.

But Zhou Qiang didn't feel too much heartache.

If you can hunt one yourself, you can hunt a second.

With this group of zombie minions in existence, it was simple to want the genetic fluid.

"Next time I return to modern Earth, I'll need to bring a bunch of syringes with me."

Mental note.

Zhou Qiang immediately commanded the zombie minions again they dragged this dead Mammothman's corpse away.

This is just the first one.

Next, it will be as it is.

"Dealing with the Mammoth One isn't as hard as one might think."

I thought it would be tense and exciting before, but now it seems to be very relaxing when used properly.

A zombie, after all, has no mind, no consciousness, and is more like an NPC.

It's harmless when you're not attacking it.

Taking advantage of the zombie minions, you can set a trap and hunt them down.

Zhou Qiang picked the machete back up and held it in his hand.

The hunt continues.


It's not just the rope.

Zhou Qiang also controlled the zombie minions, carrying an abandoned car and making a narrow gap that only allowed one zombie to pass through.

Have the zombie minions stand on the roof of the car.

The job of seduction is of course coming from Chow Keung.

It's the old fashioned way, throwing things at the Mammoths.

After attracting it, Zhou Qiang utilized a split like the skinny zombie to easily squeeze through the narrow place.

But the mammoths in the back weren't so lucky.

It didn't realize it was a trap and rushed in after it.

The result was predictable, it got stuck between two cars.

Let it be as strong as it can be, it can't make it.

The zombie minions standing on the roof of the car, who had been ready for this, shone a wild slash at its head, which was exposed on the roof of the car.

Easily, another Mammothman shard arrived.

Third approach.

Zhou Qiang had the zombie minions open the manhole covers, several in a row.

The same set-up, with Choo Keung provoking to attract the Mammothers to chase.

Then control the zombie diversion to go around, but the Mammoths simply won't.

If one sewer opening doesn't hit, the second, third ... will always hit one.

Poor Mammoth One, it fell into this sewer opening and was trapped to death.

The next step was simple, control the zombie doppelganger onto the wellhead, pick up a spear and stab it down towards the wellhead to put a hole in its head.

This approach resulted in the harvesting of a few more pieces of debris.

Fourth approach.

It's also simple to utilize tall buildings.

By bringing the Mammothers, or the Raptors to the roof of the building, they stood on the edge of the roof, and the moment they rushed over, the doppelgangers under Zhou Qiang's control only needed to dodge slightly.

Losing their target, the Mammoths or Raptors, they pounced, then rushed off the roof of the building and fell straight down.

Zhou Qiang had picked floors that were more than ten stories high, and he would be crippled if he didn't die if he fell.

After the fall, the zombie minions guarding below, of course, nonchalantly chopped its head off.

Utilizing this one method, it took a day for Zhou Qiang to gather together ten Mammothman fragments, and also hunted down three additional raptor fragments.

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