
Chapter 18



Maybe I should have thought twice before inviting Ryder over for dinner, it appears that everyone loves him more than they love me, damn my parents even like James and so does Ellie's.

"Quinn, we have to talk, follow me." Ellie whispered into my ear before getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen.

"Excuse me." I excused myself from the table and followed her.

"What, Ellie, what's wrong?" She turned to me with her arms crossed.

"why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" She rolled her eyes at me before speaking.

"That you love him."

"What, how, how did you find out?"

"Well, firstly, it's obvious. And I used your phone and saw your texts." She did what!

"Eleanor, I'm going to freaking murder you!" She raised her hands in surrender.

"Wait!" She said abruptly.

"Wait, wait for what?" Ellie sighed and looked away from me, but that's not all, she was blushing.

"Oh my god!" I get it now, but I can't believe it.

"You're in love with James!" Ellie's eyes widened in horror.

"Ssh, I haven't told him, yet!" she hissed through gritted teeth.

"What, why?" She looked at her feet.

"Because, I've never felt this way about someone, and I know it might sound stupid and selfish of me, but I want him to say it first."

"Yeah, it might be selfish. But I get it. I felt the same way, in the three years that Mark and I dated we never said I loved you, I've just never had or felt loved by him. But with Ryder, it's the complete opposite. All I want to do is love and be loved by him." Ellie looked at me with her nose scrunched up.

"That was so beautiful, EW." I laughed at her. And I mean I really laughed, until I was crying. When I finally stopped, I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Come on, let's not leave the guys alone any longer."

Ellie nodded and walked past me back into the dining room.

I made my way back into the dining room and took my seat next to Ryder. I felt his hand on my leg, so I turn in my chair to face him. He leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"Is everything okay?" I kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Don't worry." I whispered back at him.

His whispered a soft okay, and kissed the back of my hand.

The rest of dinner went by quickly. Everything went well, our parents loved the guys, and we were happy. It felt nice, but I still wish that he could have been here though.

I doubt that I'll ever get used to my brother not being here, it still feels so unreal to me.

I used to feel so guilty when I was happy, and he wasn't here to experience it, knowing that he would never experience anything ever again just made things so much worse.

But after watching the video and thinking about it, I started to realize, all Quinton has ever wanted was for me to be happy and not walk the same path that he did, and what he did wasn't to spite any of us.

But all that matters is that I'm finally happy, and I know that so is he, wherever he might be. I know he is smiling.

"Quinn, what is going on in that head of yours?" Ryder asked as he pulled me to his chest. We were sitting outside on the patio. It was nice, just sitting out here and watching the stars with him.

"I was just thinking about my brother, and about how happy I am." Ryder kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, I'm happy too." He wrapped his arms around my waist and just held me for a while.

"Okay, I can't hold this in anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ellie is in love with James, but you can't tell her that I told you, and you also can't tell James because he doesn't know, and Ellie wants to be sure that he loves her too before saying anything." He was laughing, I could feel the vibration of his laughter against my chest.

"Ryder, why the hell are you laughing?" He cleared his throat.

"Because, James is in love with Ellie too, he told me last night. But he hasn't said anything because he doesn't know if she feels the same." Wow, I can't believe this.

"Oh my god." We both laughed.

"Ryder, I don't understand why we're laughing, it isn't supposed to be funny."

"I know." He said, still trying to regain himself.

"I love you." I said while looking up at him. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"I love you too."  He said after we stopped kissing.

Quinton, I doubt that you are going to have to worry about this one. I think I want to keep him.


I never thought that I would ever love anyone as much as I love Quinn. After I lost my father, everything just seemed to fall apart for me.

I started to drink and partying almost every night. And I was with a different woman every night. But went Quinn came into my life, everything change.

I stopped going to parties, the last party I went to was her birthday party, I stopped drinking. Now I only get high on the thoughts of her. I love her with everything I am. I love her with my whole heart and soul.

Not only that, but I have only known her for a couple of weeks now, but I have never felt this strong about someone in my life. Furthermore, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Not only that, but I hope to be the reason she smiles and the reason she's happy.

Furthermore, I wish to hold her when she's sad, and I aim to hold her in general, just to have her close to me. Not only that, but I intend to hold her hand always, through the bad and the good.

And after tonight, I'm just glad her parents don't hate me. I was so scared that they were going to tell me to stop seeing her, and that I was going to have to kidnap her.

"I'm just happy that your parents don't hate me." I told her when we were sitting on the patio.

"Me too." She said giggling.

"Yeah, if they had hated me, I would have had no choice but to kidnap you." I said with a smirk.

She laughed and slapped my arm playfully.

"Oh my god, Ryder, my father would skin you alive." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah, I know." I said with a chuckle.

After this, we just sat quietly and watched the stars before James and I had to head home. It was a perfect night. Quinn, I hope you know that there is no way in hell that I'm letting you go, not now, not ever, well except for when you have to go home.

But then when I get to see you again, I'll make sure to keep and eventually marry you.