
Meeting strange people

"Did they kill him," Xin Tianshi asked, but instead of answering her questions An Xian used his hand to cover her mouth. "Quiet" he whispered.

The two girls were very frightened, so much that they almost ran away but An Xian told them to stay still.

The two cultivators descended from the sky, one of them walked towards the man lying on the ground while the other walked to the dead bird, It's like they were looking for something.

"It's not here," the one close to the man said

It's not here either," the other replied, they did another round of inspection but was fruitless.

Let's go he must have hidden it behind," the one who was like the leader said angrily as he mount his Crane, the other looked around but found nothing so he followed the actions of his comrade and mount his Crane as they both flew away.

When they were far gone, Ming An Xian stood up and ran forward towards the dead man, "what are you doing!" Xin Yao shivered, this mad boy was going to put them in trouble one day, never the less they all ran after him.

"I told you he is mad," Yu Long said while breathing heavily. Ming An Xian soon reached where the man was lying, placing two of his fingers on his nose.

"He is still breathing!" he shouted out to his peers and began to inspect the wounds on the man's body, suddenly An idea came to his mind and he began to tear the man's robe peace by peace, using them to tie his injuries trying to stop the bleeding, at that moment a little bottle fell from the man's sleeve while he was trying to tear it, An Xian picked the bottle, he looked inside, about three pills were lying in the bottle, An Xian pulled one out and forced it into the man's mouth.

"Do you know what pills are those?" Xin Tianshi asked, although she was still young, she knew that pills are not to be taken anyhow.

"I don't know what kind of pills are these but if he is carrying them with him it should be for emergency right?"

The children were left speechless, the don't Know much about such things after all.

An Xian fumbled with the man's injuries for a while, and just when he thought he was done, he saw another large bird fly towards them, little Xin Tianshi was the first to run away, back to their hiding place the others wanted to do the same but it was too late, the large bird was already in front of them.

Descending from the bird were two other men dress in white and blue, just like the man lying on the ground, one was chubby and funny-looking, in his hand was something that looks like rice ball, his mouth was full, once in a while he will hit his chest in attempt to aid digestion.

The other man was well build, and quite hansom, his long hair was neatly tied up, he was holding a fan in his hand.

"San Mo!" the fat man was the first to jump down even before the bird descended and run towards the lying man, An Xian took a few steps back, Xin Yao was so afraid that she clutch onto Yu Long's dress.

"You did this to him!" the fat man shouted, pointing at An Xian, his mouth was still fill with rice, but his eyes were furious.

An Xian took several steps backward, but the man walk towards him. At that point Xin Yao panicked "that is not true! We are just passers bye, we were trying to help.

"Cut the crap, how dear you lie to me," the fat man shouted

At that point Yu Long was very angry, he looked at the man fiercely and said "its okay if I said my friend is Mad, but you sir, don't you think you are unreasonable? How can a twelve years old boy beat up your friend to this extend? Are you overestimating my friend or underestimating yours?"

The fat man was so angry by his words, such that his jaw vibrates, his mouth moved rapidly, but no word came out, only some grains of rice.

"are you saying I am unreasonable?" Those were the words that finally came out of his mouth. He took a step forward, before Yu Long could react the fatty was in front of him.

"so fast," An Xian murmured, his fat body is not an obstacle at all.

The fatty stretch his hand forward, wanting to grab hold of Yu Long.

"That Is enough Han San," another voice came from behind him, the fatty immediately stopped his actions and returned back to the injured man's side.

An Xing noticed from the small exchange that the fatty Han San couldn't defy the words of the gentleman standing on the Crane.

At that point, the three children looked at the gentleman, and he smiled at them sweetly.

"I apologize for my brother's behavior, he always acts impulsively when he is angry."

The children said nothing but continued looking at him.

"We came from the moon continent for the hunting festival, I'm Han Jizheng and This is my brother Han Sen," the young man said pointing at the fatty,

"I'm Yu Long, This is my friend Ming An Xian and my niece Xin Yao, we are lost in this wasteland, we are looking for a place where we can find vegetation and water we will be grateful if you can point us through." Yu Long said, he never forgot to ask for directions, After all this people were flying in the sky so they could see from above.

Han Jizheng was very surprised by what he said.

" What do you mean, where are your families?" he asked

"They should be about a kilometer away from here," Yu Long replied.

The gentleman was quiet for a few seconds before he replied.

" Head west, it will take you guys about two weeks on foot to get to a place with vegetation, As for water, if you go forward about a kilometer and a half, there is a little lake by the side of a small hill, in general, the place looks like an Oasis.

Yu Long was very happy, two weeks to get to a place with vegetation wasn't bad at all, one had to know that they had spent a few years in this wasteland.

With excitement, Yu Long cupped his hands and bowed a little, "Thank you for your kindness," An Xian and Xin Yao also showed their gratitude.

"Little friends did you by any chance see what happened to our friend before coming to help him?

Yu Long had no reason to lie to him so he explained exactly what they had seen to him.

"You said they were wearing yellow and black robes and They were also flying on Cranes like us."

The children nodded simultaneously, Fatty Han Sen was the first to react.

"Scarlett Sun! Those unruly people from the sun continent think they can do anything they like without repercussions right? Because of that Dominic Patriarch of theirs, but this time I will hunt them down."

Han Jizheng did not say a word, instead, he turned toward An Xian and the rest, "Thank you for your help my friends, We will be leaving now, in the future if you are opportune to come to Moon Continent you can come to visit me in Ember Moon sect."

With that said the Crane flew away taking with them the injured San Mo.

Seeing that the Crane had disappeared into the horizon, Xin Tianshi stepped out from her hiding place, She was very relief that nothing bad had happened, she walked forward and stood next to them, "What are we going to do with the bird," she asked, the Crane was so big that they couldn't carry it with them.

"I would have said ' Let's take as much as we can but the rest of us will be coming here anyway, there will be no need for us to take it there and then bring it back again, The Oasis he mentioned is this way so let's just go and bring everyone here," Ming An Xian said, but before they left he walked around the huge bird in wonder.

"Let's go get the others then it is getting late, we have to at least come back here before night falls." Yu Long called out to him.

Just when An Xian turned around and was about to follow them he saw something, Out of the survival instinct that he had cultivated these past few years he moved very fast to pierce the little animal to death, but before he reached the point where he saw the animal, there was nothing there, An Xian was surprised.

I'm sure I saw something here, Where had it gone to?

A Xian searched everywhere but saw nothing, It was like magic, or was he seeing things, he looked exactly where he had seen it before but found nothing except for an oversized wristlet that was lying on the ground, he picked it up and inspected it, Apart from a tiny blue stone that was very cold to the touch embedded on the wristlet and some inscriptions that were drawn all over the wooden beads of the wristlet, there was nothing special about the wristlet.