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Brianna (P.O.V)

Brianna (Smirk.. as she know that the fish is going to hook soon): "She told me how much she dislike you.. it was all because of you that she is in such a miserable stage.."

And before I said one more word the line cut off..

I look angrily at mobile phone.. "Damn it.. why did he just cut off the call.. I didn't properly start saying something against about her to him..!!

Don't worry I'll get many opportunities in future..

The third day, after spending the same boring schedule with her.. I reported all these to him but before I said one more word he cut off the call..

Same happened at the forth day too... and somehow I managed to talk to him at fifth day..

Brianna: "Sir she requested something.."

Alexander: "About what?"

Brianna: "She wants to go out of the mansion.."

I didn't complete my sentence and he cut off the call again..

I want to throw the phone angrily on floor but controlled it because it's not mine..