
Crap, I Was Rifted (New Game+)

Rewrite to original Fan Fic. Changed writing style as well different characters here and there. Crazy night leading to a very unbelievable adventure. Being sucked away, and sent to places you only wanna dream about not actually go to. Destination 1 Mass Effect. Second Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions. I do not own the characters mentioned in the web novel. Support the official games, video games, and board games, and the authors and producers who made them. Discord Frozentidez#9107

FrozenTidez · Video Games
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Beginning again Part 1

The battle between the User had ended.

"You have met my expectations Azul. You have exceeded them actually. The others and I want your help with something. It will give you a chance to start again." The Trickster was completely serious as he laid out his offer. "A lot of power was created from when you stopped Sovereign and took the place of the Shepard's and died. Also taking the place of Tidus cinch it even furthur. That power can be used for a chance to save so many."

"Copying you and sending you back in time to change things... it is dangerous." An old man said. His voice had doubts.

"I cant pass the chance up to change some things. A few of my people took damage to there psyches that cant be fixed. I dont want to lose what I have though. The people I have. A part of their souls, let me take a piece and bring it with me. Do not erase my memories or my feelings." Azul asked.

"Easily done." Reckoning said smiling. She leaned into the Trickster for his support. A few other Avatars appeared. One looked like Galtea but a little older and way stronger. Her name tag said Galtana level 97 in black.

"Will you do this?" Lluvia asked. "You will have your mental and emotional damaged all healed. As well as your body. You might act a little different but your mannerisms will still be there." She grabbed his arm tightly. Her biotic strands entering him. She wanted him to do this more than her father the Trickster did. Just to be able to spend a longer time with him from the start.

"Yes. I dont want you having to go through this again. We can also save a few of the other Users and Operators. That is what the Administration wants anyway." Azul stopped for a bit. "Well, you and Galtea can. I just want to go on missions and have a little fun some more. I will still help in the war though."

"That is good to know," Galtana said coming forward. "Will you still have my daughter as your Operator? Galtea will still need you."

"Well yeah. Dont worry I will share everything with her to make sure she doesn't have to deal with the pain I caused her as well the pain she caused her self." Azul gave her a warm smile. He felt the biotic strands come off her. They were that of relief. "So I lose my stat upgrades and my inventory.. what else do I lose?"

"Soul bond items. As well as Soul bond connections if they are to weak. Some may hold. I won't tell you which ones but you can find out from your interactions yourself. Spells will go back to base level. Mental, physical, and a few abilities and traits won't be there completely but with your powerful soul.. they may manifest again on their own. Some of your companions... they might not be available. There souls won't be able to deal with leaving you here and going there. I know at least two who will refuse." The Trickster looked pensive. "It is someone you love. I am sorry."

"I see. I know which one it is already." Azul's head lowered as he looked at Lluvia. He gave her a smile and moved his hands through her hair. "I will not wait for you. As soon as you come and get me or wherever I start, I will head to you and break your helmet off and make you feel everything again if you try to ignore me. I will do my best not to make it to difficult."

Lluvia's eyes went wide and she felt the connection grow stronger between them. "Good... I will be happy to be with you sooner then later. Will Mass Effect still be your Homeworld?"

"Yeah, our Homeworld silly. The way I figure, it works I rather not change to much from it." Azul looked at the others. "I might be forgetting something but.. let's get this going before I mess up."

Raising their hands up the Avatars did various hand gestures. Galtana and the Trickster did a fist bump and that was the last thing Azul saw. A warning echoed in his head.

'You will only have to pretend to not know anything for a little while. Basically after the tutorial is over. I also want you to save a few of the Users early on. Dont worry their soul fragments are with you. They will react with the world you just have to pass it to them." The Trickster's voice was hard when he spoke. "Please help them. Also, choose different routes. Go Paragon instead of Renegade. The purpose of the User is still growing. It is the benefits of the New Game+. A few hidden pieces in your soul will take care of a lot of things for you, dont stress that."

System: Transporting User under System & Administration authority!

