

Alistair Count, the world's first ever vampire, was left for dead after being betrayed and sustaining a lethal injury that threatens his life. In a last-ditch effort to save his life, Alistair was placed in a state of forced induced sleep. Vampires are vengeful creatures, and Alistair was no exception. After centuries of slumber, Alistair awoke in the 21st century. Determined on hunting down the man who hurt both his body and heart. Hatred seemed to be the only thing that had room In his un-beating heart. But there was something else that Alistair hadn't counted on - a green-eyed human who was determined to get close to him. Suddenly Alistair's hatred and rage slowly gave way to something he hadn't felt in centuries - something that both thrilled and terrified him. Alistair not only has to fight all the demons haunting him from his past but also the constant craving to ravish the little human boy.

sa2021 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Alistair's P.O.V

My eyes snap open and was met with complete darkness.

Pitch. Black. Darkness - how unsurprising.

My hands were crossed in an X-position over my chest - I couldn't feel my limbs.

Closing my eyes I took in a deep breath my body was tingling. I could feel every pull in muscle as my petrified body started to operate.

Feeling my powers build within, The powers I called upon felt unbalanced, distorted.

Bubbling and bursting as they pulse throughout my whole body.

I released a breath and could not help but jerk into a coughing fit as the wound on my chest made its appearance.

The harsh coughing fit rattled throughout my body, a gasp for air, each breath feeling like an eternity.

I released my arms from their position on my chest and reached out to open the coffin.  

As I touched the coffin door, it crumbled into fine dust, and the magic barrier that had kept me frozen in time dissolved. The coffin turned, landing in a vertical position.

I stood, my limbs stiff, body protesting, unused for far too long very reluctant to move. After a few moments, my limbs began to crack and pop as I shifted into motion.

With great difficulty I stood placed at the center of the dark room. My eyes flicker around my surroundings. taking In the familiar yet strange objects surrounding the now confirmed bedchamber.

The walls were covered in tapestries, and a large four-poster bed laid in the center . Tall, narrow windows let in pale, watery sunlight, casting the room in a ghostly light. The air was chilly, and I could see my breath in front of me.

A single question flickered through my mind - did it work?

Subconsciously my hand reached out to touch the left side of my chest, and a slight sting made me withdraw it. The wound was still there, but the pain was measurably less.

I walked to the nearest window, my hand pulling at the heavy brocade curtain. Noticing it was unusually clean. Outside, the world was dark and shadowed, Similar to the bedchamber. 

Tall evergreens grew out reaching to the sky. It seemed to stretch on forever, the trees looming like giants, their tops disappearing into the clouds.

A forest?

Although they were abnormally tall, making me suspect a hint of magic at play.

It was unnaturally quiet, the stillness of the air broken only by the sound of my own breathing. I was about to settle into the silence when I felt a presence - a familiar one.

Not a moment later the wooden door bursts open brining in a gust of wind to the already cold room. As the door slammed against the wall looking seconds away from flying off it's hinges.

It was Aetos.

Turning I face the mixture expression of shock, fear, and utter disbelief of the vampire who I can surely assume I haven't seen for a couple Years.

His eyes were frantic, searching all around the room until it stopped, landing. He looked flabbergasted.

I let out a scoff.

"Aetos, you knave, I was wondering where you have been lurking."

Aetos' eyes widen at my words. He seemed to struggle to find the right words.

Slowly yet surely he seemed to gather his wits. "Well I'll be a monkeys uncle, your awake."

His smiling eyes slowly turning into ones of mischief as he starts to grin " and it seems your tongue is as usually sharp as ever -tch I wonder how it hasn't gone blunt over all these years."

He mocks. Sauntering across the room and comfortably plumping himself carelessly onto a  sofa... Letting his muddy boots graze the checkered carpet.

I tosses him a disgusted glance hands falling away from the black curtain and gracefully cross behind my back.

"you seem awfully comfortable." I observe, My gaze was fixed upon the disheveled and arrogant figure before me, tone tinged with disdain.

Aetos waves a dismissive hand at me, completly unconcerned while I  continue to glare at him.

