
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · Urban
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60 Chs

Demoted(chapter 5)

The weekend passed by quickly without a lot of drama,on Monday at Louis construction company a meeting was held to introduce their new employee.Mr Louis did the introduction, everyone was suprised after knowing the new employee was his son but what shocked them was the position he was going to have,he will be the managing director of the company they gave Jennie weird looks she was the CEO's daughter but she held a low position in the company.The meeting was over and Mr Louis left,Jacob chatted with the managers of different departments,he set a meeting with architectures and civil engineers,the meeting will be held in the board room at 2:00pm,he even suggested Jennie to come to the meeting,she had a bad feeling about it though she wanted to refuse she couldn't.

At the board room they all sat quitely waiting for Jacob, Jennie was nervous because she didn't know the reason for the meeting,she was only a marketing officer so seating with them she felt nervous.Jacob come to the meeting 20 minutes late."I'm sorry for being late I had something urgent to take care of" he apologized."let's start the meeting" he said, everyone in the meeting opened either tablet or laptop they even had notebook and pen Jennie only had notebook and a pen.It seemed everyone knew the reason for the meeting she was the only one who didn't know.

"My father told me we must get the contract of building the hospital in the city, have heard about it" Jacob asked." Yeah we have heard about it" replied one of the engineers ."So any ideas?" he asked, the employees looked at each other "we are planning to make a good proposal which is designed and well detailed then we can arrange a meeting with the minister am sure he will agree after seeing our proposal" one of the employee suggested."You have a good idea but I didn't want to say this but the minister is angry at our company" Jacob said."Why?did we offend him in anyway?" one of the architecture asked.

"Yeah miss Louis was supposed to make sure we got the contract,she met with the minister but instead of trying to impress him,she slapped him because of her unrestrained temper so no need to guess to know the minister is really angry a good proposal won't do the trick" he explained everyone turned and looked at Jennie suprised,she felt uncomfortable with their judging faces.so this was his brother intention he wanted to humiliate her Infront of other employees.

They began discussing on how to get the contract,Jennie sat there quitely it's like she was invisible.They didn't include her in the discussion,she felt out of place,they ignored her until the meeting was over,the meeting lasted for 3 hours.Jennie felt numb for seating for that long without doing anything she felt relieved when the meeting ended "Excuse me miss Louis, starting now you will no longer be the chief marketing officer,you will be my secretary" he said with a serious look on his face.Everyone was surprised, Jennie felt like she has be struck by lightning she couldn't believe it."What?why?"she asked.

"You're so reckless,it's because of you we are having hard time to get the contract,if you are offending our clients how will we get contracts from them ,so I think someone who is qualified should get your position" he explained."Sir you can't just demote her like this ,there has to be a good reason for her to be demoted and you should follow the right protocol" one of the employee suggested."You need a reason ? She has offended the minister is that good reason?she has made us loose a contract worth billions of money,if people found out about what she did our reputation will be turnished" he spat angrily the employees felt intimated so they kept quite.Jennie felt like crying but she didn't want to be seen as a weak person so she held back her tears.

"Soon I'll be the CEO of this company,what I hate the most is incompitence,just because she is the daughter of the CEO or my sister I won't tolerate it,this will be a good example to other employees either work hard or quit" he said in a slightly raised voice and then he left.The other employees without being told knew that their job was going to be hard,if he could demote his sister without battling an eye what about them.Jennie sat ther quitely still processing what her brother had said the other employees gave her sympathetic looks and left her alone in the board room.

Jennie knew she was done for,if she bacame her brother's secretary he will sure make her life miserable.He just came to the company and on his first day she was demoted,she wondered what her brother planned in order to humiliate her even more.The news about her demotion travelled fast In the company it was all everyone talked about,They knew that the two siblings didn't have a great relationship,some felt sorry for her because she was kind and polite,she did her work well while other didn't care about her.The next day Jennie took her belongings out of her office,she moved to a smaller room where she will be working as the secretary. She wanted to complain but she knew no one would care about her opinion.Her father didn't even seem to care about what her brother had done,it's like Jacob is always right while she is always on the wrong.Her mother just gave her the usual sorry look.She hated her miserable life.

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