
Crazy Scripted Love

Camila Bolton is a hard-working young woman passionate about music who leads an ordinary life as a waitress in a small bar in Los Angeles, until after auditioning for talent program where she is chosen to become the next Hollywood pop icon. In order to fulfill her dream, she will have to rearrange her life and adapt to the luxuries and glamor that comes with being a big star, and she also has to try not to cross the line, since in her new adventure she will meet Shawn Houston, a ruthless boy and a daredevil who comes into her life like any other client but who will awaken a thousand emotions in her. Both have an unstoppable chemistry but numerous secrets will come to light in the midst of media chaos. Face a new reality as a star or get stuck in an ordinary life?

kevincronwell · Celebrities
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16 Chs


Another summer evening was falling over the Malibu skyline, and meanwhile, in West Hollywood, the sun's rays were dazzling on the wooden headboard of my bed. Already with the waitress uniform placed on me, I took my bag and left the house in the direction of the restaurant.

You probably don't know me but my name is Camila and I'm from Los Angeles. I live with my father; Fred, a farmer from Calabasas who was separated from my mother after being caught with her boss. After that, my father decided to take care of me and we moved to this suburb that I love so much.

"Camila you're late" Maggie said with her arms crossed. Maggie is a friend of Camila's who attends the bar and is also the one who prepares the drinks.

"There was a fight in the bar next door and I had to shoot from behind" I went in to take off my jacket and put it in a bag in one of the lockers.

"Don't worry, Teresa needs you at the bar, she says the coffee pot is clogged. Do you have any idea about it?" Maggie raised an eyebrow.

"I think so, I'm the only woman at home, I'll make it by myself" I smiled.

"Great, then go march over there where I've kept these boxes."


I went to the bar where Teresa was crouched over the coffee pot, trying to figure out a way to figure it out.

"I'm already here, how can I help you?" I look at Theresa.

"I don't know where to start. I dumped the coffee in the bottom and nothing comes out, it's been like this for half an hour."

"Oops… you better see the customers where I'm trying to fix it, okay?"

"Thanks Camila, I hope it works out and by the way, Max sends his regards" Maggie winked at me.

"That idiot again?" I looked askance.

"You've got him crazy in love" Maggie makes a heart gesture with her hands.

"I'll see Teresa, I'll see" I shrugged.

While Teresa went to serve some guys who had recently come in for drinks, I stayed behind the bar trying to fix the coffee machine.

I had almost no idea about the devices or mechanics, but we couldn't leave it like that and we did know that the vast majority came to have coffee.

At that moment, a handsome and lonely young man walked in with his hands in his pockets, looked around the place and sat in the back waiting for one of the waitresses to serve him.

With dark brown hair, like coffee itself. A mysterious and vain look, dazed but passionate. Sheathing under a white shirt and corduroy pants.

I looked at Teresa to tell her that there was no solution and that it would be better to inform the boss. At that moment, Teresa turned to me and ordered me to attend to the young man.

"Camila there is a very tempting boy who looks at you enough, do you want to go?" Maggie said, biting her lip seductively.

"Now? But I haven't finished fixing the coffee pot yet and I don't think I can, it's too complicated."

"Really? Damn, I'll have to call Charlie." Maggie crossed her arms, glaring at the coffee pot.

"Charlie? Not to mention, call the boss and have him check it out or get someone else" I wiped my hands on a napkin.

"Okay, but go serve that guy, we don't want to lose customers" Maggie put a hand on my butt.

"Here I go Cupid" I took a small notebook and went to where the boy was sitting.

I took a small notebook that I always use to write down what customers want to order and a pen.

As I was going towards him, a newly arrived couple stopped me on the way and while an apprentice waitress attended to said young man. The boy didn't take his eyes off me. Maggie was right.

He was very tempting.

"Hello?" said the man who remained close to his girl waiting for her to take notice.

"Oops, sorry, I was a little off. What do you want?" I bit my lip and leaned against the table.

"Give us some nachos and a coke" the man began to look at Camila, who saw her a little out of context.

"I'll bring them to you right now" I nodded my head and marched to the bar.

"I hope it doesn't take as long as she has taken us to attend to" the man said and I closed my eyes as soon as Maggie turned to me.

"Issues?" he arched an eyebrow.

"That couple has havoc" I snorted and left the notebook on top of some boxes.

"Either that or you just made a fool of yourself looking at him" Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Maybe...he's so attractive" I rested my arms on the counter and my head on my hands.

"There have been no boys here since we did the opening party."

"Do you think he'll be single?"

"I would say that he even lives alone" we both began to look at him from top to bottom.

"That would be lovely" she said with a smile.

"Do you want to ask for her number? You look so salamander," Maggie insinuated, seeing Camila dreamily letting her body fall on the counter.

"What are you saying? I wouldn't even do that. I don't think I'm capable of it" I got back up and took the notebook again.

"A rude girl," Maggie assumed.

"She is what she has her" I shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

As night fell over the city, Maggie ordered me to take out the garbage accumulated from the afternoon to some containers behind the bar and as usual, I would go out to throw them away once there were no customers to attend to.

But that night was different.

I turned off the lights of the place before closing, Maggie had already left the kitchen and I while she carried the bags in what held my bag.

Leaving towards the containers I began to hear footsteps behind me.

"You should know that it's time to close, gentleman" I threw the bags into their respective containers and turned around seeing that it was the lonely young man from the table in the back.

"Where are you going miss?" the young man smiled.

Welcome to CSL! A fanfiction based on the music video Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilo Cabello. This story will be romantic with drama and suspense. It will have themes such as addictions, fame and its consequences and the lives of stars. I hope you like this first preview. Things are coming!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have a beautiful day.



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