
Crazy Idiot of Suna

Wait! I'll be transmigrated in the Naruto world? Cool! I'll wake up in Suna? I can live with that. Wait a minute! It's an Alternate Universe? Help! Help! Someone's been here before! Get me out of here! When Taka woke up in Sunagakure, he had visions of greatness till he realized it was an Alternate Universe. Someone like him with knowledge of the world has been here before and made some changes. Now, he's stuck trying to get a refund from whatever entity sent him here because who in the heavens made Itachi Uchiha a cheerful boy? That's a crime against humanity! Reviews: That's cute - my mom Get that thing out of my face - my dad Woof! - the neighbor's dog The best thing you'll ever read on the internet - internet stranger (definitely not me.) [Self-insert!] [Alternate Universe ]

Nefarious_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


I sat in class thinking about the latest revelations instead of practicing my hand seals. This changes everything. The timeline is utterly and totally fucked. All my plans of intercepting certain people to gain certain advantages are now useless. 

Some dude who loved Batman too much transmigrated into this world and destroyed the moon. The guy probably knew Kaguya was a threat and wanted to capture Zetsu. But when the plan was foiled by the Uchiha, he made the next logical step. Blow up the moon. 

The absence of the moon changes a lot and its been hundreds of years. What if some dude looked up at the moon and was philosophical with a mirror moon and decided to call off the attack on the Uzumaki clan. Is Uzushio still around? 

Does Zetsu still exist? What's his plan now? What about Madara? The most important part of his eye of the moon plan was the existence of an actual moon! Does that means there's no akatsuki? Should I become the One-Tail jinchurinki? 

After hours of pondering, I came to a simple conclusion. 

Life goes on. 

This requires a slight change to my plans. Most resources can't be relied on anymore. There's no free gift where only I knows of its location. All I can do right now, is to keep looking towards what I can control. My kazekage tower 

infiltration plan is still on. All this means is that instead of SS-rank ninja, I'll have to be content with S-rank. This needs a declaration!

"Never fear citizens!" I stood up in my signature pose. "For the future S-rank ninja is here!" The whole class paused in the middle of the lecture to stare at me. After a few seconds, the class burst into laughter with different students muttering the word 'idiot.' 

"Detention," Yuki sensei sighed rubbing his temple. I sat down with a huge smile. My smile dimmed at a thought. I hope I don't receive any news that decreases my potential rank to A-rank. I've had enough of that. 

After school, I met up with Yuki sensei at the usual gym. "Show me your hand seals." I flashed through the twelve seals as fast as I could which wasn't very fast. 

"Ram." I snapped into the ram seal. "Snake. I messed up the transition but I finally got it. "Tiger." Same thing. "Hmmn… not good enough. For your detention, practice your hand seals." 

"Any tips?" 

"Practice makes perfect." 

That's the second experienced ninja saying that and they're probably right With a sigh, I continued my monumental task. 

It took two more days for me to be proficient enough to satisfy Yuki sensei. With care, he showed me the seals for the body replacement jutsu. After a few minutes of memorization, I performed the technique, swapping myself with the chair that was provided for the task. Patting myself on the back, I prepared myself for the day of my triumph. 


It's the sixth day of the challenge. I stood on an opposite rooftop, binoculars pressed against my face, watching the chunin at the reception desk on the ground floor of the Kazekage's tower. It's quite nice to have friends even if it's just one. Where else would I get a binocular if Genki didn't have one? 

I had been watching the chunin for the past few days and had mapped his patterns. Every three hours, he disappeared to the backroom with the incoming documents. The rhythm of his disappearances was the key to my plan.

As the time approached, I made my way to the tower's entrance, casually strolling towards the door. Timed perfectly, the chunin disappeared with the documents and I strolled in like I had some perfectly legitimate business in the building. Walking casually, I slipped into the stairs snickering at the pictures of the stern faces on the wall. "Sorry dudes, it's for a great cause." 

Reaching the top floor, I stood staring at the door. There's no way I'm sneaking past Renji and his partner if I opened this door. Luckily, my plan doesn't depend on opening the door. 

Sticking my hand into my pouch, I removed a holy grail. An honest to God chakra-activated smoke bomb(borrowed from Genki too. God bless his heart.) My strategy focused on exploiting short windows of opportunity so I stick the bomb to the door at ankle height. Turning around, I made my way to the floor below. 

I stood staring at the door to this floor. This is the part that makes or breaks my plan. My success or failure depends on whats behind this door. With a huge breath, I pulled open the door. Right in front of me was a huge room filled with civilians lined up in front of desks with ninjas behind them. 

"Hey kid. Are you lost? Are you here to list a mission?" 

Thank the Lord! It's a mission listing room with full access for civilians. Why's it so close to the Kazekage's office though? It does not matter. Time to tap into my five year old persona. "I want to list a mission!" I smiled brightly before my smile dimmed. "I want to pee though." 

With a smile, the ninja directed me to the restroom. Alone in the cubicle, I approached the tiny windows. For full grown ninja, the windows were almost useless, well, except if you're Orochimaru. That dude can squeeze into anywhere. 

Time to see if my wall walking or should I say wall crawling holds up in the field. Without hesitation, I jumped out of the tiny window, sticking to the wall using wall walking. I chose this window because of its prime location. First, it was near the top floor window. Second, it was in the map of blind spots I mapped using the line of sight of the tower's outer guards. Slowly and carefully, I followed the erratic path I had mapped out. Two steps to the right, one step downward, three steps to the left. Slowly but surely, I made my way to the top floor window.


"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I think I am but just to be sure, what are you seeing?" 

"A kid crawling on the wall with no rhyme or rhythm?" 

"Like a cockroach?" 


"I very much am seeing what you're seeing." 


Two ANBU ninjas, rat and panda, stood on their hidden spot on the rooftop watching the kid. Panda chuckled as the kid moved. 

"Do you know the kid?" Rat asked. 

"That's Hanako's kid." 

"Really? Should we-" 

"Nah. Let fox handle him." 

They watched in comfortable silence. 

"His mom's hot though." 

"True that." 


Ten minutes after following my map, I arrived at the window. Peeking into the Kazekage's reception, I spotted the familiar scene – the secretary and the two guards, Renji and the female guard whose name we don't know. My plan was set in motion as I activated the smoke bomb. With a muffled boom, smoke begin to flow into the room. The three ninjas in the room were alert almost immediately. 

The lady signaled Renji and slowly moved towards the door. As the female guard investigated the source of the smoke, I slowly performed the hand seals for the body replacement jutsu, targeting Renji. A wicked smile formed as I executed the technique, swapping places with him. I particularly enjoyed his startled squeak as I reached for the door handle. The attention of every ninja in the room was centered on me. 

Just as I reached for the handle, my body suddenly gave way. Before I could collapse to the floor, a powerful hand seized me by the scruff of my neck. My vision blurred, and a deep voice resonated from an ANBU in a fox mask, "What do we have here?"

Staring into the dark, ominous holes of the ANBU mask, I felt a wave of unconsciousness wash over me. The last thing I saw was the door to the Kazekage's office opening and then everything went dark.