
Crazy upgrade system

【Fiery Upgrade System】Broken meridians can't be cultivated? Never mind! There is a crazy upgrade system, do tasks, kill monsters, devour some other people's spiritual power, or refine the next elixir, carve a large array, you can gain experience! Too low experience? Unafraid...

LY_WQ · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Chapter 17 The Chain!

Poetry snow cloud words, let Yi Tianyun's heart almost stopped, this is the real trust in their own people, believe in their own ability! Even if everyone does not believe in herself, only she believes in herself, it is enough.

Yi Tianyun smiled faintly and said immediately: "Since my aunt believes in me so much, then I will not live up to my aunt's expectations!"

Soon under the leadership of Shi Xueyun, they came to the temporary forging room, which was built in accordance with Master Kong's previous ideas. Although a bit of a big deal, but considering the future will be hired to help build weapons, so set up a forge room, is not a problem.

Although the forging room is still relatively simple, but it is enough to build spirituals.

"These are the materials to build the spirit, but we only have five sets of materials, allowing for two failures." Shi Xueyun's implication is that Yi Tianyun can fail twice, but because he only needs to prove that he can build spiritual objects, it is not a problem to fail four times.

"That's enough. There's no failure for me." Yi Tianyun indifferent way.

He is very clear about the junior forging skills he acquired before, and he can definitely create a good level of spirit. However, due to the limited level, it is also limited to the lower Pinling level, but this is enough.

"There is no failure, which is a big breath, unless you reach the level of a five-piece blacksmith." Have you reached the level of the fifth forging master?"

Master Kong is not used to listening next to him, his current level, the success rate of building spirit is basically 50% level, can not guarantee 100% level. Yi Tianyun said so, immediately let him not happy.

"Five forging is unlikely, but who says that to build a successful spirit, you must have five forging levels?" Yi Tianyun lightly said a sentence, and then looked at poetry snow cloud said: "I do not know what kind of weapons need to be built?"

"A long sword, that's basically what we use here." Poetry snow cloud said.

Yi Tianyun nodded, came to the side of the material, slightly selected, selected a set of materials to build the spirit, came to the stove. This stove is full of ordinary flames, so it will undoubtedly be slightly more difficult to burn.

However, this is not difficult for him, and it can be successfully forged by relying on this.

"Pretend, I want to see how long you can be brave!" Master Kong thought that Yi Tianyun was bluffing, that he wanted to deliberately suppress prices, or other things, which was equivalent to rejecting him in disguise.

After all, Yi Tianyun's reputation is far and wide, spreading everywhere is a bloodless waste, and even cultivation is difficult, but also can cultivate?

Yi Tianyun ignored him completely and was ready to start throwing materials into the furnace.

Next to the three elders face uncertain, are full of doubt on Yi Tianyun attitude, but also looked at their own palace Lord, feel the palace Lord too spoil this Yi Tianyun. If you fail to try to be brave, you will not only lose a large amount of wealth, but also provoke Master Kong, which is simply to lose the wife and break the army.

"Lord, if you fail..." The elder could not help saying.

"I know my place." Poetry snow clouds lightly back.

"Lord, you can't be too capricious, I know you dote on him, but you can't spoil him too much!" What will we say if we fail?! How can we enter the ancient site of Tianshen, there is no weapon in hand!" The two elders were directly angry, and the number of places she had fought for her disciples was gone, and now if she failed, she would have no weapons.

These materials are not cheap, so every failure is extremely painful.

"All the consequences, I bear." Poetry snow cloud is so light response.

The two elders fell into a trance and immediately withdrew to one side and did not speak, with some dissatisfaction flashing in their eyes, but she was not the Lord of the palace, so she could only follow.

The three elders did not interrupt, and the first two elders had all touched nails, so her words naturally did not make any sense.

"If we fail, we will report to the ancestors, and then everything will be judged by the ancestors!" The two elders suddenly added.

In this day Xuan palace, the oldest qualified is not them, but those who retired after the old ancestor, are unfathomable, as the most powerful backing.

"At will." Poetry snow cloud lightly said.

This sentence, angry she almost want to swear, this is also for the sake of the heavenly palace.

"Lord, or I promise..." Xiaolian think things have made a big, heart for a moment of sadness, is whispered with poetry snow cloud said up.

Just words have not finished, poetry snow clouds indifferent way: "Believe in the clouds."

Xiaolian a terrified, look up to Yi Tianyun, beautiful eyes more than a little firm.

During the conversation, Yi Tianyun threw all the materials into the furnace and began to temper them.

"Ha ha, the original is a fool ah, one breath into all the materials, you are a fool's behavior ah!" Even if you want to pretend, don't pretend, okay?" Master Kong pointed to Yi Tianyun's behavior and laughed, his eyes as if they were looking at an idiot.

Yi Tianyun is unmoved, still maintaining the refining of weapons, the speed is not fast, the spiritual force in the body is running, and the weapon continues to be tempered.

The other elders looked at each other, but could only bear it, before Shi Xueyun had said that, what they said was useless.

"Unfortunately, so good material is so wasted, for me, I can't say that it can be forged, at least 50% chance." What could have been a spirit artifact is now a pile of waste..." Master Kong laughed and felt that everything was so ridiculous.

Yi Tianyun was still unmoved, allowing Master Kong to continue to build no matter how he scolded.

Over time, the furnace did not explode and the materials inside did not fall apart, but gradually began to take shape. It formed the shape of a long sword, and with continuous refining, it became smaller and smaller, looking more and more like a long sword.

At this time, Master Kong's laughter suddenly stopped, and his face was frozen looking at the long sword inside the stove. If it had failed, this would not have happened, but it would have been scrapped directly.

"This, this can't be... That would require a lot of control to be able to refine it all at once, which is absolutely impossible!" Master Kong began to panic, the reason why he thinks it will fail is not that this practice will fail, but that it needs strong control to be able to forge it.

The situation now appears, and there is no failure, but continue to change to the probability of success!