"One would think that a few years would have taught you some manners, but I see that is not the case." The stubborn vampire merely grinned, his sky-blue eyes glinting with insolence.

I scoff and Aetos threw his head back and laughed heartily. The sound echoing throughout in the grand room.

"As always, you're a pompous prig." He teased.

"Always so concerned with appearances and quick to judge those who do not meet your standards. But I'm afraid to say that I have not changed in that regard, and I find that rather pleasing."

"You're an incorrigible scoundrel, you know that?" I said, feigning irritation while fighting back a smile.

Aetos chuckles softly, a lopsided grin spreading across his face. "You of all people should know how much I detest the word 'etiquette.'  Rules are so dull, and I find them utterly tedious."

With my posture impeccably straight, I crossed expertly around the dark room and take a seat opposite Aetos. My legs crossed naturally, and my white-gloved hands rested on my thigh, palms twined together.

After a moment, I noticed something strange. "Where's the other mother hen?" I asked Aetos, puzzled.

Aetos frowned, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Mother hen? What do yo... Oh! Do you mean Llosovic?"

Aetos asked, his eyes widening with understanding.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes "Who other could I possibly mean?" I retorted.

Aetos snickered softly, his eyes crinkling with mirth. His amused smile remained firmly affixed on his face.

He leaned back into the plush royal blue sofa, languidly running his fingers through his chin-length red hair. His movements were unhurried, as if he had all the time in the world.

"Llosovic will be here soon," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "You know how punctuality isn't his forte."

"As for etiquette, I would say that it's not in your repertoire either, Aetos." I retort.

He raised an eyebrow, his expression remaining impassive. Opening his mouth, Aetos was interrupted by a whirlwind bursting into the room. The windows and doors slammed and shook against their frames as various items fell and rattled onto the carpeted floor.

Do these dimwits not know how to use a door properly?

My  silver gaze floated toward the open door, and there stood Llosovic, his eyes wide with surprise.

He lips trembled slightly as he stammered, his words tumbling out in a rush, "S-sire?"

Llosovic stared at me cautiously, as if he feared I would disappear with a blink.

"Llosovic," I said, my voice even and calm.

Opposed to Llosovic excitement, I remained unruffled. I surveyed Llosovic's unkempt hair and untidy appearance with an unabashed scrutiny.

Meanwhile, Aetos observed the scene with undisguised amusement, clearly anticipating the reaction that was sure to come.

I could tell that his enjoyment of the situation was only going to grow as events unfolded.

I knew what was coming next, and before I could prevent it, Llosovic let out a loud screech that reverberated throughout the bedroom.

In an instant, I found myself being tackled into a full-body hug.

My silver eyes narrowed, my body tensed, and my lips pressed into a thin, straight line.


And these two were well aware of that fact. 

The stinging sensation in my chest was not enough to distract me from the boisterous laughter coming from Aetos.

I glared daggers at the degenerate who seemed to enjoy my discomfort.

Shifting my gaze to the blond-haired nuisance who still had me in a tight embrace, I fixed him with a steely glare.

"Llosovic," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "Unhand me at once, or I will relieve you of your manhood this very instant."

The seething anger within me continued to simmer, my chest throbbed painfully and I could feel my teeth itching with the desire to feed.

My patience was wearing thin. And Aetos' mocking laughter only served to further irritate me.

I could feel Llosovic's body tense up seeming to realize what he had done he instantly let go cheeks redning in embarrassment

"My apologies, sire. I was so happy to see you that I lost my composure," Llosovic said, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I was so overwhelmed by my emotions that my eyes started to water."

I dusted myself off, feeling a bit puzzled by the whole situation. "Why are your eyes leaking?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Llosovic's blush deepened, his face turning a shade of crimson that could rival a freshly picked cherry. He sniffed, reaching up to wipe at his eyes. "I'm trying to stop but it keeps coming out."

"Well, fix it. It's unsettling," I said, Llosovic nodded furiously as he vigorously wiped his eyes with his palm. He spluttered out a series of "I'm sorry"s, unable to catch his breath.

