
The Fall

The clouds were dark and gloomy, death, blood, tears, and dust mixed to produce a strange smell that felt like sorrow. Cry of pain could faintly be heard, people, dead people piled up in groups, tens of thousands of dead bodies were lying on the ground, most of them were stabbed to death, some were missing their heads and limbs, The ground was soaked with blood, What an awful sight to behold.

"We have lost the fight," a man cladded in gold Amor said, he had various cuts on his body, his hair was messy and blood-soaked, there was a huge cut on his shoulder, and a stabbed wound that had penetrated his Amor on his stomach, there was another cut that ran from his left eyebrow down through his left eye to his cheek, the man was bleeding profusely.

From the beginning of the war till that hour he had never left that spot, looking back at the huge wall behind him, " The Xin's People must survive." He said. In front of him were the corpses of his enemies piled up in hundreds showing how strong he was, but at that point tears ran down his cheek when he saw all his people lying down dead or severely injured, to be precise his entire kingdom was destroyed, mothers, fathers, and children were lying lifeless on the ground.

That man was King Xin Wuku. Xin Wuku had ruled over the Xin Kingdom for a few decades, during his time he had defended and protected the Kingdom from various intruding enemies.

The Xin Kingdom was known for its green land and wealth, they were the most successful Kingdom, which had made other Kings long for their lands and properties.

King Xin Wuku had fought and won so many such wars, bringing glory to the Xin Kingdom. But it is said that nothing last forever and so was the glory of the Xin kingdom which at that point was about to fall in the hands of the great King Xin Wuku.

More than five Kingdoms had allied together with a common goal, bringing down the great Xin.

Although they were outnumbered the Xin Kingdom's soldiers had fought bravely bringing down with themselves enemies far more than their size, but they were still unable to win the fight.

It was a brutal war, and all King Xin Wuku could see in front of him were the corpses of his fallen soldiers, he had watched his sons being spluttered one after another, the war had consumed all they could have become.

"The Xin people must survive no matter what," Xin Wuku said, pinning his sword firmly on the ground then using it as an aid he managed to rise to his feet from his kneeling position once again. Firmly, he stood in front of the massive wall with his bleeding blade on his right hand and his left hand holding onto the injury on his stomach, his remaining one eye was red and bloodshot awaiting for anyone who tries to get closer to the wall.

At that point people began to Wonder why he never stepped away from the wall, was he hiding his treasures there?

The war had almost come to an end, all of the Xin Kingdom soldiers were either dead or severely injured, the enemy kingdoms hard began to arrest the few survivals. They all Knew what was going to happen next, they were going become slaves. King Xin Wuku who was barely on his feet felt stabbing pain in his heart as tears run down his cheek.

"The Xin people must never become slaves no matter what." A man who was captured by the enemy's Kingdom said faintly, as blood Oz from his mouth, pushing up his shoulder up he tried as had as possible to hold his head high. and another almost dying man repeated the same words, gradually Almost all the surviving Xin soldiers mustered all their strength to say those words. Those were the words of the Xin people's ancestors.

The enemy kingdoms were surprised by their actions but it was funny to them, this people were half dead without the power to resist, yet they still have the guts to say the can't be taken as slaves? Who are they hopping to come to their aids, their King? The one who is almost dead, with a sword embedded in his chest and a cut that had almost Cliff the side of his skull?

"Xin Wuku, you have to know when you have lost," one of the Kings from the enemy Kingdoms said.

Wuku grind his teeth and looked at him with his bloodshot eye.

"Yes I know when I have lost but that doesn't mean you have won either. The Xin people must never be taken as slaves no matter what." he said bitterly on his kneeling position, he suddenly punch the ground with both hands and pulled a very long chain that has been hiding below the ground for centuries, just like that the ground began to bust open in various places around the entire Kingdom, gaseous air was pouring out.

It was said that before the Kingdom Xin was established, the death peak mountain which was very rich in minerals had a leakage pouring deadly gaseous air into the environment, as a result a massive land large enough to establish a Kingdom had no inhabitant.

At that time the ancestors of the Xin kingdom were wonderers they were also known to be the best in craftsmanship but the had no land on their name

What is happening," the surviving enemy soldiers began to ask, as the began to perceive an awful smell like mixture of Sulphur and other combustive mineral.

