
Rover being mercilessly and the confession

††††††† At the Delores airlines ††††

Rover stepped out of the car , followed by Xavier ,Zee and Simon, they walked past the hanger as their plane was already taken out and up and running, there was a man standing by to lead them in but when he saw Simon he gave Rover a gentle frown , Rover returned with a sarcastic smile, " miss Delores only arranged for three, yet I see four " the man said, Rover rolled his eyes as he pulled out a note writing by Lilah " let the kid through I don't have time for this" Rover said as he walked pass but just as Simon was about to step in, the man stopped him with his hefty looking body " miss Delores doesn't write notes" he said " so? " Xavier asked " watch your tune kid " you have balls you kno.." Xavier said angrily but was stopped by Rover and his long walking stick that looks like a cane , Rover walked up to the man and before the man could say anything Rover stroke him by the neck with his walking stick and the moment the middle met with the man's neck Rover twisted it and snapped the man's neck, the man dropped dead and everyone looked at both the man and Rover in the mixture of shock and fear , " ohhhhh .... He's dead I thought he was a vampire, well he is obviously new so no worries let's get going" Rover plainly said as he walked inside using his handkerchief to clean his walking stick, but then he stopped halfway " hurry get someone who knows how things run around here to clean this up " he ended as he walked in followed by the Three confused boys behind him , " remind me not to get on his bad side ever " Zee whispered to Simon who not just afraid but petrified.

†††††† Delores mansion †††††††

Lilah was staring at Leo in complete awe she didn't know what to say her eye color was back to normal, for some reason her anger wasn't there anymore " don't..fuck with my feelings...I saw exactly how you were when he dumped you,you've never been like that since I knew you" Lilah finally spoke " I only felt guilty" " why the hell would you feel guilty for him breaking up with you" " because I dumped him !!.. unlike every other person I've been with he did not deserve to be used by me Lilah , yet the only person I have ever had feeling for doesn't even give me a second thought, and I know you might say I love you because you turned me but that's not it Lilah I'm fucking and crazily I love with you and you know that yet ..... Yet you freaking treat me like a brother or your freaking friend!!!!!" Leo said as he looked deep into Lilah's red eyes, Lilah on the other hand was shacking as sincerely Lilah have had feeling for Leo long before she turned him, to her he was more than just a friend or a brother, then she started sleeping around just to get him to show he was jealous or express feeling for her , but each time he did anything that made her think he was jealous he would treat it like a big brother protecting his baby sister, but hearing every word he was saying right at that moment she felt like driving needles in his chest because at the moment she was in love with both him and Sly, well when it came to Sly she really didn't know if it's love or the feeling of her missing his touch, although Lilah's dirty mind were desperately craving Leo's touch , just as Lilah's mind was racing and her thoughts conflicting Mira dropped her comments to announce her arrival " a pure blood can only control or command who ever they sire , but if you're in love with your sire before they turn you then that's mating and the bond is never broken no matter how hard you try , now I get it that's why Lilah's lo...." " Thanks Mira we get it " Lilah cut her short , and Mira quietly walked out with her hands in the air showing she surrendered as she pulled Tessy who was cheerfully giggling like she was watching two unstraight people turned straight, " I don't want to make things hard for you Lilah ...cause I know the thing with Sly an.." Lilah out of nowhere shut him up with her lips and he immediately responded, their tongues were intertwined and they were exchanging fluids with out concern,Leo bit her lower lip and then sucked it ,Lilah did the same for his upper lip and their tongues met again, Lilah drove her long fingers through his hair and she gave it a gentle pull before squeezing, Leo's fangs were already out and so was Lilah's both their mouths had blood and it seemed to have driven their desire even more, Lilah's eye color was gradually changing so was Leo's, but just as Lilah was about to lose it completely she heard that familiar heart beat , she quickly pulled out as she looked over Leo's shoulder and there he was standing in shock , Sylvester , Lilah pushed Leo away as she walked up to Sly who just stood there frozen, " Sly I can explain" " Lilah you don't have to...I can tell you love him" Sly said as he looked at Leo who was slowly wiping the blood off his mouth "but I love you too" Lilah said as she touched Sly's face "I know" Sly said plainly then he looked her deep in the eyes " but you can't have both... can you now?" Sly asked still piecing through her eyes, Lilah's eyes were swelling up " you have to pick who you love the most Lilah" Sly said as he slowly dropped Lilah's palm from his face, Lilah stood as she watched Sly walk back , " I'll make it simple Lili I'd walk away now and if you're heart doesn't tell you to follow, don't follow, but if it's does I'll hold you so tight and I'm never letting go , ....but don't worry if it doesn't I'll wait downstairs" Sly said as he tried to form up a gentle smile, Lilah was confused she didn't want him to leave her again at the same time the one man she had been wanting is finally hers she had no idea what to do, but as she watched Sly turn his back at her and walked away her head wanted her to move but she couldn't, she had so much urge to hug Leo and cry and at that moment all she thought of was Leo although she really didn't want to lose Sly again she just couldn't move from where she stood finally Sly was out of sight and Lilah felt weak for the first time in forever, she gave up hold of her body and let it marry the ground but instead of meeting the ground she met with Leo's arms that felt very comforting.....