
Craving Desires : #The Dark Blood Series

For centuries, vampires have been at war with the humans, also known as the breathers. To end the war, there was only one way for both sides, they needed to go against their own laws and rules. WARNING: MATURED CONTENTS

Paulicia · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The pale crescent Moon shone brightly like a silvery claw in the night sky, illuminating the entire universe with its radiant light and beautiful gleam and lighting up the world with its crystal and celestial beams.

Surrounded by the shining stars that stretched far across the sky, glistening like tiny pieces of diamonds, it showered its glowing brightness over the world.

And its radiance and beautiful nature is so delightful and unbelievably astonishing that it was a magnificent and great sight to behold.

As she rode through the woods, Stormy was left mesmerised by the enchanting view and beautiful atmosphere that greeted her.

There were tall pines that shot up into the clouds like arrows, their huge and dense layer of branches forming a canopy that casted its shadow upon the rest of the trees and the outstretched land.

There were also thick and overgrown grasses, shrubs and underbrush sprinkled with beautiful and colourful flowers that were emitting strong and sweet scented fragrances hovering in the air.

Amidst all that, there was also the sounds of birds singing and chirping happily in the trees while the squirrels also kept on chattering and squeaking and the insects hum.

Every now and then, the wind also whistles causing the branches and leaves to sway back and forth as they seem to dance to its compelling rhythm.

Completely fascinated by the beauty of the place, Stormy suddenly closed her eyes and took in a long deep breath as she enjoyed the tranquility and serenity of the atmosphere.

While she relishes the moment, Stormy began to fantasize about being the Queen of that enchanting dreamlike world, and her face was all lit with smiles as she lived her beautiful moment.

However, her happiness was instantly cut short when the horse suddenly stopped and reared, causing her to fly off on to the ground.

Disoriented, she immediately sat up and desperately called out to the horse which was fast galloping away but was left disappointed when she didn't stop and just kept on cantering until she was out of sight.

Clutching unto one of her toes that had broken due to the fall, Stormy cursed at her misfortune and bad luck as she desperately tried to think of ways to make it back home safely.

As she sat there thinking of what to do, she suddenly noticed that the woods had become eerily silent and began to have a bad feeling.

After sometime , Stormy was able to put two and two together and came to the conclusion that the animals might've sensed the presence of danger hence their unusual quietness and the reason the horse had also fled the woods and was immediately panic-stricken.

As the anxiety and the fear of the unknown kicked in, she began to hyperventilate, breathing rapidly as her heart also began to thump at a faster rate.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, she was suddenly greeted by a loud growling sound and the rustling of dry leaves behind her and tensed.

Slowly, she moved her head towards the direction where the sound was coming from and nearly screamed out of her lungs when her eyes landed on what was making the growling sounds.