
Chapter 10 - Got My Eyes On You


I am fuming.

Who the fuck does Tommy think he is? He can't just do shit like that. I should have fired him right then and there.

He's lucky that he's so valuable in the company and punching him would mean there's a possibility I'd damage my hands. These babies are my money-makers. Engineers don't craft everything with just our minds.

I don't care if he's the resident Lothario in Cane Industries but he does not step a toe out of line where I'm concerned.

He's one of the few that I can tolerate in the company and yes, he's like a friend to me but my assistants are off-limits.

Well, I didn't care when he would hit up the ones before, but that's because they weren't important. I mean, they weren't in the middle of a task. He wasn't interrupting their work. They weren't on the clock. And I rarely saw him talking to the new ones, or rather I just didn't give a fuck.

But this time it's different.

I don't know when I noticed that particular dark wavy hair standing there in that room, I just saw red. And then she seemed to be smitten by him? They even smiled and laughed together. Like they shared some sort of secret. It's annoying. I don't want to be out of the loop, I'm the fuckin boss!

It must be the fact that I know Tommy is a playboy, this is clearly the reason for my annoyance. There’s nothing more to it.

I just don't want that drama around my office. I know his moves, after sleeping with her, he's just going to ditch the girl, and then what? He's going to make her cry and I don't like that in my area of business. I don't want a girl's snot and tears around me especially if it's about Tommy.

The bastard's such a dick. And I'm not being a hypocrite at all. I know my sexual escapades but the difference is that I'm pretty clear with the girls I fuck that it won't go beyond that. With Tommy, the bastard makes them fall in love.

He's so stupid that he believes in love, or at least he thinks infatuation is love, and chases after it. But when the naive boy discovers something about the girl that turns him off, he runs and leaves the poor girl.

It's better to be upfront and have an arrangement even if physical only than to give women the hope that something more can happen when clearly, he's not ready for it.

So yeah, I don't want that around my new assistant.

I'm not jealous or anything like that. I just don't want the hassle of finding a new employee to replace her when her heart is inevitably broken by Tommy.


In the elevator, I button up my cufflinks. Pat down the lapels of my suit and make sure my bow tie is aligned. I’m strangely nervous, this is the first time I’ve had this feeling, on a company event nonetheless.

I stride confidently and enter the floor we use as the company’s events place. The music is blaring, some modern songs I clearly don’t recognize. Decorations are set and the catering staff are already hard at work.

I shift my eyes and survey the room. New girl isn’t here yet.

I spot the table across the room, elevated on a platform, and with the number of flowers on that table alone, it rivals the centerpiece of a newlywed couple.

All eyes are on me while I walk towards the table of the client. I know I look good and I intend to capitalize on this for more business.

Althea Greene, the CEO of Red Jewels, greets me with a kiss on the cheek. Her green eyes and sleek green dress are well coordinated. It grips her every curve in just the right way. Her fiery red hair carefully and elegantly put up with little tendrils falling down is a picture.

She's three years older than me but looks half a decade younger. We run in the same circles, some can even say that we’re childhood friends.

"How are you, Miss Althea? Are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

The twinkle in her eye is unmistakable. She purses her lips and playfully swats my arm.

"Still Miss Althea? How long have we been friends, Austin?" He playfully taps my muscles. Her grip on my bicep lingers.

"It's been too long." I quip. She lets go of my arm.

"No matter, I'll get you to drop that Miss soon enough. Darling, this red is stunning on you." She fixes my bow tie and runs her thumb on the lapel of my suit.

“This is a work event, after all, Miss Althea,” I reminded her.

"How's Meredith?" She gives me a meaningful look. "Is she still clinging on to you?"

"You know we broke up half a year ago, right?"

"Yes, according to the little birds at the uppity parties, your mom organizes. But I like to hear it straight from the source. Besides, she seems to think you're getting back together."

"Ridiculous." I take the drink in her hand and finish it off. She raised an eyebrow at this.

"The girls are also hoping they have a chance to replace her. Since you're keeping some of them very entertained nowadays."

"It's all a mutually beneficial situation. They are actually the ones offering. Didn't know so many of them need extracurricular activities."

"Nothing wrong with keeping Mr. Cane extra happy. Those girls have had their eyes on you practically for years."

"They just see the benefit of hanging around a Cane."

"You're more than just your last name, Austin."

"Say that to my ex." With the topic getting more serious, I distract her.

"I know how precious your time is, you didn't come all the way here to gossip with me, I suppose?"

She laughs at this.

"Oh come on, Austin. When have we ever had the time to discuss your personal life? In between client calls?"

