
❤️❤️Pain Instead Of LOVE❤️❤️

Alexander (P.O.V)

Erza (hatefully): "Alexander.. you never get the pain of love right.. I wish you'll got the wrost pain ever..!!"

Alexander (Smirk): "I want to try it too..Sam take her away.. and everything should be happen like the way I arrange for her..!!"

Sam (shiver under his gaze): "Yes Sir.."


Vincent (P.O.V)

What should I do?? Where should I find you Erza? I damn don't believe on their reports.. how can you die so soon..

Whoever is behind all this.. I'll find him.. you'll be okay.. I know.. my heart is still beating.. I'm sure, you're alive.. it's just your voice is not reaching me..

Just wait for me.. I'll dig the grave of those who harm you.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't leave you here alone..!! It's all my mistake..


Oliver (P.O.V)

~~In Hospital~~

Owen (lie): "Dad don't worry.. we didn't find anyone in the car.. she must be fine and alive.. she is a strong girl.."

Oliver: "Owen why did they take my blood sample?"