"Boom Boom Boom!" Explosions rang out across the station. Azul remembers this from last time. Fresh memories came to the surface as he dipped to the side grabbing a rocket launcher.

"Argh, we need cover fire over here now!!" He knew who that was. It was Hotshot. Turning her way, Azul saw the Krogans barreling towards her location. A few others were nearby. Actual humans helping fight.

'Didnt notice that the first time.' Bracing himself he was ready to fire. "Get down now!" His Pather power already working it seemed. Hotshot didnt know why but she moved into cover along with the others following her.

"Fwoosh," the rocket sailed through the air and blasted into the first Krogan knocking him back into the others. Its shield bore the brunt of the damage.

Azul was already running that way.

Systems: Sycncro rating has surpassed thresholds.. awarding deviation to class and abilities. The soldier has changed to Adept Soldier (Experiment)

'Sweet.' Azul thought as he made it to the first Krogan getting up. "Bam," he caved its head in went the rocket launcher and left it there. He didnt notice the other Krogan barreling in from the other side.

"Get back rookie!" Hotshot yelled. On reflex Azul jumped back and watched as the Krogan went in front of him. Grabbing ahold of its armor he held on.

System: Athletics Check 14 Pass

The Krogan kept charging forward. It bucked around like a bull trying to throw him off. As he held on, they came to a container. The Krogan was turning its body to shell ash Azul onto it. Right as it did so, Azul swung his legs forward and ran along the side of the container and let go.

The momentum off set the Krogan who fell after hitting the container. "Bing" the metal container echo as it fell. As soon as the Krogan hit the ground, Azul brought his fist down wrapping it in biotic energy cutting right through its throat.

"Splurt," some blood flood out the wound before it turned into a geyser. Azul already grabbed its shotgun and was already moving to the next enemy.

"Hey you, Damn it human over there!! With that shotgun in your hand. Lay down some cover fire for us. We have wounded people here." The voice was Hotshot yet again. Paying a quick look around as he laid down cover fire Azul knew why. She had used a biotic charge to get over. She had ordered for the others to get away earlier.

Azul saw a few shipping containers to the side and a red glowed went around them. A renegade option that he would not pass up. He also saw a blue hue up above. Following along the way, he saw it would drop a container cutting off a path for the Krogan to come from.

"Kachak," the shotgun rang out loudly and the containers blew up and set off a chain reaction. "Ragh," sending a blast of concentrated energy towards the container, Azul watched as it fell.

"Kaboom, kaboom," was all that was heard for the next few seconds. A plum of smoke came over the area shrouding the place.

Hotshot watched in awe. She turned when she felt someone by her. It was Azul with medical kit patching her side. She felt comfortable around him. She just didn't know why.

"Yah know, being a Hotshot might get you killed one day," Azul said just trying to gauge her a little better. Her injuries were bad. He couldnt believe how intense she put her body through things. "It would be a shame to see that beautiful skin of yours get all purple."

System: Seduction 21 Pass

Hotshot +31

RAAWWRR! A loud group rumbling of RAAWWRR broke through the silence. Troops of new Krogan burst through the area.

"Fuck there is a lot of them. You look like you are strong in biotics." Azul looked at her and saw she was already aligning her rifle to intercept them. "Let the newbie me go in to deal with them, as you pick them off. That way more of the others get away. Sound good?"

Hotshot + 121

"Sounds good." Hotshot peaked out from the side and fired taking a Krogan down as Azul got ready to charge out. "Dont you die dammit. The crew really needs someone other than me to do the hard work." Her biotic strands hit Azul hard. Slowly her portion of her soul he carried went over to her. It remained inside till it was time for it to wake up.

"You got it." With biotic energy washing over him, Azul charged into the first Krogan. 'Biotic Charge!' His foot catching it in the face. "Kachak," he fired the shotgun point-blank into it. "Are you Krogan ready to die!?" His yell completely shocked them. Their blood kicked up as they aggressively decided to just focus on killing him.

