
Crazy Villain Restores His Mind

The return of a crazy catastrophic villain. Disclaimer: I do not own this work, all rights belong to the author: Kim Hyun Woo, I am only machine translating this story.

timetraveller21 · Others
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Chapter 1

I became a beast that thirsted for blood after I was drunk with power and caused a runaway. He killed and killed the visible, the sensual, and the nerve-racking. I killed the person who had the will to kill me, the person who had greed, and the person who tried to take advantage of me.

Hematoma, Blood Master. The world calls me by name. Sometimes my mind comes back, but even that for a moment. The thirst for blood came quickly and took control of the body. An indelible self-hatred engulfed me. None of this would have happened if I hadn't been greedy for power. I just wanted to be stronger than others and do better than others. The price was a hand that did not dry out blood. At one point, I felt that I had no thirst for blood. Was it because the purpose of dyeing the world with blood was achieved? When you have questions about a situation you don't understand. I started losing consciousness again. When you lose control of your body by being engulfed in madness, the feeling you feel is the same. The world is dyed hazy like a mist, and a heavy feeling of pressure weighs on my heart. In it, I struggle without being able to move. The other me, who has gone mad as if laughing at me like this, runs out without harshness and satisfies my thirst for blood. I tried many times, but what came back was ridicule. A hematoma is a monster created by not being able to control myself after all. Only me can erase this monster. Every time I struggled, I repeated it to be swallowed by him, but I did not give up and took the opportunity. Hematoma is another me. The abilities, experiences, thoughts, etc. possessed by the hematoma belonged to him as well as mine.

"Then, at one point, I felt my blurred consciousness become clearer and the sensations around me became clearer. I no longer felt the madness of the man that was pounding in my brain. Did I overcome him? Or did he find me in a new way? It was because of the nostalgic smell that permeated my nostrils that set my mind at deception. 'I was afraid of further damage or harm, so I couldn't come to see you.

'I've driven my family into a swamp with blood and lived with repeated regrets. I called him a 'boy', but in the end everything was my karma. In a situation where I cannot die on my own, the best I can do is to regain my freedom, make atonement, and take my own life.

'Apart from that, it is a great blessing to me to be able to taste my mother's food again. Even if it's a dream, even if it's his deception, it doesn't matter.

"I thanked God and reflexively reached out my hand there. And licked the contents in my hand as if he was bleeding. 'It's definitely my mother's miso soup. It was delicious. ·

Junho!" sound at the same time. As soon as I put the sound into my ear, the surrounding landscape began to change. The faces of my parents were in front of me.


is it a dream The reason I thought it was not real was because my parents were too young even though their faces were young. Parents who thought they would keep it for the rest of their lives. However, after having been afflicted several times and losing my body to the guy, all I could do was look at it from a distance, even if it was only occasionally. Parents who were getting old. As I watched him grow weaker day by day, I shed tears of blood. You could call it a dream. I was grateful to be able to see this scenery once again. But what the senses received was vividness like reality. When you can't distinguish between reality and dreams and make a bewildered expression. My parents looked at me with a bewildered expression.

"Junho, why do you eat soybean paste stew with your hands?"

"By hand?"

The place where I reflexively lowered my head was my hand with miso soup and ingredients. I thought it was a dream. But what is this reality? I scooped out soybean paste stew and put it in my mouth. I can feel the taste. From the sweet soybean paste flavor to the softly crumbled tofu, potatoes, and zucchini. 'I couldn't have dreamed so vividly. The image of my young parents, the image of me not engulfed in madness. It's not his deception. I'm back to the past before I made the mistake.

"Oh, Junho! Why are you eating food with your hands?"

It was the reason why I could laugh at my mother's surprised voice and my father's crazy gaze.

"It's delicious. It tastes better when you eat it with your hands."

I once again ate the miso soup with my hands. My mother's food with a spoonful of the seasoning called nostalgia was very delicious. When I woke up the next day, the world had not changed. There was no going crazy again, no thirst for blood.

"Are you really into the past?"

