
History Strongest Disciple 4 A visit

The next few days were uneventful. Lettie didn't speak about what happened to make sure she dealt with the User later herself.

Kasumi had an invitation that she thought would be great for them to do. Improving relations with key figures.

The Pulls had settled in nicely as well. Toph from Avatar the last Airbender. As well as Ban Mido from Getbackers took a good charge with them. After Kasumi and Lettie anyway. Ban was doing an assignment from Lettie to infiltrate the Under World. Pretty good at it given his disposition.

"No." Titan said looking at Kasumi. "You can go. I have no real interest in going there."

"Come on. It will be a learning experience for you." Kasumi smiled.

"Again no. Take Toph with you then. She can learn all sorts of things there." Titan shook his head. "I don't want to see Kensei Ma doing things around you. I rather not have to go all out trying to kill him."

"It is not like I will sleep with the man." Kasumi rolled her eyes but couldn't stop her smile from appearing. 'Ah, jealousy is so cute on him.'

"Not the point. I just rather not go there. I don't want to see that happening..." Titan shook his head. "Definitely not something I am ok with. Consider me still fragile in that department."

"Just keep yourself in check then." Kasumi insisted.

"Don't want to. Just go yourself Kasumi."

"Ugh, fine then. Be that way." Kasumi threw her hands up exasperated. She looked back to see Titan's hands clutched on his lap. 'Damn it. Why can't you just reign it in for me? I want you to come out with me more. Wait.. that idiot has control of his Pather power. We have to tell him things specifically.'

Turning around, Kasumi marched right up to him. "I want you to come with me there. Just to see me fight with Miu or train."

"Oh.. alright then." Titan pulled her close to him. "I love you Kasumi, you know that right?"

"Um, yeah just. Wah don't touch me there! We have guests." Kasumi gave a little squeal.

"They are adults. They will be fine."

"Do you always do things like this? "

"Depends on my mood. I mean grabbing them yes. Sometimes it's a little more rated R when I do so. High sex drive with shit morals. But they have a safe word or they can just tell me to stop and I will."

"How weird." Nia said. "But nice."

"Time to go husband." Kasumi said as she got up. "You don't need to change what you have is good enough."

"Right. Just a second." Titan willed himself calm and activated the High Pull.

System: High Pull commencing.... target locked. Inuyasha Anime... Sesshoumaru The Dog Demon

"Hello Sesshoumaru. How are you?" Titan sent over who he was. The information already coming to him that this was someone he met before.

"Ah it's you. You are different but it is you. I am fine. Glad we could meet again. Are you my User this time?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Correct. I would stay and chat but I am heading out. Oh, this is my third wife Kasumi. Meet the second wife Lettie. My first is working somewhere. As for the rest.. well that is Nia my cousin. That is Motoko, that there is Toph you are the first Male so congrats on that. Bye..." Titan closed the door behind him.

In true a nine fashion the ladies remaining looked at Sesshoumaru as if he was meat. "Well hello."

"So.. you are quite the cutie." Toph teased getting up. Enjoying her ability to see more than she would let Titan ever know. "You attached?"

"No. You do know I am a demon right?" Sesshoumaru looked a little off put. 'He did always say things were unbalanced around him.'

"Ugh, why?!" Toph grumbled and left to chase after the others.

"Tell me about this demon business." Nia said. "I would like to know more."

"Very well then." Sesshoumorou said. He then started to explain the ins and out of it. 'Motoko Kusanagi is here. Does not look like she knows me. That is good. She does look older than the one I met to.' He made sure to study them as they talked.

Motoko left about an hour into it. She received a quest to go and apply for the police force. In the cybersecurity area. Considering the tech level here, she thought it would be a good way to do some good. She accepted it with no problems. Her clothes then changed to modern attire and a briefcase with her credentials appeared.

'This is to good to be true. I scored big with this guy. And I get to save a bunch of people while here. If I work extra hard I won't have to leave. Yeah, I can definitely do this.' Thinking as she moved, Motoko was already planning on busting her butt for Titan and this World. 'Glad my body is reinforced even though it's completely human. Can take chances and freak people out though. I feel like a kid. This feeling.. I love it.'


-Over at the Dojo-


"Hey, Kasumi!" Miu yelled. She started running up, till she saw the others and was surprised. "You brought a lot of people. Hope they don't get upset."

"Well, your Grandpa told me it was ok. I hope it is." Kasumi responded happily.

They walked inside and moved to the training area.