"Tink! tink!" Shots went into his shields. A few caught the others but the bloodlust to kill the human that insulted their honor was to strong. "Kachak," another blast from a shotgun tore through Azul's shields dropping it to its last bit of power. The remainder killed another Krogan.

A shot caught the next Krogan in the knee causing it to drop. Azul shotgun hand swung around and caught it point-blank in the face. "Kachack," the Krogan cried out as it died miserably.

Azul and Hotshot had the area secured for the most part. Hunkered down behind a container and a few bodies of Krogan's for added protection they waited.

"You ok?" Azul looked to Hotshot and asked. Her breathing was heavy and rapid. "Dang, she has pushed really hard. I am running on fumes myself. If I use adrenaline rush, I could clean up a lot more of them faster but it would leave me to weak.' Azul thought's were only on surviving for now as well as making sure Hotshot didnt die. The last time he had already passed out during the encounter. The battle was a lot more dangerous this time.

"Get some yah bastards!" Chari said coming from the rear with reinforcements. Azul giggled mentally at that. She made her way over to them both and gave them some medigel to help patch them up. "Hi, you ready to go?" She asked Hotshot. She spared a glance to Azul and gave him a once over. After that, she looked back to make sure Chari was ok.

Azul drew a pistol from the other mercenary that came up. He didnt know who it was but it was a Salarian for sure. "Gonna borrow this." Opening fire the first few shots going right through but catching the edge of a shield. "Stupid me!" Tapping the side he changed the load out to Disruptor type.

System: Shields restored to the max.

"Ha, screw it. This ends now." Looking to Hotshot, Azul told her what he was going to do. "I am going to push myself to the max to take them out. Perfect time to get everyone out."

"What about you?" Hotshot asked.

"Who put you in Charge?" Chari asked.

"I will count on you all to recover my body. Also, these containers are a bioweapon. That's why the Krogan never shot at us while we were behind them." Azul then activated his biotics and went out.

'Adrenaline Rush.' The world slows down, taking aim, and fire at the individual Krogan. Chest shots and headshots, making bodies pile up around the area. With all the crates and storage containers it must be an import dock. The first time he assumed it was just a warehouse.

'Along with the rest of these mercs? Or thugs.. who the hell are these people?' Azul thought to himself. He didnt find out last time either but he knew this was the reaper virus in the container. 'Ya know what, it doesn't matter, at least they are not shooting me anymore.' With another shot, the last Krogan nearby was killed. "Hah just in time, my body cant keep up. Least my shields are back up." The fatigue hit Azul slowing his reaction down.

A Krogan comes charging at Azul. He dodges to the side barely and stumbled to the floor. "Argh," he screamed as a shard from a busted wall cut into his side. Dazed and slightly more than pissed at himself for forgetting about this Krogan.

System: Shields down 33%

From the ground, Azul unloaded into the side of the Krogan. "Kachak," it catches barely.

System: Overheated.

The Krogan swings at Azul with what looks like a shotgun, the butt of it missing him. All he could do was swing in fear at the mug of the creature. Ignoring the beebing of the system. He got in a fistfight with the Krogan. (Later he would remember that he did the same thing last time.)

He had maneuverability and experience, but it had raw power and toughness.

System: Shields down.

It came in for a headbutt, Azul moved to the side as it cracked its head on the container. He took the time to overload the pistol to explode. Placing the gun right next to its head and fired into its eye socket. Ignoring the ding ding noise.

"Pow!" It went right through as Azul discarded the now-useless weapon. He moved back and away. Looking around he noticed that was the last of the Krogan.

7 minutes later the area was silent. A voice says over his head or around him for a second. He couldn't tell. Getting a grip on himself, he remembers what was going on and where he was. AzuI took a look at the bodies all over. "Headshots and chest shots. Effective but very bad for my image."

System: Congratulations on completing New Game intro at increased difficulty.. bonus rewards calculating.. Level up by 3x increase to awarded stats by 5 due to completion level.

