
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Fantasy
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79 Chs

One year

Duluk took us inside the hut, there were other children present here as well they were ten. All between two and thirteen.

- "gralu do wabou cro bah ?"

- "shraa !"

I can't understand them, it's a pity. I really would have liked to get a skill in universal language or a blessing that would allow me to understand the language instantly. That reminds me I didn't try to see if I had a system. I was about to try when someone took me in her arm.

-"gaboo gaboo"

She was looking at me with her big eyes wide open.

What is it girl, have you never seen an adorable little baby ? Whatever, just put me back and don't disturb me anymore. I'm a busy man. Unfortunately, the only sound that got out of my mouth was :


A wide smile showing all her sharp teeth appeared on her face, sending chills down my back. Trying to keep face, she carefully put me back like a good girl, and then...

- "Arga ahahaha"

She started to tickle me to death. The girl didn't let me go off the afternoon. She played or rather tortured me till the evening when the oldest orc took us to the neighbor to get us fed.

I was then brought back to the cradle and soon started to sleep soundly.

The next day, after breakfast, the girl who was with the woman who has brought us here came to see us. She played with us a little bit until she took our wristband and decipher what was written on it.

-" Du lam buki Yalak uba Lasa "

I kept looking without any kind of reaction trying to understand what she was saying.

She directed her hand toward herself and said :

- "Mo buky Vaela"

Oh I get it ! her name is buky Vaela ! That was easy ! In one month I'll be able to speak the orc.

She then directed her hand to me. Seems like I'll get a new name.


And then toward the baby next to me :


So My name is now Yalak. Does not sound too bad. I bet it means something great ! I'm starting to like this name. And the name of the one who accompanied me since the start is Lasa. Well, then Nice to meet you Zala.


- One year later -

It has been one year since I came to this world, and I learned many things. Honestly, it was one of the toughest years of my life. Well, it was also the best one as well since I lived for a year.

Hahaha, I'm joking, I hated it.

I'm quite funny, Am I not ? Of course, otherwise, I would have become crazy all those years in the dark.

Anyway, the first three months were really boring. We only ate, sleep, and played (or getting tortured) every day. Vaela, and not Buky Vaela as I believed, came every day to tell us stories. It was thanks to her that I started to improve my understanding of the orc language.

After those three passed. I regretted them very much. The three following were hellish. Because we were old enough we could eat meat, at least that was what we were given, the problem was that winter arrived. It was cold, the hut wasn't well isolated there were even holes in some walls. I bet the highest temperature we had was 5°C. I have never been this glad to be held by Ushha, my torturer, we were keeping each other warm. On the coldest night, I could feel the heat emanating from my and Zala's chest. Thanks to that the three of us could get a bit of sleep.

The cold wasn't the only problem. We didn't get to eat much. It wasn't surprising to not be able to eat for several days. The orphan not only had to earn themselves their but they had to share it with those who couldn't work. We were lucky to have Vaela coming with meat once a week. One thing surprised me, even though the meat was as hard as ice, my teethes were able to shred it.

One of the young Orcs didn't survive winter. I have come to learn that in the past years, they used to lose at least 3 Orcs per winter.

When the winter ended everyone where relieved and excited only Duluk remain calm and a bit anxious. I now understand well enough Orcish, as they call it, to guess what they say. I didn't try to start practicing speaking so that there aren't suspicious of me.

The orc became much more active during spring and summer. We got plenty of food, we were growing quickly. Vaela and the others started to teach us to speak. There were impressed by my progress. Zala was getting jealous each time I was getting more praised than her. It was the seed that awakened her competitive spirit. She started to mimic and try better me at everything. I was the first one to walk even if she succeed one day later. Ushha who was seven passed most part of her time with us unless she had worked to do.

During the beginning of summer, the tribe held I tried to go there but there was always someone to prevent me from going out.

I also tried everything to know if I had or if I could get a system. From calling "status" in my head to dropping some blood on my wristband but nothing worked.

During my experience phase, I got the surname of Yalakush which means crazy or idiot, I'm certain even today.

Well, it is quite understandable, if you saw a kid repeating the same movement a thousand times, or trying to kiss the first girl he saw (it nearly got me killed). You would be wondering how strong this kid has hitten his head when he was born.

And yes I was ready to do everything I read to see if I could get a system.

Well, now everyone is preparing for winter. Everyone is working hard. I try to help with Zala but no one is taking us seriously. I still can't do much with my small body so I pass most of my time by playing with Zala or trying to get the feeling in my chest again by meditating. It's quite funny because Zala is mimicking me.

There is something that intrigues me. I'm wondering how Zala and I are related. Is she family or not? Well, Zala doesn't seem to care and take me for her brother like Ushha told her.

I can't wait for the day I would finally be able to venture outside.