
The devil has a kid

"And hey Leo"Rover said with his back facing both Leo Lilah " try not to flex you muscle unless needed" he said as he turned away from them but stop as if he forgot something"ahhh that goes for you too Lilah you aren't strong enough to flex you strength on anyone now so please if needed let Leo handle the muscle work" he ended ,"awww Rover you're such a caring person " she said playfully but Rover looked at her expressionlessly"no, you're just a pain when you're sick or injured "he ended and walked away.

On getting to the cartel , Leo and Lilah were led to the VIP lounge reserved for them, just as they were settled a red hair boy not too young,he looked a year older than simon.The boy handed are black file that had two "L's"designed in cursive,and he sat next to Lilah causally, Simon noticing this unprofessional behavior then thought the boy was Lilah's brother,"I'm guessing you're Miss Dolores brother"Simon asked with a cheerful smile on his face,the boy next to Lilah chuckle mockingly then he looked at Lilah and on noticing her irritated expression rearrange himself,Lilah looked at the boy and crease her brows then she heard Leo's annoying laughter "ha ha ha", Lilah turned her gaze to Leo,then she noticed Leo's hands were wrapped around Simon's waist which irritated her even more."he is Xavier Daniel and he isn't Lilah's brother but like a son to her he manages this cartel and four other chains we have here" Leo explain to Simon,he smiled causally and looked at Lilah giving her an understanding look.

Leo took his gaze of Lilah and it landed on Simon's lips, Leo looked at Simon again and this time he went in on Simon,he gradually moved closer then he finally itched in with his lips as it landed on Simon's lips,Simon was first stunned but recovered fast and responded, Leo's kiss was demanding,he kiss as if he was horning,and he was,Simon was getting hot gradually,Leo was searching for Simon's tongue as his tongue survey Simon's mouth "ahhh" Simon whispered a moan , Lilah immediately turned to them now she was very irritated.

Leo who was getting really deep into the kiss that he picked Simon up and placed him on his lap, Lilah and Xavier were just staring at them with two different expression, Xavier wasn't shocked at the fact that Leo did this in front of them but he was just surprised at Leo action Infront of Lilah , Lilah's expression was no longer irritation but anger she was foaming with rage, her wine blazing eyes were as hot as hell,she squeezed the glass of wine Xavier had handed her,Leo was too deep and horny to see their expressions, he continued devouring Simon's lips and just as he moved away from Simon's lip to his nap they all heard the volcano erupt,the glass in Lilah's hand was shattered,Leo stopped immediately as he looked at Xavier following Xavier's gaze Leo's eyes landed on Lilah's face he could tell she was freaking upset ,he was about to tease her as he noticed Simon's frozen look he followed it and the first thing he saw was blood;Lilah's blood and the pieces of glass on her hand and the floor, Leo's expression changed immediately he had a worried and frightened look as he subconsciously pushed Simon off his lap and rushed to Lilah who didn't notice the glass she shattered,Leo got to where she was sitted and strucked her head a bit hard, "get me the emergency kit now!!"Leo roared at Xavier, Xavier immediately rushed off "can you be at least careful when you're handling glass,you are going to be the end of me "he said with worry written allover his face, Xavier brought the kit and opened it up to clean her wound Leo took it from him coldly ,Lilah looked at Leo with frustrating eyes, she pulled her hand away from him roughly and stood up,she suddenly caught a glance of Simon who was dumbfounded, Simon couldn't understand why Leo abruptly pulled away from him just because Lilah was injured,he also noticed Xavier wasn't surprised at Leo's behavior and it made it hurt even more, suddenly he noticed a very piecing stare driving holes through his soul, he looked up and it was the devil herself,"let get to the meeting, it's not that bad "Lilah said as she slightly turned to Leo she licked the blood and gave Leo a sarcastic look,Lilah turned to leave when she felt Leo's strong grip on her waist ,she was pulled back with so much force that she landed hard on Leo's strong ripped chest ,"don't test me sit still and let me treat your wound" Leo said harshly as he held her tightly and applied the ointment on her palm.The sight of this made Simon's heart squeezed in pain, they were so close that even him could feel the heat between them,Leo was so gentle in applying the ointment he even blew at it gently each time he applied at a spot when he was done he slowly let Lilah go then he walked away , Lilah sighed softly as she turned to Xavier,"get some whiskey to the meeting room ...." Lilah gently turned to Simon "and watch the kid we don't want him getting bruised now do we"Lilah sarcastically said as she leaned close to Simon's face.Lilah stood up and left Simon alterly dumbstruck.