

After they finished eating Blaze asked Aly to follow him.

He walked towards the driver seat and hoped in, gesturing her to get into his Bugatti Veyron.

She frowned yet did what he asked and sat beside him, fastened her seat belt, and was about to ask where he was taking her, but he started the engine and start driving without even sparing her a glance.

Soon their car began riding on the main road and started reaching the destination at a very fast speed

She tried to see nature through the window glass for a while, but nothing could move her away from her question. Then she turned back to look inside the car at his face - who was driving very carefully without any expression.

She furrowed her brows and couldn't stop herself anymore and finally asked, “Boss where are we going?”

He said nothing and kept driving.

She was getting bored by his stiffness and the lingering coldness inside the car, not caused by chilly air but by his silence.

She again called him, "Boss !! "