
Crap, I Was Rifted (New Game+)

Rewrite to original Fan Fic. Changed writing style as well different characters here and there. Crazy night leading to a very unbelievable adventure. Being sucked away, and sent to places you only wanna dream about not actually go to. Destination 1 Mass Effect. Second Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions. I do not own the characters mentioned in the web novel. Support the official games, video games, and board games, and the authors and producers who made them. Discord Frozentidez#9107

FrozenTidez · Video Games
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Warhamer 30k-40k Part 4 Zelda Interlude

Azul spent time with Mileuda in his Nether World. After a day or two there, he returned to Nuceria. Only a short hour had passed. Emerald had spent the time talking to the Eldar and Dark Eldar. They were told that Azul could return those who fell. But they would have to follow him. The Dark Eldar agreed, the other Eldar did not. They left to return to the individual CrawftWorld they were abducted from. How, Emerald had know idea. The WebWay relay was destroyed. That is what her sisters said last.

Galtea: Everything is ready. The stones just need you to transfer them over.

Emerald handed them over, and Azul went to work.

"Bwoom!" He created a Rift that was connected to his inventory. Out of the Rift, Dark Eldar bodies floated out. Azul left a mark of Indoctrination on each of them. The symbol was that of a Dragon and the Hyrule symbol.

The Eldar Goddess Isha had used the connection that Azul's Nether World held to move to the Azul here when he visited Nether World. He could do it with his body... but that would be bad. It would escalate the difficulty. The System was really weird about its rules. Well, the Administration was anyway.

'Azul, try not to .. break them please.' She thought to Azul in worry. 'I rather they did not die foolishly.' Isha sent Azul some psychic understanding on how to work the mind better. Peaceful info from creatures with psychic minds. 'I will do my best to help with this Black Statue.'

System: Intelligence Check 30 Pass Mental Cleasing Upgraded. Lv6 Mental Cleansing adding additional from Pather abilities. Pather Rewrite acquired.

Lv6 Mental Cleansing: Target specific emotional disturbances. Capable of erasing memory and "emotional attachments" to memories. Can switch mental states from Calm to Aggressive. Sad to Happy. Emotionally Dead to Emotionally Alive.

Pather Rewrite: The Pather can send a target on the path they desire. Or the Path the User desires. No longer a passive skill of User Azul.

'The flip...' Azul's mind went blank for a moment. He was about to dive in it headfirst to study, but was interrupted by the guest in his Nether Heart. 'What is it, Mira?'

Mira: Thank you for renaming me. Ceripco was so tame compared to you. I do miss him at times. But, I wish to warn you. I understand the others have their planes but no. Your new ability as a Pather is dangerous. I have hidden from them. Which is easy as I am a stronger Operator than them. Do not mention it to them just yet. You do not want to get hunted just yet. Trust me.

'Hmm alright. Was Ceripco..' Azul started to trail off as he worked.

Mira: Yes a Pather like you. Well, that is wrong. The Pather was the last ability he acquired. You have gone furthur in it than he had. He was able to Freeze time and Rift through World's in seconds. No power loss when doing so. Anyway, I will continue to watch from your Nether Heart.

'Ok.' Azul did not ask her to come out again. She made it clear there was no place for her yet. She had what she needed. And guarding his Nether Heart was fun all on its own. 'I will update the mental me that is there in a bit.'

Finishing up, he never thought he would see so many Dark Eldar smile. The fact they actually use the stones was weird. But then again, they were not really as corrupt as the Dark Eldar that raided. A lot of the Eldar traditions were still used.

"All hail the Archon!" The Dark Eldar cheered towards Azul. Azul just nodded his head in finality.

"Alright, we will work in tandem with the gladiators. Putting an end to all of this here. A bigger threat is coming. I rather deal with them." Azul stated.

"You have my blade now and forever brother." Angron said. "Our jailers will pay for this. Those Dark Eldar that side with you will be ok." Azul gave him a nod of understanding. "We need to get everything we can from this place and the others. I want everyone re-outfitted the best as possible."

The various gladiators nodded. The injured made way to Azul. Reaching out with a combination of Warp energy and Devil power, he cast regen on the limbs. As long as the gladiators consumed large quantities of food and water, the missing limb's will grow back.

