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Alexander (P.O.V)

Musa: "So what? It won't change the fact that you are the only one who is enjoying this..!!"

Alexander (Smirk): "Ohh so this little kitten wants to enjoy as well?"

Musa (her cheeks flushed): "Don't twist my words. I never said I like sex or like having sex with you."

Alexander (slightly pinch on both nipples): "Ahan, then with whom do you want to have sex?"

Musa (Hiss): "No... I don't want it with anyone."

I lay back on my back with her and suddenly make a turn. Now I am above her while she is laying below me.

Alexander (came closer to her ear and lick it): "Now tell me from where do I start? Should I first make you wet or just get inside you to make you wet?"

Musa: "You..!! you are the most obnoxious man that I ever saw in my whole life."

Alexander (Whisper in her ear): "Ohh really? Well, this obnoxious man was thinking about getting a marriage certificate for us. What do you think?"