
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · Urban
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60 Chs

Unexpected visitor (chapter 35)

That night Lucas didn't sleep in their room he stayed up all night in the guest room,apart from how he shamelessly checked her out and touched her without her permission the way she reacted didn't bother him what bothered him was the mark he had seen on her back,he tried so many times to recall where he had seen the mark but he couldn't recall anything,he didn't know why but that mark made him feel uneasy,he didn't sleep the entire night,Jennie too had difficulty sleeping she had waited for him but he didn't show up,maybe I overreacted he didn't have bad intentions I shouldn't have been harsh,is he angry and decided to sleep in the other room,we have stayed with each other for almost a month and he never crossed the line,he said he had seen the mark on my back somewhere that's why he touched me,I should have been calm maybe that mark reminds him of something,why did I overreact this is unlike me,she thought .Early in the morning Jennie woke up and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast she served the breakfast and after some minutes Lucas joined her in the dining room "good morning?" asked Jennie anxious,she had thought he won't come for breakfast "good morning to you too, did you sleep well?" he asked he saw the dark circles under her eyes and frowned "yes,why didn't you come back?" she asked Lucas was suprised by her question,was she waiting for me the whole night ? is that why she has those dark circles under her eyes? he wondered,he too didn't sleep but he was used to having sleepless nights he didn't have dark circles under his eyes "I'm sorry I had some work to take care of,if I had known you were waiting for me I would have told you not to" he lied,he felt happy when she had said she had been waiting for him but he also felt gulity for making her stay awake the entire night,I should have gone back to clear things with her,he thought "about yesterday I'm sorry,I shouldn't have touched you without your permission " he added "it's okay,I'm sorry too for the way I reacted I shouldn't have been so harsh on you" she apologized "no need to I was wrong,lets have our breakfasf then" he said and both sat down to have their breakfast.

After breakfast Lucas helped her clean the utensil "won't you go to work?" she asked,since she was admitted in the hospital Lucas never went to his office "I'll go once nanny comes back,the doctor said you shouldn't be left alone" he replied "when will she come back?" "the day after tomorrow,also we will go to visit my grandfather before your baby bump becomes bigger" he said and Jennie nodded her head.The thought of going to see his grandfather made her nervous,she didn't know whether her perfomance will be convincing enough,the old man had helped her get a job and in return she was going to lie to him,she hated she was going to lie to him but she had come this far there was no turning back,older people are wise and intelligent she hoped he won't find out about their lie.Lucas looked at her and saw she was frowning deep in thoughts "what's wrong?" he asked "are you scared to meet my grandfather?" "yes,what if he finds out about our lie,he had helped me so much and I don't feel comfortable lying to him" she said her face full of worry,Lucas smiled "don't worry we're in this together later I'll explain everything to him I'm sure he will understand,we only have to tell him a convincing story and he won't doubt us" he comforted and Jennie nodded her head,she just hoped once he learns the truth he won't be so disappointed in her.

