
Crazy Idiot of Suna

Wait! I'll be transmigrated in the Naruto world? Cool! I'll wake up in Suna? I can live with that. Wait a minute! It's an Alternate Universe? Help! Help! Someone's been here before! Get me out of here! When Taka woke up in Sunagakure, he had visions of greatness till he realized it was an Alternate Universe. Someone like him with knowledge of the world has been here before and made some changes. Now, he's stuck trying to get a refund from whatever entity sent him here because who in the heavens made Itachi Uchiha a cheerful boy? That's a crime against humanity! Reviews: That's cute - my mom Get that thing out of my face - my dad Woof! - the neighbor's dog The best thing you'll ever read on the internet - internet stranger (definitely not me.) [Self-insert!] [Alternate Universe ]

Nefarious_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Body Replacement Jutsu

My morning started with a unique skill I acquired called relentless pestering. It starts with the eyes. There I stood in front of mom using my eyes to plead for something. When she first saw it, she chuckled but the longer it went, the more I could feel her defenses breaking. 

"Okay. What do you want?" She asked. 

"Well, I think our challenge has been really unfair." 


"I'm just a little boy who has been set with such great obstacles like Renji in front of him." 

"Who's Renji?" She asked with such sincere confusion that for a moment, I was almost convinced that she had no idea what I was talking about. 

"You know what I mean. In the spirit of fairness, I think it would be great if you teach me the body replacement jutsu." With my piece said, I turned up the relentless pestering to a hundred. "Please, please, pretty please?"

However, my pleas fell on deaf ears. As expected of a chunin of Suna. However, I'm not a future SS-rank ninja for nothing. I was so good at my unique technique that I even added a new variant. The annoyingly relentless pestering. 

"That's enough." She finally broke her silence with a laugh. "I don't know what obstacles you're facing but I won't teach you. Do you know why?" I shook my head with a manly pout. "It won't be much of a challenge if I help you would it?" She laughed giving me a pat on the head. "Let's go." 

I activated my last move. Crazily cute disappointed pout. A pout that mirrored the look of a puppy denied a treat. Developed after a few hours with a puppy. It was a crazily effective move but it didn't work. 

Back to the drawing board. I'll be giving up on the body replacement dreams for now. 

As we journeyed through the market, a low buzz could be heard as the early shoppers negotiated and checked their shopping lists. I took that moment to review my strategy. What went wrong? Was my technique faulty or was mom just super resistant? 

As we approached a familiar store, I decided to perform a test. Tugging on mom's hand, I bust out the crazily cute disappointed pout before gazing at the ice cream stall. With a laugh and a comment on how cute I was, she bought me an ice cream. My technique wasn't faulty. She was just resistant. That must be a MOM™ skill. 

Arriving at school, I rushed to my class and jumped in with my dynamic entry. "Never fear citizens for I am here!" 

I smiled brightly as I caught sight of plan B at his desk. "Yuki sensei!" 

I approached him with the enthusiasm of a hyperactive squirrel. "Sensei, teach me the body replacement jutsu! I'm ready to show my genius!"

Yuki sensei, with an eyebrow raised as if questioning my sanity, hesitated. Sensing the confusion, I repeated myself. "Teach me the body replacement jutsu!" 

"What?" Yuki sensei glanced around the empty classroom like a man searching for common sense in a world of fools. "What are you talking about?" 

"Teach me the body replacement jutsu."

"Taka," he sighed. "You'll learn it before you graduate. Go find yourself a seat."

Taking a deep breath, I activated relentless pestering. "Come on Yuki sensei. Don't you want to brag that you taught a genius? You'll be famous. If I get it, I'm a genius. If I don't, nothing happens. Please? Please? Please?" 

I was making progress. He was slowly caving in. Sensing his hesitation, I pulled out my unique move. "I'll prove it! Give me a challenge!"

He paused. After brief contemplation, Yuki sensei set what he thinks is an absurd task. "If you can walk on the wall before the end of the school day, I'll consider teaching you the body replacement jutsu."

A mischievous grin appeared on my face. "I don't want that challenge sensei. You said you'll consider teaching me. I want you to teach me if I get it."

Yuki sensei raised his eyebrows. "I'm surprised you caught that. Okay. If you walk on the wall before the end of the school day, I'll teach you the body replacement jutsu."

"I accept your challenge. Prepare to be amazed, sensei!" Feeling mischievous, I asked "how do I walk on the wall sensei?" 

"That's for you to find out." He grinned at me. 

As the day unfolded, my antics became increasingly comical. I tried to walk on walls without using chakra, earning bewildered looks from my classmates. I could see Yuki sensei hiding a grin at my antics. 

When the moment of truth arrived, I stood in front of the empty classroom with him. "Watch sensei! This will be the greatest moment of your teaching career." With the flair of a seasoned performer, I bowed before executing a flawless wall walk, leaving Yuki sensei with his mouth wide open. I seem to be doing that to adults a lot. 

"Kai! Kai!" Yuki sensei checked for genjutsu with a confused look on his face. "How? When? Who?" He was at a loss for words. 

Grinning down at him, I decided to put him out of his misery. "I already taught myself sensei! I always told you I'm a genius." 

With a sigh, he gave a small smile. "Follow me." Jumping down, I followed him to the gym we used for our chakra mixing exercise. He stopped and turned to face me. "Before we begin, I must warn you. You know what it's like to have chakra exhaustion. For a kid like you, you can only use this jutsu once every day. Promise me to never use it more than once a day." 

Sensing the seriousness, I promised him. 

"First things first. Before we begin, we must learn the theory. What is ninjutsu? Ninjutsu is making use of your chakra to create effects over your body, the body of your opponent and the world around you. You want to learn the replacement jutsu?" 

I nodded like a dog wagging its tail. 

"Perfect. To perform ninjutsu, you need four things. First, stamina. The more stamina you have, the more chakra is available for use. Luckily, you have enough chakra to learn the technique. Second, Control. You have demonstrated your control by performing the wall walking."

So the challenge wasn't pointless. 

"Third, release. Since you're able to perform the wall walk, it means you can release chakra from your body. Finally, hand seals. Hand seals are what converts your chakra into a jutsu. Hand seals are what separates a ninja from a samurai. Hand seals are our best kept secret. Today, I'll be teaching you the twelve basic hand seals every ninja must learn. After you can perform them with basic proficiency, I'll teach you the body replacement jutsu."

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