

“Hi,” Daniel said trying to stay calm and charming as possible.

“Hi,” Ruby responded smiling in return.

“Can I have few minutes of your time? I just want us to talk.” He said and Ruby nodded.

“Cant we talk over Lunch instead? I am still working.” She said smiling and Dan nodded rapidly.

“Yes, that is true. My bad. Anytime you want, I would be here.” He said and she smiled.

“You don’t have to be here, I would call you once I am free.” She said and Dan felt butterflies in his tummy.

“What time are you going on the break? I would come and pick you up. You shouldn’t be the one doing the calling.” He said and Ruby smiled.

“noon, I should be done by then.” She said and he nodded chuckling.

“Great, I am free at the time. See you soon. Or?” he asked and she nodded.

“See you soon.” She replied and he nodded walking into Landon's office again. He got to the office and before he said anything, he pulled out his phone and put a call across to his P.A.