
Crazy Noble Wife!!?

This is about a very beautiful young lady - Mo Deok who has the face of the innocent but is said to be both shameless and crazy!!. She is forcefully married the Soon To Be King - Prince Jang Uk. Her mother, Her brother's mother and Jang UK mother died at the same day, time and year. Will they be able to solve this mystery and find love on their way?. She also has to prove her rightful ownership of being Queen. Many people would despise and hate saying Jang UK made a grave mistake by marrying her.

Cutie_Bear · History
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - Into The Palace

It was already morning when the sun was still peeping through the window with its brightness. Dol rubbed her eyes open so as to be sure it was morning. She stood up and lay her back on the wall, still sitting on the bed.She held her head high feeling a lot of pain in there. She said gosh, my head. I think I drank too much last night. Suddenly, she felt someone holding her hands. She immediately turned to look at the person, Holy Shit!! What's he doing on the bed?. She recalled how she slept on him when they lay on the floor last night and her pupils were dilated. She held her head and started shaking it - I'm so embarrassed. Stupid fool!. Even if you like him, you shouldn't have done that.

She got down from the bed and as she was about to remove her hand slowly, he dragged her on his chest. Shit!! he is so muscle like, She said. When she started hearing his heartbeat, she began blushing and smiling. What're you thinking of?. Dol eyes immediately widened due to the shock that Ye Ze just woke up and she was on him. He immediately let go of her hand and removed her from his chest. He cleared his throat "Hm!!!. You told me that I shouldn't let go of your hand, so it's not what you're thinking. I'll leave". He immediately rushed to the door, opened it and left.

Sa Dol could only blink. Oh well, he doesn't like me. What was I thinking?. She stopped smiling and she went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Mu Deok just woke up from her beautiful dream when she said Oh how I just wish to die and continue my dream. She totally forgot about yesterday night when she was drunk. She felt a splitting headache in her head. She said how come I don't remember anything about yesterday night?. What did I even do?.

She removed the clothe she was wearing and headed to the bathroom. She turn on the shower and water started falling on her head down to her toes. When she was done, she took a towel and wrap herself up in it. She took the hairdryer to dry her hair. When she was done, she packed all her clothes into three luggages. She wore a white sleeveless gown reaching her knee. There was a big red rose at the side of her waistline, She had a slender waist so the gown really fitted her. She wore a black heel and she tied her hair into a ponytail. She tuck the remaining strand of hair at the front of her ear. She was exquisite.

Someone was knocking on the door of her room, so she opened it. Master Yeung said that the carriage is ready. Deok could only sigh and say Okay, let me go get my luggage. She took her luggage so as Dol. They both went outside the house where both Ye Ze and Yeung was. The carrier took the luggages into the carriage. Mu Yeung said Ye Ze would accompany you two to the palace until twilight. Deok hugged her father - I'll miss you. Mu Yeung said don't worry I can always visit. And also behave well. Deok said I'll. The three entered the carriage and the carrier started to move with the horses.

They got to the Palace and the Palace was extremely beautiful. From the outside, there were different kinds of flowers and on the inside compound, there were vegetarian crops, there was a very big apple and orange tree at the side. The Fowls were everywhere at the side of the garden. There were so many lively and beautiful things. Inside, the palace was very large. Ye Ze said this is the Eastern Palace. The Prince Palace is in the West. Dol could only open her mouth and Deok could only raise her two brows.

A guard came and said "Are you from the Mu family?". Yes said Ye Ze. Okay please follow me, the guard said. They followed the guard to the Western Palace. When they reached there, It was more beautiful than the Eastern Palace. There were more of trees than the other Palace. It was light brown in color with hibiscus flowers around it. This time, Deok couldn't raise her eyebrow. She could only say Wow!!!. They entered the palace and saw a man facing the window with his hands at his back. They could only see his back but from his back, you could tell that he's more than handsome. The guard said 'My Prince, they're here'. The Prince said you can leave. The guy bow his head and left the room.

Deok whispered something in Ye Ze's ear - Brother if he isn't handsome,I'm leaving because I don't understand the use of this forced marriage. Ye Ze looked at her and then blinked thrice before saying - Your Highness, we would gladly like it if you show us your face. The Prince smiled and turned to look at them. He said sorry, you don't mind me thinking of something. Both Deok and Dol widened their mouth in shock. Even Ye Ze could not stop looking at him.

This Prince facial features were exquisite. His long silver hair and those long curly eyelashes, they're breathtaking. He has a broad nose and pink lip. His eyes colour is also silver. He wore a silver thick robe making both his hair and eyes looks delicate with it. If a person should see him, they wouldn't be able to take their eyes off him. Even a guy would fall for him. With the way he smiles, he looks cute because of his dimples. He is more than exquisite, he is a breath taker, charmer and most of all he looks like a Gentleman with the way he smiles. So cute!!!!.

I'm Prince Jang UK. The Prince of this Western Palace. I'll be the next heir to the throne. What's your name beautiful?.