Isha explained to him in large detail that Warp, Immaterium, Daemon, Psyker energy were all the same to him. Azul had forgotten at one point he was a User. It was a subconscious thing caused by his high Syncro rating. The energy is just.. well Energy to him. His mind is what messed with everything.

'Your Willpower is laking. Trouble at home will mess with things.' Isha said knowingly. 'All will reveal itself soon enough. This statue is a work of wonder.' She thought about what else could be wrong and told him outright. 'The countless impressions you are absorbing for power is something else. In your spare time, I suggest reicarnating them into forces. Basic forces at that. They can earn power for you on their own. No sense in investing in them heavily just yet. I suggest let them help with your various places.'

'Hmm right. Haaa I just had a really fun time with Mileuda recently. She is worried about something, so is my Nether World to. Did you enjoy fixing my statue?' Azul went over the options and paced himself. It would be best to set down with Kasumi soon. She was a good listener. 'I do not like Prinnes so I will turn them into Djinn.'

'Yes. You are interesting. That is for certain.' Isha kept running her hands over it. She started to get an idea of what they were planning. But could not be certain just yet.

The Djinn were from Golden Sun. A game on the GBA. Little creatures of elemental magic. Azul had purchased the method of creating them one day while relaxing. He like the little things. Fond memories while looking for them. But the innocence factor was something else. With a single thought, a large clump of mana was spent. He removed all the viable souls and mental impressions available. The rowdy one's were still left for the Thessia sisters.

"Wooo!" Over 6 million of the Djinn's flew out. As well as two additional of their kind. A Dark/Devil Djinn and A pure Psychic/Dragon Djinn.

System: Mental state returned to normal. Warning, emotions are raw.

-Break before heading out-

Nether World 2nd Garden. Azul was spending a little time with Galtea. Lluvia was doing something or another. Mileuda wanted to check on her forces fully, so she skedaddled. It was time to but some more things. A Djinn had grown very close to Azul in the short time. It kept rubbing its head on him. A second one sat on his shoulder just as attached.

"Alright, settle down." Azul said to them. They both disappeared and attached themselves to him. It didn't provide a power upgrade or anything, but they were soothing and kept quiet enough.

"A Light War jack from Warmachine for Jaina again. Maybe another for the others to. No, they want armor and weapons most likely.. Eh, why not." Galtea nodded at him agreeing. Lluvia had stepped out to do something else. Azul made note he had not seen her for a bit. Just a little talking is all on missions.

Azul wanted to buy a Gundam... like really badly. But Galtea pleaded him not to. "Just saying, Heavy Arms would be perfect in this scenario." He stopped to rub his temples. "I can feel the Tyrannids approach. They are aware of me." With a thought, they were pushed away mentally. They want to eat Azul.

"No for the last time. Dont do it. It will make this place become even harder." Galtea watched everything he was purchasing. She was worried beyond belief. With good reason. She rechecked everything against any possible chances of an increase in difficulty. Very thorough. More so than usual. "As for the Tyrannids, it is because of that companion quest with that "woman" you acquired from Mortal Kombat. Maybe bring her here to fight." Azul gave a nod agreeing.

"Fine. She should be able to wrestle control from some of them. Galtea, when I am finished, remind me that I am supposed to do something to you." AzuI looked back at the shop list.

"Very well." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at him. "Do you think using the summons from Mileuda and the others is a good idea? They are weakened and might get taken over."

"Yeah.. bad idea. I really want to use the Sisterhood." Azul looked her over again. "They will make it in time right?"

Galtea moved about thinking. "They are a sound investment. It will be fine once they emerge. If things go south, they will work wonders. You cannot have the Sisters of Silence either. You would grow dangerously powerful." Galtea pointed out. "I know you want to kidnap them, because of the Emperor. But just no."

"Yeah, yeah. I want to mess up the timeline so badly. Even more so. So many changes that can be made. Like Horus and the Lion. Oh, shit Magnus.. that one-eyed fucker. I wanted to talk with that guy. He knew some weird things. I like weird things." AzuI was a little too excited. Better than thinking about how dangerous it was here.

"That is cruel and you know it." Galtea was becoming more... conversive again. "As for the timeline.. once this is over, the change will happen slowly. We will head somewhere else then come back. The Heresy will take to much to change. That I can assure you. But it has several different routes happening. Horus not at the forefront to become Warmaster. So that is good."