I was grateful to be able to bask in the sun with my bare mind. The world would be this happy just because I didn't go crazy. I can't even remember the last time I fell asleep because I was always chased and threatened with my life. He always whispered to me. No more rebellion to give up. You and I are separate, but in the end we are the same. He whispered that he would become one with himself and become the only being in the world. I refused and wanted to get everything about him. The only thing that came back each time was his smirk. Then, as if loosing loosely, his hands were covered with the blood of countless people. So I became the worst villain ever. In reality, he was an incompetent 25-year-old white man. I got up from my seat, spread the quilt, stretched briefly, and when I came out to the living room, the smell of boiling soybean paste stew from the kitchen and the sound of knives slicing ingredients warmly welcomed me. He took a deep breath and took the smell into his stomach. The more I did that, the more my mother's expression toward me became shaky.

"Good morning."

"'Yeah. You woke up early"

'Yes, can I help you?'

'No, thanks. But are you sure you're okay?"

-"What?"-"Well... No, no." "Haha."

It's because I dipped my hands in soybean paste stew yesterday. Even I thought I was crazy. No, I was originally called a madman, so did the madman do something crazy? Dealing with hematomas, I never thought I would be normal. If something had not been broken, I would not have been able to endure the ridicule and deception of him. He and I were broken. So, it was the top priority to avoid making the broken tee as much as possible. How can I make it look normal? Can we catch even a level 7 harmful monster right now? Then wouldn't you like to see his son's skills?

"Eat your meal."


"Wash your hands. Eat with a spoon."


Since yesterday, there has been an unusually sad look in my eyes. I guess my actions were immature. It was treated like a childish thing, but the fact that he had returned to the past was just as good. During the meal, my parents didn't say much. After the meal, even when he said that he would clean up, he said nothing but cleaned up and went to work. Left alone, I sat down in a chair in front of the computer and thought idly. Do I really need to catch even the 7th level of harmful monsters? But wouldn't you be surprised at how big it is? Were there any small 7 hazard levels? I turned my head, but it wasn't there. I erased the plan in an unavoidable situation and focused on the current situation first.

"It was when I was unemployed."

When I was a teenager, I was judged as suitable for Awakened, and since I was 20, I tried to recruit large companies and large guilds, but I failed for three years. The guy who nailed his parents to the chest. That was me, the 25-year-old Jun-ho Choi. It may seem pathetic in the eyes of others, but my 25-year career as a rare murderer had a slightly different point of view.

"I was a harmless guy. "

At least I killed it because it was annoying, I killed it because it was boring, I just killed it, because I didn't suck blood when I didn't need it. It was a moment when I was very proud of myself for not doing anything.

"Did you suck your parents' blood in this life?"

But it's not real blood, so it's okay It'll be all right. Looking back on the distant past, which is now an old memory, many old memories came to mind. I don't think I had any thoughts at this time. I was just blaming others. He resented the world and resented his incompetence. As it leads to a craving for power, it seems that he did not choose any means and methods to become stronger. Because I thought that if I gained strength, wealth and power would come to me. The result of this immature thinking was the birth of the worst villain, Hematogen. I got the power I wanted, but it wasn't without power. My family suffered a lot of damage because of my choices. Parents who have been under surveillance for the rest of their lives for having their son wrong. A younger sister who, despite her talent, did not develop it due to the crime of having her brother wrong. There is no such mistake. He wanted to be a proud son to his family, not a blood-crazed villain. So, what does a proud son look like? The thing that comes to mind right now is the 7th level monster hunting.

"I'll ask you later."

I lay in bed and waited for my parents.

"...What do you want me to be?"

Choi Jin-gyu and Lee Young-hee, who returned from farming, blinked their eyes at their son's question. It was the same yesterday, but the change in his son's appearance did not suit him. At first, he thought he might be crazy, but he thought it was better than blaming the world for nothing. And instead of a hard expression, he now smiled quite a bit.

"You've been worrying me. I'm going to pull myself together and do it properly."

"I want our Junho to become a civil servant."