I stared blankly at him, at a loss for words.

"Stop bullying the poor kid, Alistair," Aetos chided, fishing a handkerchief out of the pocket of his oddly-styled outfit and handing it to Llosovic.

I fixed Aetos with a withering glare. "Quit talking nonsense," I said.

Llosovic finally seemed to gain control of himself and settled onto the sofa across from Aetos, who continued to pat him consolingly on the back.

With a helpless smile, Aetos said, "It's okay, Llosovic. It's perfectly understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed right now. Take some deep breaths and try to relax."

I draw my gaze away from them both stared out the small gap in the curtain, trying to make sense of our surroundings. "It's safe to assume we're not in London anymore," I said, turning to Aetos in search of confirmation.

"No, you're not in London anymore old chum," Aetos confirmed, shaking his head.

"You're not even on the same continent," he added with a smile. "Welcome to America."

"America?" I asked, my voice with slight disbelief.

"That's right," Llosovic chimed in.

I looked at the two of them in utter confusion. "How is that even possible?" I asked. "I know you two are smart, but not smart enough to pull off such a feat."

Llosovic let out a snicker, but Aetos glowered at me.


Sure, I can help you with that. Here's the rephrased version of the paragraphs in a more formal tone:

My lips twitch, and I raise my hands to brush off the dust from my pants, noticing the white fluffs on my wrists, which sparks a question I initially intended to ask. "Could you please inform me about the century we are currently in?" I glance down at both of their unconventional attire.

Aetos is wearing a coat with a peculiarly styled shirt that lacks buttons but somehow stays around his neck, along with a pair of equally unappealing pants.

"Judging from your appearance, I would say we are far removed from the 16th century."

Aetos clicks his tongue. 'Believe it or not, my dear friend, we are in the 21st century.'

My brows involuntarily furrow. 'That means-'

My thoughts falter, but Aetos understands the unspoken question.

'Sire, you have been asleep for over 400 years,' Llosovic completes."

It seemed that I slept a little longer than expected.

"Well that explains the bizarre attires, not to mention your unusual manner of speaking."

Aetos rested his elbow to his lap placing a fist to support his chin as he raised a red brow "If you think our way of speaking is odd, you'd be downright terrified to hear how folks talk these days," he chuckles with a snort.

"Don't give me bits. I need a detailed rundown on the past and current events. 

Aetos shook his head standing "it's not plausible to give you a detailed account on what happened throughout the time you were asleep ." He says, stalking off to the open door.

Llosovic nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's a bit too much to cover," he adds.

"Well, if you want a detailed explanation, I'd advise you to go read a History book, my friend. It's always good to dive into the past to understand the present."

Aetos reaches into his peculiar coat and tosses me a bag, which I catch effortlessly. I look down and examine it, only to realize it's a bag of blood.

I shoot Aetos an inquisitive gaze, to which he responds with a smirk.

"It's your dinner. I'm sure your relic of a body needs some fresh blood," he says, his smirk widening.

I scowl at him, feeling a mix of amusement and annoyance. "Want to say that again?" I challenge.

Aetos's smirk widens even more, but his gaze remains piercing. "You may not say it, but I'm sure your cravings have already started," he teases.

"There's plenty more where that came from, so just settle for this for now."

"Go ahead and feed, I'll be back soon," he says, raising his chin and gesturing towards Llosovic.

"If you have any burning questions, Llosovic can answer them for you. Apparently, someone thinks I'm too dumb to handle them," Aetos grins, taunting me.

With that, he walks purposefully through the door, his coat billowing behind him like a flag.

I can't help but stare at the back of that promiscuous bastard as he leaves, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

The blood bag in my hand feels almost scalding, its warmth contrasting with the cold numbness of my own flesh. I suppress a grimace, feeling my gums tingle and my teeth ache, yearning to sink into the bag's contents.

I direct my gaze back to the blond puppy who remained before me, whose hazel eyes stared expectantly at me.

Raising my my hand I bit the blood bag unhurriedly.

"Llosovic, tell me all you can about the 21st century."


21st Century?

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