"Your gonna be ok, we got you, Soldier." Hotshot says picking Azul up. She moved him into the shuttle with the others. Seeing them get the containers she yelled out. "Dont touch those! They are toxic and dangerous!"

The others stepped away and moved from the area. A few of the others argued it was valuable merchandise and they shouldn't leave it behind. The money-grubbers.

"Having a 'Soldier' as a Merc, seems to be turning out well, Lady Moldova. Also, the Krogan are all down. The area has been swept." Ruma reported from the side. "Such a pathetic clan of riffraff."

Chari stepped over and joined the conversation. "Who would have thought one of the 'Soldiers' had it in him. The best contract you ever won Lady Moldova." The fully armored woman to the side just waved at her.

Moldova nods and replies,"yeah your right Chari, let's get the gear and the rest of the recruits. We are back in business, and there is work to be done." She stopped and walked over to check on Azul. Something caused her to walk over.

"Yes, Mam!" Chari replies. "Where are you going?"

"To check on them. Something is bugging me." Soon as she got close to Azul, she was grabbed. "Hey what the!?" Her voice stopped as she received the other part of her soul. Unlike the others, she didnt have to wait for Galtea to come back online.

"You ok Captain!?" Ruma asked a little alarmed.

"Yeah perfectly fine." Thinking swiftly she needed to stop them from getting those containers. Then she thought about it. 'No let them get them still. That way I can get rid of the traitors easily.' Coming to that decision she called the people who she knew would leave the company and had them load it up.

Chari and Ruma just stared trying to figure what came over their boss. Looking at Azul they were surprised to see him still consciousness. He wasn't moving and his breathing was heavy. He was dealing with a surprise of his own.

'I am hear Azul, as well as the twins.' Zelda said from within. 'We have slept the entire time until you woke up just now. Well, we woke up every now and then to check on you. Well, the twins are still currently sleeping. Celia and Lettie enjoyed watching your childhood. The fact you choose to be earthborn and fight your way up in the slums made them really happy. Thank you for taking my soul as well as everyone else's who wanted to.'

'No problem. We have a lot to do.' Azul thought back mentally as they conversed while he was getting treated. 'I personally dont know just yet, so it will be a trip talking to everyone again.'

Elsewhere Far from the scruffle of this Battlefield. Outside of Mass Effect.

"Program Lluvia, you have found an interesting User. We look forward to his results." The group of individuals say. It was the Adminstration.

"Yes, Administration I think he will do well. May I join him in the Mass Effect Universe?" Lluvia says with great earnest.

"No, let's see what choices he makes." A voice in the group cuts through the crowd. It was Galtana.

A slim woman?? Within the group speaks out. All eyes turn to hear what else she has to say. The power she exudes is not subtle at all. Seems to just roll off her being. With a very taciturn voice, she begins to address the group.

"We will send you to him in a bit. There is no need to baby him. A little pain and confusion should allow for results .. to be more accurate ... " Galtana says. "Your user is within my domain and I will enjoy testing him. To the very limit if anyone intervenes I will increase the difficulty."

The others in the Administration visibly shiver. As if paying attention the Trickster Avatar reached out to her and informed of some things that were different now. She smiled evily knowing something good was going to happen soon. But for the sake of whatever was going on, she would continue to push until everything was revealed to her. She felt a bit of deja vu for some reason.

Lluvia did as well, but left it alone. Something told her she would meet with her User soon enough.

-Processing a little-

Azul's felt the memory everything that happened in his earth life float to the surface. Like watching an old murky film, it played out all over again for him to see.

A storm is forming up. The clouds in the sky ready to break loose some heavy rain. Having just started his shift, Azul thought it would be a good night. Clocking in and getting the basics tasks out of the way, he couldn't wait to settle in.

An hour or so later, he finally had the normal routine finished. Fuel pumps cleaned, lot checked, and drinks stocked.

'My.. name is gone. Blocked from my own memory. So werid.' Azul thought as he watched his old pure human self.