Unlike Choi Jin-gyu, who was silent, Lee Young-hee quickly expressed her wish.

"A public official?"

' Not all civil servants hunt animals and arrest villains, so... Huh?"

"What do you think?"

At the son's question, Choi Jin-gyu felt Lee Young-hee stabbing him. It was a signal, but I couldn't pass my son's eyes as if he had mastered the world. It was still unfamiliar to him that he had changed overnight, but how can I stop him from becoming a father when he wants to draw a better future than now? It would be nice to give it a meaning to try again.

"If I have to say, it's good to do what you want to do."

"There's nothing I want to do."

"Then why don't you think about it now?"

"What are you talking about when you see Junho trying to pull himself together!"

"I'm not just saying that. Junho hasn't found a way yet, but if he finds a proper way, he can get a decent job."

"Do you say that when you know it's not easy?"

"It depends on what Junho does." What do you think?"

-"Before that, I'm curious about my father's thoughts." How about a civil servant hunter?"

"Not bad."

"Is that so?"

"I am put on relatively less risky missions, I serve my country, and not losing my salary.

come If you like a stable job, it will be the most ideal job."

"Then I'll do it."

"Aren't you thinking about other places?"

"It seems to be the most comfortable. Staying at home, too."

After a moment's pause, the son looked into his and his wife's eyes and said, "And since my parents said they liked it, I wanted to do it too."

"..." Choi Jin-gyu was very moved, and his wife was moved to tears. The immature son grew up in one day. The income isn't great, but how good it is to be stable! Junho, you'll do well.

""But to become a civil servant hunter, you have to be at least level 1.

"Even with the touch of his wife stabbing him in the side again, Jinkyu Choi said steadfastly.

"Level 1, can you do it?" Level 1, that was Choi Jun-ho's rebellion. Of course, the rare Choi Jun-ho didn't care at all.

"Is it even level 9?"

"Our Junho has changed a lot."

"Men tend to grow up at some point."

He said that, but he didn't know that his son, who had been a troublemaker, would change so suddenly. It was quite satisfying.

"Can I do it well?"

"I will, because I don't usually say it in my mind."

"You have to find a way. All we have to do is trust and watch." "That's true."Trusting and watching over his son. It was not an easy task, but the two decided to trust him this time. "By the way, level 9, Junho's bluffing too. Who does he look like?"


I decided my career path after listening to my parents, but I think it was a pretty good choice. Considering that he suffered from relentless pursuit after being branded as a villain because he could not control his rare abilities, the civil servant hunter is the best choice. A civil servant hunter is a state official. Secure employment and not excessive work intensity. He is as small as a rat's tail, but he also holds public power. What an ecstatic sound of public power. There was no proof that I would stand on the side of public authorities as proof of my determination to change as I began to live a new life. It's money, if you have time, you can catch a few monsters, and there's a bounty hanging on the villain's neck. There is no shortage of money just because you become a public servant hunter. Having made the decision, it was time to put it into action.

My plan is to go to Seoul and take the civil service hunter exam. At the house in Seoul where she was staying two years ago, her current younger sister, Choi Yoon-hee, was preparing for a job. She is another sore finger, a younger sister. This time, I have to help you do well without blocking the way ahead. But she had never taught anyone, so that part took a little while.

"If you roll it until the end of your life, your skills will improve, right?" All the guys who didn't improve their skills are dead, so they have no choice but to improve. Being her younger sister, it is important for her to be in moderation. She made plans for the future and trained up and down the mountain to wake up her sagging body. Then she suddenly stopped at the scenery of her parents' orchard, and headed there, saying,

"I was indifferent."

Just because I don't kill people and don't suck blood doesn't mean I'm naive. The size of the orchard, which is not easily accessible at a glance, could tell the hardships of the parents. A world where demons appeared and changed dramatically. After seeing the apple tree ruined by the harmful demons combined with the native creatures, he went around the orchard and went into the house.

"The number of harmful monsters has increased these days."

My question brought a bitter smile to my father's lips.