"This is Hopachi Appachi he.. is.." The girl paused trying to decide on what all to reveal to them. And what to keep to herself.

"I am not dealing with these shenanigans Kasumi. All the people here are world-class martial artists. You do not have to make excuses or lies child." Titan said getting frustrated the girl was about to start lying straight to their faces. "All my people are fighters as well. Freya is only a little weaker than you because of your upbringing. If not for that, she would destroy you. So no need for any subterfuge."

"Damn it Titan!" Kasumi smacked his chest. "You could have been nicer about it."

"And she could have thought about it more. Her grandpa invited us. That should have tipped her off. Hell, she could have gave us a sense as a fighter and figured it out herself." Titan looked at her angrily. "She lacks awareness and common sense still apparently. Something you, should teach her about."

"Hmph, just for that. No more cuddles for the rest of the week." Kasumi turned to look at Miu. "He is a bit of a brute still. Let's not let this ruin the day."

"Right. It's ok." Miu beamed.

"He should apologize." Kenichi said.

"You should eat a dick." Titan responded.

"Why are you so rude?!

"The same reason your a beta male bitch." Titan glared. "It's in my nature chump. Your childhood friend is a much better candidate than you are for a lot of things. He would make a better fighter learning from them all. By the old, you make me sick."

Titan's Pather power was working in overdrive. Which was weird since he had control. The World itself was trying to show him something.

"I think it best everyone calms down." Toph said. She caught up easy enough. "Especially you Titan."

"Tch, fine." Taking a deep breath to center himself, he started to cultivate. "Sorry but not sorry." Connecting with whatever the World was trying to show him. 'What are you are trying to show me pain in the butt?'

"Eh.. he is one with the earth. How extraordinary." Toph said. 'If he could fight like this in battle it would be perfect. Is that why he needed me as a Earth teacher? Ah well. Time will tell.'

"He is strong." Apachi said. "I want to fight him." His blood was boiling letting him know he was near someone extremely dangerous.

"No, Apachi." Kenichi said. He thought he was protecting Titan but he was just getting in the way. "I think I should spar with him."

"That is a bad idea." Lettie said. "You can't beat him or touch him for that matter. You are no where near Freya's level. He will hurt you brat." She then stood up when the swordswoman came over. Shigure Kōsaka figure was barely hidden by the garments she wore. Her eyebrows were the most noticeable. "Ah, you are here. Looking good Shigure. Want to talk about weapons or armor?"

"Weapons. Bo staff today." Shigure said stoically.

"I know a little." Freya spoke up. "Mind if I join you?" She received a nod and the three moved to the side and started talking.

"Hope you spar with me Kenichi?" Shane came over from out the gate. "Best way I can become a disciple is by beating you."

"Alright let's do it." Kenichi nodded. He looked at who Shane was looking at. He was staring at Kasumi. 'I have a really bad feeling about this.' the young teen thought.

"Woah, what a babe! Got to get to know you. Hey, I am.." Shane stopped talking when he was pushed into the dirt. "Guh' easy pal." He looked over and saw Titan. "Hey, its you. Mind easing up? I want to talk with that hot piece over there."

"You little mutha.." Titan jumped over. He was going for a killing blow. A blaze of fire aligned on his fist made of spirit energy. He kept his actual Flame Fist suppressed.

"Stop!" Sakiki said as he stepped in. He sent his fist to intercept.

*Poow!* A Shock wave rang out instantly.

"See you don't have.." Sakiki stopped when he noticed that he clashed with an after image. 'Enough power to even block me with that. Ugh, he even injured me.' He looked at his fist and saw some burn marks. Turning around he saw Titan already going for another death strike on Shane who hadn't been able to get up still.

*Swoosh!* Akisame appeared and swept Titan to the side. With a thump, Titan bounced on the ground once before recovering. The energy in the area started to gather around him.

"Haaa!" Letting out some built up pressure, he exhaled. "Let's throttle up!" His cultivation flared out.

*Crackk, pop!* His bones cracked and realigned. His injuries already taken care of. With a flex of his fingers he was ready to go.

"Thanks for that." Titan smirked. "Ahh a little bit closer to where I once was. Care to try and stop me again?" He looked at the others. They stood put. "Limit release 10%."

*Swoosh!* A wave of energy hit Sakiki and Akisame. They both took a fighting stance.

"Oh ho ho, guest please relax." Furunji appeared walking over with Kensei Ma. "He didn't mean anything by his comments. I will teach him better. If you will release him."