"Ok then," Azul said scratching that off his list. The change was exciting. The new Warmaster should be something. "But I can change the fate of some of the Primarchs still. Well, humanize them a little more. Maybe that will help. It worked for Angron and Lionel last time."

"Ok?" Galtea asked. Her face was puzzled.

"Yeah, ok. Do you want me to change my mind back?" Azul said. His face had a small smirk.

"No!" She got right in his face. "Why though?"

"Simple. You asked me to." Azul gave her a shrug and went back searching the store. "I dont mind doing something like that for the people in my group. If I really had to do that, there would have been no asking." AzuI nodded his head. Agreeing with himself. "I am wishy-washy at times. So sue me, but dont sue me. I am feeling better about some things.."

"I see." Galtea looked away from him. "Thank you anyway."

"No problem. Stop feeling guilty already. "I did not like that feeling coming through the link we shared. You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I know you say that. But still.." Galtea started to apologize again. 'I have to keep him distracted from what I am really doing. His Pather Power is turning more powerful lately. How to distract him now though?'

Azul didnt want to hear it. Or feel it, so he pushed the emotions directly away. Enjoying the quiet as he looked back at the shop. AzuI stopped when he saw a Ranger Morpher. Right before he clicked it, she stopped him.

"No, you cannot become a Power Ranger!" Her gaze was sharp and commanding. She knew when Azul turned to happy, he bought things always wanted. Which would then push his synchro rating even higher then. "Sit down for me please." She asked nicely. So he did.

As soon as AzuI did so, he was surprised. She didnt sit next to him, but on his lap instead. She directed happy emotions and diverted his attention to the hear and now. The biotic strands were really powerful.

"No hanky panky. Now let's see what we can get you, that will give you a fighting chance." AzuI tightened his grip around her and looked at the screen. "Your Space Marine upgrades are with both of your bodies. But you Eldar genetics can improve even more so."

"Let's see what we can do." Azul did a double look on his screen.

"The Haemastemen and Biscopea is a must upgrade. In this world, those upgrades will flourish faster and react better.'' Galtea looked back at him before quickly turning back. She was just checking that he was paying attention. Which he was. "Let's do the Preomor as well."

System: Match found. Adding Medium Pull... Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic... Sith & Jedi Powers devoured by current Psyker powers. Added to skill set.

"Woom!" Biotic, Psychic, Psyker, Magic, Mental, and Rune power wrapped around Azul. In a few seconds, it ended as it all merge back into one.

"Better?" Galtea asked. Azul gave her a nod. "With your Pather power, it will boost the strength of all your powers. Just need a little practice. Which you will get soon."

"I agree. We need something for the troops now. Like seriously. They are mostly melee fighters. Only thing I know, is that this swarm does not have the large bio-weapons still. The claws and talons will make short work of everyone's flesh." Azul looked at his inventory at the things he had prepared beforehand. More is always better. "We should be able to find something more."

"And done. Your body has accepted the upgrades. Most improvements to your Constitution against Warp energy is the most beneficial." Galtea smiled back at him. "Oh, the other stuff you were saying... Let us see.."

"Take your time." AzuI said to her. It was nice seeing her smile. In an instant, he received a quick flash of everyone else smiling. His Pather power showing him he needed to protect. Showing him a way to protect those smiles. 'That was weird to think about. But I ignore that feeling last time.' Azul used a Common Pull and added a 10,000 points to it.

"We can purchase reinforcement magic.. or some psyker guards that you can cast. But it won't last long. You would have to keep casting over and over. Same as last time. Your level is holding you back still." Galtea opened a window with a language AzuI could not even possibly understand. He did recognize the person it was showing, Jaina. He assumed it was her specs. Looking at it for a few seconds, he turned back to the store screen. "Jaina can use some spells that will work. The problem is that she is more offensive in nature still. What do you think?"

"Do it. One or two defensive ones will turn the tide. It worked last time anyway. Pick one for me that will work best." AzuI scrolled over and looked at a screen with armor. AzuI stopped at a Guyver unit. He was happy they were their again. "What about these Guyver units? It is a bio-armor. They may look aesthetically different but there are some like this in this world. In fact, the Elder wraith bone is really close to it."