One of the Xin Kingdom soldier who was laying on the ground next to the enemies soldier who had asked laughed painfully. "The Xin people must never be taken as slaves" he said as blood came out of his mouth and he gave up holding onto his life.

"Run!" some shouted but before the could take any action it was too late.

Booom boom, the entire Kingdom exploded, everything was in flame including the surviving enemy soldiers and the corpse laying on the ground, the flame ate everything and everyone who was in Xin Kingdom that day, both citizens and enemies.

Behind the massive wall, where King Xin Wuku was guiding was a passage that leads to a massive underground tunnel, at the moment a group of over a hundred children and a few women guiding them were running as fast as they could try to escape from the crisis.

King Xin Wuku had known from the beginning that the war was not going to be in their favor, so he had made his citizens send away their wives and children, he also advise those who were not willing to fight to leave the Kingdom as soon as they could. "The Xin people must survive at all costs" those were the words of their ancestors.

But apart from sending their wives and children who were willing to go away, the men refused to take a step out of the Kingdom. "The Xin people never run away from a fight brought to their doorpost"

The King had gather as many children as he could including his two princesses, his wives, concubines, and a few maids, he then made them escaped through the Kingdom secret tunnel while he guide the entrance.

Among the maids in the tunnel was maid Qing, she was know as the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom after the Queen, the last sentence was added in other not to be disrespectful to the Queen.

Maid servant Qing was so beautiful that everyman longed for her, but unfortunately she became a maidservant in the King's court. About eleven years ago, maidservant Qing became pregnant for an unknown man and gave birth to a boy named An Xian, maybe it was to keep his father's identity a secret so he was made to take his mother's surname "Ming." There were rumors back then that the child was the King's, else who dears to impregnate a maidservant working in the King's court, but there was no evidence to back up such claim, moreover, An Xian was not like the Xin people, his skin color wasn't white like that of the Xin people, his was rather dark, he eyes color was deferent too, the Xin people eyes color was gray while his was pale blue. Until the doomsday of the Kingdom, the boy's father was still a mystery, no matter how hard one tries maidservant Qing will never say anything about the boy's father.

Boom, boom, a loud sound came from above the tunnel and the walls of the tunnel rumbled, the vibration was massive such that the tunnel began to collapse behind them.

"Run!!" somebody shouted and everyone started running as fast as they could, heavy rocks around the tunnel began to fall. After they had ran for more than hundred meters the vibration suddenly stopped, turning around the passage leading back to the Kingdom was blocked, totally seal by heavy rocks, they were lucky enough to have avoided those rocks.

"It's over," the Queen murmured, her eyes became red, as tears fell down her cheeks.

"What is over?" Yu Qian asked, the King had two wives and Three concubines, Yu Qian was the King's second wife.

"Everything, everything is over, there in no more Xin Kingdom, everyone is gone, the Kingdom has been destroy ," she was the Queen after all so she already knew what was going to happen if they could not win the war, the vibration just now made her understood the situation from above.

The gas tunnels that their ancestors had used to control the leakage from the death mountain had been destroyed, the explosion is as a result, the highly inflatable gas had been ignited by the battle flames.

Yu Qian mood dropped even more, and kept to herself as they find their way out of the tunnel, she knew it all, she had known it from the start, her husband the King had comforted them telling them it will be okay, that he will come for them when everything was over, but she knew it will not be that easy, she had over heard the King telling the Queen about the last resort and if that ever happened she should take good care of the rest because they were the future of the Xin Kingdom.

Thinking of her family, her husband, her son, her father and brothers that had all perished in the war her eyes became teary. Looking down at her seven years old daughter Xin Tianshi who was looking at her face in the dark cave, Yu Qian cleaned her eyes with the back of her palm, and gently caress her head comforting her with the same words her husband had used earlier. "don't worry sweetheart it will all be okay soon, and her ten years old brother Yu Long who was following besides her.

A few of the children were from the royal family and relatives while the rest were from an orphanage home that was beside the palace gate.

Xin Yao was 8 years old, she was the only surviving child of the Queen, she was very beautiful with her snow white skin, she was holding firmly into her mother's shoulder as she was being carried by the Queen.

There about five to six carts caring food, water and medicine, the King had made such arrangements before time, on the carts little space, a few children that were unable to walk for long were on them, while others such as Ming An Xian were walking on foot.