
Crazy Surge

When Jay Thompson and his crazy, loving family gets split by a series of unfolding events and the teenage kids find out that they're not like other humans, and have been chosen by forces yet unseen to help and protect a certain girl who possessed the Essence of a powerful constellation. With special gifts, these teenagers were tasked with the job of protecting this girl and the Essence inside of her from the hands of those willing to use it for nefarious purposes. Get thrilled and lost in the saga and romance drama as the teenagers battle the evil forces threatening to destroy the world as they know it.

MiracleAy22 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone, both living or dead or any event, place and any other thing is totally coincidental.

Madison Lopez was certain that this was no ordinary dream. Just like the previous dreams, this one still had the same message and she had a strange feeling that she couldn't place, like this was her destiny. If this was really true then, there wasn't much time and that meant she had to start moving.

She stood up and picked up her phone and dialed someone, it rang for a little while until the person on the other end picked it while mumbling incoherently.

"Matt, are you there"

"Yeah, um-oh, uh Maddie, is that you?"

"Yes it's me, I think I called at a wrong time, I'll talk to you later."

"No, it's fine. It's 7am I should have been up by now but I slept in late. What do you want to talk about?"

"Um can you come over, I need to tell you in person."

"Okay, I'll be right there"

"Thanks Matt"

"It's no problem"

She sat down back on the bed and bent her head, Matt was her only brother and the only family she had apart from her grandma who she lived with and her uncle. If she was going to save the both of them then they had to leave here. It was comfortable staying with Grandma, but it wouldn't be safe much longer - that is if they continued to remain here, and she had thought hard about it ever since the dreams started. It was time to go.

Matt was her elder brother and had every right to protect her but she felt it should be the other way round.

He lived in the next building, so it would take sometime to get here, but he made it quite quickly judging from the sounds of quick footsteps on the hallway

She went and unlocked the door after a few knocks. Matt rushed in and held her tightly, trying to find out the problem.

She wiggled out of his arms and sat on the bed holding her head in both arms. "Matt I think it's time we leave here"

Matt sat close to her and softly placed a hand on her back. "Is it because of the dreams?"

"They're becoming so unbearable!! I don't know what to do, I have this feeling of great responsibility on me that I need to start doing and if I don't do it l wouldn't forgive myself but the problem is that I don't want to leave here, leave Grandma or even uncle!!"

"Hey, just calm down okay? If you want us to leave then let's leave, I'm willing to help you in whatever way I can. And as for Grandma and uncle, they'll understand. Just follow your heart."

"Are you sure?"

"You can trust me on this"

"Okay, let's start packing"


Maddie had packed up and was waiting for Matt to get his bags from his room.

While she waited, she picked up a photo of their parents and stared at it. A single tear dropped out of her left eye, but she wiped it away and put the photo in her bag.

As she was about to sit down, wondering what was keeping her brother, A loud gunshot was heard. Panicking, She dashed to the door to find out who it was, but got hit by the door as Matt also struggled to enter.

"What the hell is going on?"She asked rubbing her forehead angrily " I have been waiting for you for...." A hand flew to her mouth. She looked directly at Matt who had his index finger on his lips.

He shushed her and pointed to the door "there are armed men out there who are looking for the both of us, I don't know what's going on but I think we have to sneak out of here if we want to get out of here alive."

"But what of uncle and Grandma? Do we just leave them here?"

His expression became sad and she could only guess one thing.

"No, that's not possible, it's not true, I won't believe that"

"I'm sorry Maddie, but its true and we're next if we don't leave this damn place"

It was bound to happen and if she doesn't do what the messenger had told her, the effect will not just be on her but the whole world will suffer the consequences.

She picked up her bag - A black backpack - and slung it on her shoulder..she raised her head and looked at Matt with a new surge of determination.

She had to move. If she wasn't able to save her parents, Grandma and uncle, she would try her best to protect and save her brother, herself and the world.

And last of all she had to find the remaining kids alongside the girl that the messenger had told her that they must find and protect.

She had a hunch that she'd finally become someone who has a will and a purpose in this world

"Matt, let's go"




This is the eye that watches all.


Thank you🙂🙂

Now sit back and Enjoy