Jennie sat on the living room watching a action movie while eating fruit salad of late she always felt hungry,Lucas had alot of movie collections, the movie she was watching was about vengence which caught her attention,"is it good?" asked Lucas sitting next to her and Jennie nodded her head "have never watched it" he said "why it's so good" she said her eyes on the tv screen "I hardly have time for movies,I'll be leaving I have something to take care of,I have called one of my employees she will come to keep you company and take care of you" "okay take care" she said and Lucas nodded his head and left.After some minutes the door bell rang Jennie stood up and opened the door,a beautiful muscline woman stood at the door she looked intimidating ,she smiled "hello ma'am boss send me to keep you company and take care of you" she said Jennie looked at her in suprise, she doesn't look like someone who can take care of me she looks more like a female body guard or a MMA fighter,her smile is scary she thought "ma'am " called the lady after not receiving any response,Jennie come back to her senses and smiled politely "come in" she said and both got inside,Jennie sat on the couch and she stood a little further from her with a serious expression "you can sit" she said and the lady nodded her head and sat down,they were silent for a long time and it was getting awkward.Jennie cleared her throat "what's your name?" she asked "Casandra" she replied "do you work at the company?" "No,I'm one of the security personnel" she replied, that's why Jennie thought "is there something you need me to do?" she asked "no,the movie is almost over" she said.Once the movie was over Jennie didn't feel like watching another movie,"do you know how to fight?" she asked "yeah I do" she replied "will you teach me how to fight just the basics" she asked "about that you will have to ask mr Lucas" she replied politely and Jennie smiled "okay" she said,Jennie was getting bored she stood up and headed to her room she changed her clothes and wore a swimming suite."I'm going for a swim" she said the lady nodded her head and followed her.Jennie was in the swimming pool when she heard a expensive car park in the parking lot,she was suprised,he didn't take long,she thought she assumed it was Lucas,she got out of the swimming pool and Casandra handed her a towel.A beautiful tall young lady with black hair got out of the car wearing glasses,she took the glasses off and a smile appeared on her face,she quickly walked heading to the door she rang the door bell and after sometime the door was opened "Luca....." she looked at the person who opened the door wrapped with a towel in shock even Jennie was shocked to see who it was,she frowned "who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked coldly sizing her "I'm Jennie and who are you?" she asked politely she knew the lady must have a relation with Lucas that's why she come,Casandra frowned and looked at the lady with cold eyes "who are you and what do you want?" she asked in the same tone she had used.The lady laughed arrogantly "it seems Lucas' house is full of women,that's new where did you all come from I have never seen you here did you start working here recently? and where is he?" Jennie frowned "do we look like workers?" she asked,she didn't like how rude she was "then who are you?" she asked Casandra was about to say something but Jennie stopped her "if you don't say who you're I'll close the door" she said "well if I have to introduce myself I don't mind,I'm Lucas' childhood friend and also his soon to be wife" she said with a proud look on her face,both Casandra and Jennie looked at her in shock,she smiled pleased with their reaction now that they know who I am they will be begging me to forgive them for being rude,she thought.Jennie felt like she had been splashed with icy cold water,she clenched her fist and moved aside so she can walk in,the lady arrogantly walked in and sat on the couch,Jennie stood at the door lost in thoughts,is she really his soon to be wife?but he had told me he didn't have any female friends,she seems to be close to him,did he lie to me?, Jennie couldn't stop thinking her heart beating wildly,she felt like crying but pulled herself together "why are you all standing there bring me a cold drink" she said,Casandra left heading to the kitchen.The lady looked at Jennie and frowned "you look familiar have we ever met?" she asked startling Jennie "I don't think so" she replied,she kept looking at her making Jennie feel uncomfortable,Casandra brought her a cold drink and stood next to Jennie "ma'am you should sit" Casandra said and Jennie sat down "ma'am??" she asked raising her eyebrows looking at them but none replied.Jennie stood up wanting to leave but the lady stopped her "are you Jennifer Louis?" she asked and Jennie looked at her in shock,how does she know my name?did Lucas tell her,she wondered "so you're Jennifer from country X,is this where you come to hide after being disowned by your family,hahahaha! what happened to your baby did you abort it?what a shame I thought you were innocent but you're dirty that it's disgusting " she said in disgust,Jennie clenched her fist tears forming in her eyes she had thought she was safe in this country but she was wrong,she had thought no one will know who she was and where she come from but she recognised her,the pain and humiliation that she suffered all floaded in her mind but before she could say anything someone opened the door and wrapped his hands on her waist Jennie looked at him in suprise,the lady too looked at Lucas in shock the arrogance was no where to be seen,Lucas who had come from a meeting saw a car parked in his parking lot,he walked in and heard how Jennie was being humiliated he guessed who the person could be he frowned and pushed the door open,he looked at the lady coldly "how dare you insult my wife?" he asked suprising both the lady and Jennie,the lady looked at him in disbelief "Lucas...." she called "miss Brown how dare you come to my house uninvited and insult my wife?who do you think you're" he asked again the lady felt like her chest was being hammered,he called me miss Brown instead of my name,is it because I insulted her?and how come she is his wife?does he know her,Lucas will never marry this kind of woman she must have tricked him,I must tell him the truth about her she thought, "Lucas is she really your wife?do you know what kind of a woman she is?she is..." but before she could finish Lucas scoffed "it's my business who I'm married to,I didn't expect this from you now leave my house" he said "but...." "leave" he said coldly,how can he tolerate someone insulting his wife.Cecil looked at Lucas with hurt expression "I'll be staying in a hotel there is something dad wants you to know" she said,she looked at Jennie and left.Lucas turned and looked at Casandra coldly "didn't I tell you to take care of her?what were you doing when she was insulting my wife" he asked coldy,Casandra gulped nervously "I'm sorry sir" she said before Lucas could say anything to her Jennie touched his hand a smile on her face,she felt happy because of how Lucas protected her,for the first time in her life someone stood up for her and defended her "it's okay,I was the one who told her not to do anything" she explained "you can leave" he dismissed her."I'm sorry I didn't know she was coming" he said nervously,he hoped she wasn't angry,the smile on her face dissapared Jennie looked at him and he gulped hard "is she your soon to be wife? how come you never told me" she asked "what!!! no! no! no! we're just friends nothing more" he hurriedly explained "but you told me you didn't have female friends" "please don't misunderstand she is my friend but she stays in country X we hardly talk" "I'm sorry for what she said,but Jennie you shouldn't let others insult you" he said "I know,I was only polite to her because you two know each other " she replied "no matter who, if anyone insult you don't tolerate it" he said and Jennie smiled.