"Get them. They won't cause a problem. Ahh, there is only three of them." Galtea checked them out, then went back to what she was doing. "One for you, Jaina, and a Gladiator. You cant give one to Angron."

"Why not?" AzuI thought about it for a second before he remembered. "Right, I cant give him my Halo Armor either."

"No, but you can give it to one of the Dark Eldar with you. They are your support by the way." Galtea voice was normal, but Azul could hear a little cheery tone in it. He didnt know if this was from the close contact they had currently or if she was beginning to open up to him about what was bugging her. "The extra ones that came over. Not the ones you acquired and won."

She was talking about the 200 odd Dark Eldar that made it towards the group. the memories listed them as a splinter group that travel the planet fighting creatures. They were great addition to the party. Even more so with the fighting prowess they had.

"No matter what World I go to, I would always have some kind of support. Whether it was good or bad. Which explained the squadmates from Final Fantasy Tactics and Maldova and company. But Maldova was a special case. It was only for a little while unless I could raise my reputation higher with them. That reminds me of something." Azul focused on her. Galtea shuddered. She was anxious and this did not help her position on his lap. "Why are you blocking me? As well as some of the others. it is ok for privacy. But their is something more."

"I dont want to say. If you order me to... I will. Do not make me do it." Galtea poured her biotic strands out. She was serious. She really did not want to say it. "Please.."

AzuI bounced her on his lap. "I won't ok," He said as gently as possible. "Go to bed you have worked hard enough as it is." AzuI went back to finding something to help. She leaned back into him. Her lips right against his neck. 'She barely knows what has happen. It is so weird. She should know everything that is happening. Or is she having problems still?'

"You are a bad man." She mumbled before going to sleep. "A really bad man. But ..." She paused and stopped her self from saying it.

'But? Our who? That is what she said last time. But not this time. Guess she found sound one else maybe.' AzuI felt that this was a landmine waiting for him when this battle was over. 'Why did it have to be Tyrannids with Necrons?!'

'My Master, you should calm yourself.' Slannesh said to him. 'You have a lot to live for. as well as die for.'

'Thanks for that foreboding message.' AzuI thought about it for a moment. 'Slannesh can I even trust you not to take over? Now that we are here. I can feel you blocking yourself from me. Is this payback for everything?'

'I am offended you would have to ask. Just because I ruined the lives of several people does not mean I am untrustworthy.' After that was said by Slannesh, AzuI transferred everything he remembered he/she did. If this didnt make them think again, then so be it. 'Ok fair point then.' He then felt a surge of power come from the sword then it disappeared.

System: Willpower Check 55 Neutral

'Did you just send me a part of your soul again? Why?' If it wasn't for his own powers clearing his head, he would have done something stupid.

'To build trust obviously. How else will I save my race? I need a User to do it. And you aren't to bad at it. If you were at a higher level, we could do more. But we deal with the cards dealt. As you humans say. Also if you die here it gives me a chance to revive you. Which by the odds.. you will need.'


System: Armor Pull... parameters met... Arwing 20x will arrive from Warp space on your call User. Deducting points for increasing training pilots.

System: High Pull finished.. Upgraded digital Body acquired. Sending to netnavi Bass.

"Bwoom." Bass then appeared in front of Azul. The similarities were a little creepy between the two. But Bass's skin was not tan. His height was a little shorter than Azul.

"Cross Fusion is available. We should try it." Bass said.

"Alright let's do it then." AzuI reached out and grabbed his hand. Watching as the data flowed over to him was odd. "This is.. interesting to say the least.

"Ah, this is a nice feeling. You are a mad scientist waiting to happen NetOp." Bass said. The voice came from around Azul like a surround sound. Galtea looked up and smiled before going back to sleep. "I will work on upgrading the Arwing's after this. You are not flying in these inferior things. Give me a few days and I will have appropriate ones for your team. How many more should I make actually?"

"As long as your happy with this, I have no real complaints." AzuI went back to shopping. The other pulls were taking a little bit longer still. With Bass sending biotic strands of blissful understanding, AzuI was able to stay relax. He was more than content staying in the node. But this was a new experience for him.

It was a weird experience. About the same as the bond, Azul had with Skarlet and Hotshot. Galtea and Zelda bond was a little odd of late. The others forming up inside of him, were a nice feeling. A light golden one that AzuI couldn't tell who it belonged to yet. "Make one for.. Skarlet and Onyx. I dont know why, but I think they would like those. Don't spend points on them yet. Just concept designs."