"It was fine until then, but they say that even demons evolve. The time has come to use more expensive extermination equipment."

"What is the price?"

"It's expensive. The more the monsters evolve, the higher the price."

"I'll figure it out."

" 'Is there a way?'


'You don't have to do it if it's dangerous.'

"It's not exactly dangerous. It's kind of annoying."

When I suffered from a chase, I was an awakening person, but the monsters that come all the time were also annoying. Having lived a life of escape, I knew very well how to drive out demons. No matter how strong a villain is, eating, eating and sleeping doesn't change. In fact, it was annoying later on, so he killed all the tribes that found the monster.

'Yes, please.'

'It won't take long.'

I went into the room, changed into comfortable sweatpants, grabbed the truck key, and went outside. "The extermination mechanism is ultimately to drive out low-grade harmful monsters.

"Is the third stage of the remains enough?"

My son went out around noon until it was dinnertime and there was no news. Seeing that she had left her smartphone, the means of communication, Lee Young-hee was not the only one worried.

'You're all right, aren't you?'

'I'm all right.'

'Don't you think you're overdoing it?

Maybe you're trying to act like you've changed."-

"I didn't mean to.""

Choi Jin-gyu drooled while thinking of his son, who was calm as if he was going out for a drink in the neighborhood.

"You dragged him to the truck. You should have asked me where I was going!"

At the voice of Lee Young-hee, who had become quite impatient, Choi Jin-gyu shook his head. "Let's wait a little longer." At that time, a truck engine sound was heard outside. "Junho!" Seeing Lee Young-hee, Jin-gyu Choi followed behind. When the couple came out, they could see a huge object loaded in the cargo hold of the truck:

"Well, what is it?"

"Can you turn on the light?" Lee Young-hee wanted to ask what it was right away, but she checked what it was and turned on the front yard light while thinking about it. And she almost fainted.

"Meh, boar?"

A huge wild boar, twice the size of a normal wild boar, was lying in the luggage compartment.

"It's an eco-friendly anti-hazard device. Wait a minute."

When Choi Jun-ho went inside, the couple left alone looking at the wild boar with blank eyes. The wild boar, which corresponds to the 3rd level of remains, was a ferocious monster that even experienced hunters risked their lives for. The tough leather that can withstand the toughness and bullets that can't be hidden is the one that causes the most damage to farmhouses. But catching it At that time, the body of the wild boar shook.

"Gee, I'm wriggling now. Aren't you alive?" Lee Young-hee, who had become contemplative, trembled at her. Choi Jin-gyu didn't even express it, but it felt like his heart was dropping. After a while, Lee Young-hee said, holding his son who was carrying a basin.

"Hey, Junho! Isn't that thing alive?"

"It's clean, isn't it?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Why did you catch the beast alive?"

"It's okay." Choi Jun-ho put the wild boar in the luggage compartment on the floor. What the couple would say at the sight of their son who casually puts down a wild boar that weighs hundreds of kilograms, or maybe even a ton. The more surprising sight was next. As Jun-ho Choi grabbed the boar's neck and turned it, it turned around with a crackling sound. After that, he began to receive the dripping blood into the basin. Jin-gyu Choi and Young-hee Lee opened their mouths at the unbelievable sight. The monster that should be avoided the most when they meet in the mountains is being treated like a toy in his son's hands.

"The boar is level three, so if you sprinkle blood on the orchard, you won't be able to access other low-grade ones."

If you hang the bones, they know there are higher-ranking predators and they won't approach you.

"Because the repellent device mimics the body odor of a higher-level predator after all. It's a structure where the prey doesn't wander where the predator is." Choi Jun-ho's hand dug into the boar's stomach. Then, wanting to dig inside him, he pulled out his red-stained hand and brought it to his mouth to lick the blood. A deep smile appeared on his lips as if he had tasted the delicacy.

"Ah! The blood is fresh. The smell and taste are strong. The effect of a repellent device is certain." The couple did not say anything as they saw their son smiling brightly with his bloody mouth.

I will be updating at least once a week

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