

Yan Mor Tee was about 30 meters away from Tan Ja Nin suite when he saw Tan Ji Nan came out from the door

"Ji Nan!" He hurriedly went into his direction. "How is she?" He was about to go inside the room when Ji Nan stopped him.

"It won't be best if you will come inside. My mother has lost her logical mind and might castigate you for baseless reason and it's not good if Tan Ja Nin woke up to see a warzone."

Yan Mor Tee looked at Tan Ji Nan and agreed on his suggestion.


"How did you learn about the news?" Tan Ji Nan asked Yan Mor Tee as they were seated on the bench at the park inside the hospital vicinity.

"Your father told me. He stormed off to the office and gave me a punch!"

Tan Ji Nan took a deep sigh.

"Please forgive my parent for blaming you for what happened to my sister. They lost their logical mind 7 years ago!"