System: High Pull... Legend Of Zelda... Princess Zelda of Hyrule.. agreed to serve.

"What the hell?! Why?" As he questioned, Azul watched as motes of light appeared and she formed. She was absolutely wrecked. Her hair was ripped up and a dagger was stabbed into her left lung. "What happened to you?" I ask as I sent out magic to lift her up and heal her. The System was already working on healing her up and turning her to a prime state.

"I was attacked by your kind.. Well, a User to be exact. She did terrible things to my Kingdom. I am all that was left." Zelda said as she healed. Azul rembered sending help there. Why did it still fall? He wanted Zelda again but.. it felt like something was missing.

'Azul wait a moment.' Isha thought to him. With a pulse of power, she pulled him into his Nether world. "Wooo I need more practice. Good job on increasing the defensive powers of the place."

"Good job on testing it." Azul gave her a nod before turning to Zelda. "You ok yet? You still remember huh."

"That is usually the case. But if the Loyalty meter goes in the reverse then no. A summons has the right to speak about what happened to them. Whether either party broke the bond or not." Alita said from her spot on the porch. She enjoyed resting in his Nether World when not out with Tiffany and Kasumi. Or doing things in Magic the Gathering. Her traveling was getting better.

"Thanks. Is Tiffany doing ok?" AzuI watched as Zelda tried to sit up. Using a common clothing pull, he sent it over to her and watch as it activated quickly. No parameters and things go way faster. "Put this on. It should help."

"Thank you, Master," Zelda said slightly broken. She started to remove her clothes before Azul put a water veil up. No point in making it worse on her. Seeing her like this made him slightly sick. He felt more of what happened to her. He did not like it one bit. Another User was added to his list to kill. But who was it?

"Just call me Azul. Or Lunastrider or Commander. I don't have the time to really go into what happened to you. So take your time with that ok?" She nodded her head agreeing. "Oh, but I can do this though." Sending his psychic Power over, he watched as she took it in. They contained his memories or should he say impressions of what he had done since arriving.

"Ah, you are not so bad Azul. I will enjoy serving you." There was a slight blush. "Not fighting with you."

"Hmm, ok. The place I am currently in is well terrible. I doubt you want to go there off the bat."

"I do not, but I will if you want me to. My magic power and psychic power is close to being one in the same. The same as yours I might add." She stared at Azul. Leaving it completely up to him.

"Alright. Catch." He threw the Guyver unit to her. "Use this once your mind is ready. Also, let's use this." AzuI activated a Common Weapon pull as well as using a Loyalty point on her to see what would happen. He was quite happy with the results.

He watched as she twirled with diamonds around her. Or was it a giant crystal. Then he noticed the weird flux of energy. She activated the Guyver unit and everything else at once. In her hand was a Rapier. Using observe he wanted to know what it was.

(Rapier??? Unique: Zelda)

"That is interesting, still can not tell it's detailing." AzuI couldn't help but mumble. 'Loyalty Points are something else. Maybe I should use it on Jaina.' While he was thinking about it, Alita spoke up.

"You have used the Loyalty point on her. In this case, it pulled her best version to add to her from your mind again." Looking at Zelda while moving her head back and forth, she was impressed. "What is Super Smash Bros. Melee & Brawl?"

AzuI explained to her as he continued to browse the store. Zelda would come to the Warhammer World with him. But as a shadow. It was the special power Alita had. She walked over and attached herself to Zelda. Then she moved over to him and went into his shadow. It lasted for an hour before she stepped out. Zelda healing was kicked up a notch.

"Woosh!" Azul's actual Zelda appeared. She stated at her counterpart and felt unbelievable sorrow. It hit Azul fool force. Wrapping it up with his Pather power, he did his best to help her calm down.

"Another me..." Before she could say much more, Zelda touched Zelda. The blinding light burned Azul's eyes a little.

System: Companion Zelda has found another of herself. Do you wish to fuse?

"Yes." The process finished quickly enough. They used the body of the new Zelda. Why, he had know idea. "Umm, why?"

"Hold on." Zelda grabbed him by the hand and placed it on her chest. The Tri-Force instantly flew out. The thought of grabbing it passed his mind, but he did not. He took the Wisdom piece again. It combined with the one he already owned. "Thank you for choosing right again."

