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Alexander: "Sam did you start getting the evidence?"

Sam: "Yes I did. Soon there life will be destroyed as well. But tell me one thing."

Alexander: "What?"

Sam: "Are you ready to lose something precious again?"

Alexander: "I don't have anything precious anymore in their eyes."

Sam: "Are you sure? Are you sure that they won't attack Erza if you attack them?"

Alexander: "Sam..!! I know what I am doing. And I didn't say that I will attack them now. I will do it with all my planning. And I will be sure that the main priority of that plan will be the safety of your sister."

Sam: "She is not just my sister! she has a lot closer relationship with you..!! Here is the marriage certificate of both of you.

Just don't show it to her because her real name is written in there."

With that, he left the office and I just pick them and put them in my bag. They will be safe near me.