"Never. Don't get used to it." I deadpanned. "It didn't take me months to persuade you into a deal just for you to discuss girls during the launch party."

This makes her chuckle once more. "That's what I like about you, you don't give a damn about trivial things. Alright, enough chit-chat. Let's talk business. But first, I'll need a drink."

"Got it." I grab her glass. "Be right back."

"Sure, hon. Don't take too long." She manages to squeeze me once more before enchanting the other engineers on the table.

I notice how they all act like excited teenagers in front of their high school crush. I really cannot blame them. Althea Greene is stunning. One can clearly see she’s very classy and sophisticated. She also has a dark side to her, I can just tell. We’re cut from the same cloth, she exudes power and control.

But I don't mix business with pleasure. The women in my circle are fine, just as long as they are not clients. I’ve learned from that little lesson a long time ago. Office romances are not and would never be beneficial to me.

But if I did try, Althea would be at the top of my list. She’s one hell of a woman.

The bartender quickly takes my order. He hands me the drink seconds later.

Just before I take it, I spot something across the room that stops me from my tracks. My blood boils and I grip the stem of Althea’s martini glass.

New girl is wearing a slick black dress.

It's this delicate way she's gliding along the room. The way her hair softly falls on the sides of her face.

Huh, she cleans up nicely. I’m impressed and highly surprised. She’s always been bloodied, bruised and crumpled in the office. If she’s not harangued and panicking, I would often see her dozed off and daydreaming. I reckon she’s had several panic attacks just outside my office.

What distracts me from her appearance tonight is the man blocking my full view of my assistant.

Fucking Tommy is standing in the way of me appreciating the girl. There’s no mistaking that mop of hair.

His bulky figure and his huge muscular frame are obstructing my sight. I just wanted to make sure it really is her and I’m not hallucinating.

The annoyance with my friend is new and I’m taken aback by the level it has escalated from the moment I saw the girl talking to him.

I know I have a temper, but it has never quite reached this much and this quick.

It must just be my uneasiness and nervousness today. It’s making my nerves jump all over the place.

I stride over to the two who are seemingly locked in a conversation.

I interrupt Tommy from complimenting the girl.

“You look really really….”

“Mr. Ford, I need Ms. Blake to work right now.” I don’t allow them to speak. By the girl’s shocked face, I see that she registered my presence. I make sure the new girl gets my message to not waste work hours by flirting and marching over to the bar again.

I seem to have left Althea’s drink when I interrupted them. I signaled to the bartender to make a new one.

While waiting, I glance over to Tommy and new girl once more.

Why are they not separating? Did I not make myself clear? Do I need to go over there once more? Tommy follows the new girl to the marketing table.

Does he not have his own seat? I thought he would be at the client’s table as head of the department.

Even if he does not need to schmooze with the clients, he has his own designated table.

“Thanks, darling,” Althea says when I hand over her drink.

“Who do you keep on looking at?” She angles her body so she could see what I’m glancing at.

“Nothing. What are you talking about here?” I tap her arm.

She falls for it. “Well, I was just telling these boys my company’s latest objectives. Maybe they can help out.” Her smile is dazzling but I’m still distracted.

Tommy just won’t leave the marketing table. Did I not inform them that she should be seated beside me? Why isn’t she following my orders? Do I need to physically remove her there?

I’m halfway up my seat when I see Althea’s inquisitive face. She follows my eyesight.

“Who’s the girl?” Her perfectly shaped eyebrow clues me into her curiosity.

“No one. Just my assistant.” I grit my teeth. I’m trying my best not to look over there.

“So why haven’t you taken your eyes off her the moment she came into the room?”

“I was just checking that she was doing her job. She seems a little bit ditzy and uncoordinated.”

“Sure, hon. It’s not about that dress and that hair and that body. Sure.” She gives me a patronizing look while listing new girl’s admittedly nice qualities tonight.

“It’s not like that. I’m just keeping an eye on her. She keeps on messing up. I don’t want unproductivity around me all the time.”

Althea uses her forefinger to push my chin towards her. Guess I’ve been looking at Tommy’s moves again. He’s got his arm wrapped at the back of her chair. His body angled towards the poor girl. Trapping her in.

“I thought you didn’t want office romance, Austin?” Her face is closer to mine at this point.

She looks into my eyes and the mirth in hers is melting my anger. She’s trying to see if there’s something in there that I’m trying to conceal.

“I don’t. She’s clearly not my type.”

“Oh? Then who is?” Althea is definitely flirting with me. It’s not just for jokes now. Under the table, she slides her hands over to her thigh.

All the annoyance leaves my body.

I smile at her. This is going to be an interesting night.