
Chapter 27 - Change Of Heart


Luke Cane is a serious man. He rarely shows emotion. His stoicism is one thing that I have always looked up to and tried to emulate all my life.

He talks business - profits, and investments are his go-to topics on the rare chances that we do share a meal at home. He would rather stay silent than joke around or discuss ‘trivial’ things.

The man is so rigid that he refuses to show any affection to his family. He works, he provides and that’s it. Being a father does not entail any emotional affectation at all. Growing up, he has seldom even acknowledged his familial ties with me let alone call me ‘son’ in public.

Giving me a roof over my head, all material things he deems I deserve and the privilege of being a Cane is enough.

Most times I agree with him, but there are moments I think differently. Moments I wonder if my family isn’t the way it is and if my parents aren’t the way they are, would I have led an entirely different life?