He propped himself self up on the metal stool. Relaxing, he pulled out a kindle fire (tablet) and went online. Reading on the kindle about the upcoming games for the PS4 and handheld Vita was the first look. Not finding anything on the usual sites, he started to get bored.

'It's always a let down when your favorite spots have boring content. No new updates and forums are dead.' A slight buzzing ringing from his kindle went unnoticed.

Azul decided to Browse a new site "But where to go.... hmm. I know, let's try something new altogether, let's see." With that, he decided to plug into the search bar "Game Live" and watched it pull up quickly. 'Maybe I will get some good video clips.' AzuI had come across a thread about a new Online game and what people were expecting of it.

"Eh might as well.... " clicking it, the buffer started to display. "Ah, the joys of tethering from your phone for the internet."

"Knock Knock" the sound came on the bulletproof glass, he had a customer. With a smile on his face, AzuI greeted Him.

"Hello, what can I get for you?"

"Two packs of Swishers and a pack of kool short in the box." The old man requested.

"No problem, let me get those for you." Azul moved to get the cigs first. 'Hmm I have never seen this guy before, definitely not a regular. Has been a while since someone walking in the area was new customer.' Grabbing the swishers from up top, he turned and was interrupted. "Sir Your total is…"

"Welcome to Game Live" a loud digital computer tone drowned out from the area where the kindle was seated. It was weird since the volume should have been off. Next, there was the sound of thunder crashing out. The storm finally arrived it seemed.

"Have a nice night" AzuI managed to say to the customer as he left. "My customer service needs improvement.." He mumbled. Grabbing the money from the tray he didnt notice the man paid exact change.

"Rrghh uh-huh the same to you." The old man grumbled.

'Gonna suck for him to walk home in this storm...I wish I had an umbrella to give him at least.'

AzuI walked back and sat back down and picked up the kindle. "Fill out info for better access and bonuses, or do guest account?" The Computer tone spoke out. Confused, Azul looked around and turned the radio compltely off. The light buzzing was getting to him.

'Tck Tck Tck'

"What was that noise!? Hmm, mice maybe? Whatever" AzuI mumble as he swiveled in the seat.

'Hmm, do I have the time? If I do have the time, I might as well do the full form. Yeah, I have the time.' As he thought to himself the buzzing slowly increased but turn unnoticeable. If anyone we came up, they might hear it over the storm. 'Bonuses are hella nice. Holy crap! What a detailed form, Hell might as well begin it quickly.'

So many different choices.

"Crack! rumble crack!" A torrent of thunder outside is all he could hear and then.. "Boom!" Power goes out.

"Well, my night just got easier."

Onward to the fill out FORM.

Sexual Identifier: Male Age:27 Height:5`11

Sexual preference: Heterosexual

"Why the hell does the website want to know that ?" Azul questioned looking at the form again. He just finished reading half of the info and clicking off agreement boxes.

"Because we would like to have satisfactory feedback for all info based on the USER, interactions, and post based on compiled information." The computerized voice tone spoke out from the kindle.

"Well, that makes sense.." AzuI mumbled to himself."

"I am a computer program, of course, I make sense! Foolish USER!..."

"Hahahaha..." Azul just realized what was strange. "Did.. did my kindle just talk to me...again...Wait.... wait wait.. did it just sass ME?!... I have finally gone crazy." He looked around to see if their was a fuel leak that made him loopy. Everything looked fine and smelled fine. 'It was a good thing I left the Navy when I did. I would have turn into..'

"Whether you are crazy or not, is subject to investigation, and medical testing." The computerized voice spoke out. With a hint of cheeky sarcasm maybe Azul thought. It sounded like it was having fun with this back and forth it.

"Continue with the form USER!!"

"Woah ...Woah ..! Calm down there kindle, no need to be snippy!" AzuI yelled while standing from the stool. It's a good thing the power was out, so his boss wouldn't have seen the psycho show he was putting on. "How in hell are you doing that anyway, the talking to me thing I mean"?!