"Yeah.. to many reasons to. Most importantly, It is the one you entrusted me with before. So defintely again now." Azul did not remove his hands. "Your heart is racing. Are you ok?"

System: Tri-Force of Wisdom is fusing. Currently offline. Wisdom temporarily down by 15%

"Because your hands are on my breasts.." Zelda said plainly. Azul did not move his hands still. "Brute!" Her shadow moved, and out popped her other self. "Hey, Hilda."

"Hey yourself." She teased. "Nice breast action. Care to do me?" Azul smiled.

"Oww." Zelda smacked him on the head pretty hard. "Geez, chill." Stepping away, Azul felt a slight problem. A quick feeling From Slaneesh alerted him. "Who the hell is coming!?" The sword appeared instantly his hand pointing out.

System: High Pull target found.. Nintendo Switch...Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild .. Link of Hyrule.

"Link!" Zelda called out. Before he fully made it out. Azul felt the memories pouring in. Zelda ran to the young Hyrulien very quickly. Azul did not need to feel the Biotic strands coming off them both. Hilda gave him a pensive smile.

"Ughhh. I want to kill him. She is mine." Resisting the urge from Slannesh and something else, he left. A green glow burning around his grip of the sword. "Need to end it with her. Not going to share her with him. I refuse. I do not share well." Memories flowed into the forefront of his mind. The reason Zelda there still got messed up. Was because the help he sent, they fought alongside Link instead. The User still made it to Zelda and caused the problems. 'They disobey my orders. Better have a good reason for it.'

"Woosh!" With a quick mental shift, Azul was gone. Zelda turned to see the after image of him leaving. Hilda just stared at her like an idiot.

"What?" Zelda questioned.

"You will see soon enough." Turning to head towards the statue was her new priority. "I like this place. But the statue is better for me. Isha better share."

-Valley In Nether World-

"So, why did you all disobey?" Azul stood in front of the 30 Hyruliens he sent to assist Zelda. Even though that Zelda she was not his companion at the time, he wanted to at least try to help her World. Save a few of her people and her. "Answer me. Speak Sven"

"We... haa. We were told to help Link. His task was more important. Zelda gave us the Order herself." Sven answered. He was a tall Hyrulien and a warrior borne through and through. "I am sorry Overlord. But.."

Galtea: Azul it is time you head back. Work to be done.

"Tch. Very well then." Azul looked at them each. Wrapping in dark psyker power, he changed them into more like Dark Eldar. "You disobey my direct order. So I am revoking your leave time. You are coming with to Warhammer 30k-40k. Maybe you will learn to listen."

"That is not fair. We deserve the break!" One of the members yelled out. Azul just turned to him. "You can not just.."

System: Willpower Check Auto Fail

"Brrrrk!" The ground broke underneath the one that spoke out. In a flash, Azul walked over and stabbed him with Slannesh. The sword turned inside the chest. He didn't kill him. Just hurt the person a little.

"I could have sworn I was the OverLord here? When did that change? When did someone who disobeyed my orders and failed their mission get to tell me how to act?" Azul pressed his psyker power furthur down. He then released his Power as OverLord next. The hands from OverLord's Fury appeared. The cannons as well, floated above. "Tell me, why should I not kill you?"

"I..I.. am.. sorry.. I just.." The Hyrulien tried to speak. He was strong. Constant fighting in Hyrule forged him.

"Please, he is just tired." Sven pleaded. he did not expect Azul to act this way. 'We had to have missed something. But what?'

"Woom! Woom" Azul twirled the person in the air as he connected to the Neter World Senator area. He thought about remaking the person into something else. Or just reincarnating him into the same thing. This would give them more points to spend on their stats. But start them off at level one.

Dragon: Do not do it.

Bahamut's weak voice came out.

"Humph." Azul dropped him. "New orders, I am assigning you to my Companion Emerald. Make sure she lives. If she dies.. well.. let's just say, I will get creative and show you some things I have locked away in my psyche."

"Bwoom!" Azul Rifted back.

"Lluvia! What happened?!" Sven yelled out. Lluvia sent him a busy message but told for him to check with Galtea or Zelda. "He has never reacted this way to a failure of a mission." Messaging Zelda awarded him nothing, so he sent word to Galtea.