"Tch!" Reigning his power in, Titan let him free and started walking over to Kasumi. He touched her forehead letting her know why he attacked. He then walked over to Lettie and gave her a kiss. "I will kill him if you want? Just say the word."

"No. I will get him back for what he did. No reason to burn bridges just yet." Lettie said giving him a smile. "Just relax for now." Kasumi gave Shane a glare and whispered in Shigure's ear. She to glared at Shane.

"Well since things have finally calmed down. I welcome you all for a visit. Relax and enjoy yourselves." Furunji said. And just like that, the area became more tolerable as everyone started talking again.

Titan focused on gathering energies putting everything else out the way. His second mind worked on any threats while his 3rd and 4th was on his people. The hours trickled by pretty fast. He didn't break out of it till after Kasumi finished sparing with Miu. It was a draw that Kasumi made happen.

"Time to go brother." Lettie said while standing near him. I think Toph will be staying longer."

"Alright." Titan got up and bid adieu to them all at once. He was stopped by the person he least expected.

"Someday I will challenge you to a fight." Shinichi said. "Till then, I will keep training." Titan just nodded and continued walking. They arrived back home and walked straight to the training floor.

"Is everything ok?" Nia asked.

"He is upset." Lettie answered before Kasumi could say anything. "He was prevented from killing someone. More than once."

"Oh, I see." Nia had know idea what to say to that really.




"Rahhh!" Titan punched the concrete wall shattering the bones in his fingers. The concrete was reinforced but still it was enough to deter him. "I am so weak. Weaker than I thought. What the hell happened?"

"The World weakened you when you became owner. It is rare and I didn't think it would do such a thing." Lluvia said appearing. She had a frown on her face. "I am sorry my User. I think I can fix it. Just would have to spend a lot of my points to do so."

"No. I rather you not do that." Turning, Titan faced the wall again. "Hah!" He punched it with more anger this time and watched as it cracked. "Ugh damn it." His other fist was now broken. "Can we leave without causing a problem?"

"We can but.." Lluvia started to say.

"Can we not." Motoka came in. Followed by the rest of his Companions and his one Follower Freya. The Valkyries tended to stay at their own homes. "Don't go super crazy either. I like it here. It's only been a day for me. And everything is going great."

"I rather you not leave or destroy my World." Said Freya. "Just do what you have to do to get back to where you were."

"I have a solution. Care to hear it out?"

"Nope but go ahead anyway. This was not supposed to happen. Grrr damn it!" Titan swung out with his broken hand and felt the breaking travel all the way up to his shoulder. He dropped to a knee. His body couldn't take the abuse anymore. 'Skill's and moves, but a body that cant keep up. Someone did this bullshit.'

"I send you to a place like Warhammer 30k-40k for experience to make up for it." Lluvia walked closer and put her hands on Titans' shoulders. "I know you wanted to take it easy but just do this and everything will go back to how we planned."

"Tch, just do it." Titan agreed before he changed his mind. "Hopefully I don't bloody die."

*Bwoom!* A rift opened and he was gone.

"Wait is there not a him here anymore?" Lettie asked. "I cant feel his presence at all."

"No. He needed his full strength for where I sent him to." Lluvia thought it was odd still what was happening. Pulling up a screen, she went to work and found out what happened. "Ehh, a complaint was filed. It is that User again. The one that tried to molest Lettie."

"And he is the same one to throw a few words about me and a few others." Freya said. "Wanting to attack for Lettie is one thing. But not enough for that anger he displayed."

"It is because of what the boy had planned for us." Lettie added. "The thoughts he had for us was at the surface level of his mind. I read them and told Titan."

"Well, he also broke the deal between the two as Users. So there is that." Kasumi said.

"Wait is that what he was wanting to talk about work wise?" Lluvia looked at her. She received a solid nod. "Oh, this will not end well then. Excuse me as I go and throw my weight around."

"Wait!" Lettie stopped her. "I am all for crushing someone however if you show your full cards it might throw some flags. Then again, I rather we have a fight on our hands. That User is a putz anyway. We can always torture him a little. Crush him and take all his points." A devilish grin on her face.

"Sounds good. But I won't let some Operator try something on us. A formal inquiry and I will go from there. A little probing to see if these people are worth a damn." Lluvia typed away before closing a window. "Ah so whats for dinner?"

"He cooked before leaving. And Sesshorouma made dessert." Nia said simply. "I will heat it up."

Updated as of 12/06/2020

FrozenTidecreators' thoughts