The LOW tone drowned out. "There is a microphone in your kindle and you have it paired with your cell phone, these together are allowing quick back and forth of voice data and transmission."

"Ohh...'" AzuI let a small sigh out. "Eh makes sense I suppose..." His face turned into a frown as he pulled his phone out. "Pftt bullshit this makes sense!"

'But my microphone is turned off that can't be right. I need better virus protection on my devices' As AzuI was thinking this. The buzzing had picked up. A small tingle went over his body.

The LOW tone voiced out, almost pleading it seemed.

"Please USER, finish the FORM!"

'Huh it sounded like it was excited and a little giddy while it wanted me to finish it.' His phone battery was fine and the virus protection was working fine. He placed it back in his pocket after sending a message to his cell phone provider. A message that was intercepted with ease. 'Good ole trouble shoot.'

"Ummm hold on... why do you need me to finish the form..? And can you do

something about your voice ... It sounds like a seductive woman and a rampaging

man, with white noise playing entwined in it?" Shaking his head, Azul grab a drink a took a few aspirins. Hoping whatever this was, went away. 'That's a very weird description to be made.'

With an exasperated sigh, the voice spoke again.

"You are the first to fill the form out in over 10 months, that's an adult above the target range. Most Users GO through the guest access. My voice cannot be modulated until you get further down the form. The voices you are hearing are a sound modulation & frequency test. It's To fix your ears and sensitivity. In another set of words, it is... calibration."

"Bzzt!" A bit of electricity passed as the transformer across the street shorted out. Azul was already back at work. His eyes slightly dilated as his focus changed.

'How the hell is this gonna fix my hearing ..screw it I'll just do the form.' It took a bit before he found the situation odd once again.

'Why am I unable to stop.'

Sexual Fetishes: Female bondage, Medical play, Service play, Multipartner??,

Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Hardcore, Softcore, Romance, BDSM Light, Alien??

Penis length: Average Ball size: Small Girth: Average Stamina: Average

Kink Desire: Very high Sexual Desire: Very high Sexual Exploration: High

Male Desire: Extremely Low Female Desire: Very High Other: Above Average

Flirt Ability: Extremely Low Sexual Knowledge: Slightly Above Average

The degree of Sexual Desire: Abnormally High Breast size: Small-Large

Low Droning sound played out again. Several sections of his private information was now put online. Pulled from the recess of his mind that had been buried.

A voice spoke with a wondrous glee ''You don't like extra Large breast that is interesting, to say the least, my User."

"Bang!" His feet hit the ground.

AzuI jumped up! "Clang" the stol fell!

"I forgot you were even there!" His eyes no longer dilated, he was starting to freak out a little. 'What was I doing just now? Why the hell did..'

"The User, in other words, you are quite interesting." The voice said to him.

"Thanks, I think. Your voice is not as damaging as before."

"Your welcome!" The voice spoke out. Now finish the form!

2 hours later.... 'Jeez this has taken quite a while, but it has been interesting. The last few and I will be done.' Everytime he came to, he would loose sight and auto work on the form again.

Game Portal Destination: Mass Effect: Class: Soldier Background: EarthBorn, Ruthless, Sole Survivor

Name: Azul Sunstrider Assistant: Female Lluvia.

Finished step 1.

"That was all step 1 ... shittt how detailed is the rest!?"

Step 2 Body Synchro, Adjustment and point allocation for avatar.

"How the hell am I gonna do a body synchronization with a kindle?"


"Oww, where the hell did that shock come from?!"

"Brrhhhmm," the camera eye from the kindle shot light into his eyes. AzuI felt nauseous... and

most of all.. terrified. He couldn't look away. He could feel his vision double and his head begin to throb.

"Doooom!" In an instant, everything changed.

A Digitial Field Endless white and blue..greets Azul. Or maybe endless blue and white. He couldn't tell at all. It was really freaky as he felt things start to spin. A calm begins to overtake Azul in an instance.

"It feels quite nice here now." Azul mumbled.

"Welcome to your hub, my User," a female voice said behind him." This voice sounded familiar yet not so all at the same time. Like someone, he knew from his childhood.

