
Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Crash Landing

The rhythmic hum of the jet engines filled the cabin as Alice gazed out the window, her heart pounding with excitement and nervous anticipation. Beside her, Josh sat clutching her hand, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. They were on their way to their dream honeymoon destination, a secluded tropical island known for its pristine beaches and lush jungles.

"Can you believe we're finally doing this?" Alice exclaimed, squeezing Josh's hand.

He smiled, his gaze locked on her. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life exploring the world with you."

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden jolt, followed by the sound of alarms blaring throughout the cabin. Panic surged through Alice as she looked out the window to see thick clouds swirling around them.

"What's happening?" she cried, her voice trembling.

Before Josh could respond, the plane lurched violently, sending them tumbling to the floor. The last thing Alice remembered before everything went black was the sensation of weightlessness as the plane plummeted towards the ground.

When Alice regained consciousness, she found herself lying amidst the wreckage of the plane. Groaning, she pushed herself upright and surveyed her surroundings. The once sleek jet now lay in ruins, its twisted metal scattered across the sandy beach.

"Josh?" Alice called out, her voice shaking with fear.

To her relief, she spotted him a few yards away, slowly stirring from unconsciousness. Rushing to his side, she helped him sit up, relief flooding her as she saw him blink his eyes open.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Josh nodded weakly, his gaze searching hers. "I think so. What happened?"

Before Alice could respond, a soft whimper caught their attention. Turning, they saw their loyal companion, Elodie, emerging from the wreckage, her tail wagging weakly.

"Elodie!" Alice cried, relief washing over her as she scooped the dog into her arms.

Together, they huddled on the beach, the reality of their situation sinking in. They were stranded on a mysterious island, their honeymoon plans shattered by the crash. But as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, their love guiding them through the unknown.