AzuI turned to see a combination of digital lights of 0 and 1`s, an outline of a woman, could kinda ...maybe... possibly be seen within the mixture. It... or she was the only thing in this endless blue/white room. It started getting more detailed as time passed.

"Freaky!" AzuI managed to mumble.

"Hello, I am Lluvia nice to meet you face to face, my User." Azul finally felt the calm leave him as he returned to normal again. Well normal for him. Panic started to set in as he felt the place was to strange.

"Uuumm what??" It is all he had. "Right, I`m your User ... uh huh excuse me for a bit... cover your ears for a second or remove your sound programming ..or get some headphones while I scream bloody murder and go into mass hysteria..."

"My User, there is no..."

AzuI cut her off...As he begin screaming "..aaargggh ahhh ahaha aaaahhh ahhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhh!! What the hell is going on?! Ahhhhh I've been drugged and kidnapped. Help help help I'm losing it over here ahh." Then he thought about it. "Wait I have been abducted. I am an adult!" He felt the calm come back over and disappear after he resisted it.

"My User please calm down". Spoke Lluvia calmly.

"How can I calm down?! You calm down. Who the hell would wanna abduct someone like me? What do you want? I'm working class there is nothing I can offer you."

"My User, I am not the one freaking out, you are. Calm down or I will make you calm down, My User!"

Next thing he knew, AzuI was pinned down by a giant digital hand on the ground, or floor whatever it was underneath him.

"My User I will calm you down by any means!" AzuI felt a shiver as a very cold substance started wrapping around him.

'I'm gonna die! Just great! I never have gotten married ..and no kids.. know legacy .. Then again..'

AzuI felt a tingling where his dick was. My six inches stood at full attention as a feeling of static passed into him.

"Arrggh!" He screamed. Next thing, he was gagged by a bunch of Zeroes and One`s jammed into his mouth. "Mmffh!"

It felt like foam was jammed down his throat. Then it changed. It started to feel like a woman's breast was in his mouth, but all he saw was Zero`s and One`s. It was both comforting and disturbing. His headache started to fade away.

'Ughhh this is not what I had in mind for the day. I really have to be crazy. But this pain and everything else feels real.' Azul thought as needles poked into his back. 'Yup, defintely real.'

"My User calms yourself, let me help you." His dick started heating up and felt like it was stretching and widening along with the rest of him.

AzuI look at the being in front. As they make eye contact. Well he makes eye contact with what was believed to be her eyes, he lost himself. It felt like he lost a part of himself internally. A piece of his mind or soul was taken away. AzuI could not comprehend what was happing or really what he saw.

"Here you go, I like this better for you. It will help with the adjustments." With a devilish smirk, Lluvia says this as she played with his junk in fasciantion. Azul's eyes were on her and know longer on his body. If he could have even looked away, he would have seen his body was broken down into data and reformed.

His junk was stretched and girth was increased. Low crackling sounds could be heard coming from his dick.

"There, let's begin the rest of body adjustment.. more in-depth!" Lluvia said with a smile.

"Shup shup!" The sound was something he was quite used to. He was getting a handjob. A really good one.

Lluvia hands went up and down my full new length of 8.5 Inches of a dick. Copious amounts of precum were oozing out of the head. It then changed in size to 9.5 then down all the way to 3.5. Several screens floated around collecting date. At one point, she stretched and felt Azul heart stop and brain function stop.

"Oops." Lluvia then returned it back to normal. "Sorry about that." The back of Azul's neck tingled as something entered.

He tried sitting up against the giant hand next. It moved out of the way giving him a little room. But the feeling in his mouth was gone finally. Along with the little bit of pride he had left. The hands had went everywhere he felt. His eyes felt wrong somehow as his head lulled from side to side.

Sitting up I was able to see a very seductive woman down by my new dick, Piercing white eyes looking back at me and beautiful jet black hair down to her knees. Porcelain white skin. Nice full breast little bigger than a handful. Nice waist and medium build of a back from he could see. Beautifully shaped tight ass!

"Fuck" AzuI groaned. "Whatever you are doing keep it up. Matter of fact do whatever, you don't need me harping about it you got this." My concerns for my safety were gone. He felt broken as he thought about escaping. 'How do I get out of here? This is a hub.. sowere is the logout?' His thoughts were pulled awa as he felt the sense of calm return. 'But these actions of hers?? Are something else.'

Lluvia began to really get to work on his new cock! 'Yeah with this size I think it has been upgraded to a status of cock.' AzuI couldn't help but mentally mumble to himself. 'Maybe my dumbass can go and star in porn now? Heh, somebody fetish somewhere.'

The amount of pre-cum oozing out made for a slippery job. AzuI gazed at her beautiful face and looked at her nice little mouth, and felt his dick throb just looking at her. As his eyes roamed around and down looking at the nape of her neck wondering what it would feel like. Just to muzzle and kiss there. His cock lurched again.

"Fuck" AzuI groaned and he reached to caress her face. "Why does it feel like I know you?" His body felt off as he spoke.

"Mm" Lluvia let out a little moan. Tightening her grip on his cock and using her other hand to caress the balls. She lightly squeezed them. AzuI couldn't take it anymore, her face was driving him insane. He yanked her forward.

"Eep!" She let out a little yelp, and struggled against his pull. She looked at him wide-eyed...and slightly fearful. 'His strength is already growing. How high is his Synchro rating?'

"My User don't hurt.. smooch!" AzuI planted one on her. He Kissed her hard like a madman. It felt like he couldnt get close to her even with this. She stopped struggling and leaned into the kiss returning it with equal measure. 'Ah finally a full body again. This is nice.'

AzuI could feel his head pulsing like bits of it were breaking off somehow.

My cock lurched and My balls tightened she took my breath away." Mmmh" is all I could let out as I moaned into her. My cock started blasting cum out. I covered her in cum 3 spurts, 8 spurts, and another 6 spurts and it finally stopped. "Shhhit!" AzuI sucked in a nice breath through gritted teeth and exhaled "thanks! but why did you.."

"Anytime, my User," Lluvia said with a smirk. "Glad you have calmed down."

"Umm not really down. I'm still hard" as he pointed at his hard-on. Trying to be funny, well at least he thought so. "That's a very beautiful and sexy body you have there Lluvia."

With bright glowing cheeks, she blushed, with a low head nod and that devilish voice again.

"I am glad you approve."

" Lluvia that body of yours is so nice I must have more."

"My User my body is for your enjoyment so please let me ser... " AzuI cut her off as I latch onto a non-cum covered breast.

"My User I'm supposed to serve you!!!" She squeals at me.

"You are serving me, by letting me do this I am quite happy to thank you very much." I begin to lick her nipples slowly darting from each one. Not paying attention, even got some of my own cum in my mouth. 'What a weird taste. Licking and lashing her nipples with his tongue. Trying to figure which way is the best method, doubling his efforts. He tries something new.

"Aahh bite harder my User please"! Happy to oblige I bite her harder. While having a nipple between my teeth I lick lightly at the tip. For a brief second, Azul felt a splash of sweetness on his tongue. "Milk?!" No taste like metal but sweet and tangy as well.

"Yes just like that it feels so good." Lluvia moans I pull off them an look at both of her beautiful tits. I lick each one lightly and blow gently on them. She moans out and grabs the back of my head and she screams and cums like a little geyser.

"Ahh my User more please, this body is so sensitive and new, more, please!" Lluvia started releasing a strange energy. The hub started to fluctuate from the level of power she had flowing.


"BANG!!" Like a bomb goes off, AzuI come out of a sexual daze.

-Present Time-

'That was nuts. I can not believe she was that aggressive. In fact, she is more aggressive than anyone else.' Azul thought as he felt himself slipping back. 'Well guess need to just take things slow. I woner if all the sexual stuff is because of Lluvia?'