
What's For Dinner?

(Mark's P.O.V)

Harris was in the cell, when suddenly a portal with a possible white glow in its centre showed up beneath his feet, and got transported to somewhere else.

"Wow! Those are some really good special effects for quite the black and white movie!" said my brother. And I just gave him that deadly glare, and he gulped.

The officer asked: "How is this possible?" And I replied with "It's magic. Plain, and simply magic" and he said "So... He played us like complete fools!" And I noticed on the footage again that he looked down very fast. Not slow enough.

This is the work of someone else entirely. And I know someone who may help, but I hope that motormouth was actually telling the truth this whole time.

(Vincent's P.O.V)

My mother was returning from her game of Poker. Empty handed when she got out... Even more empty handed when she got in the house.

I was busy doing something that would benefit her economically. I once suggested I should live here so that she gets all the help from the money I got, but it kind of triggered her. So instead I asked if I could live here, in Lake Mile, helping people for profit, and seeing Marlow and Tony, and she said I was welcomed anytime.

It was one way to tell her that didn't make her hysterical. And even more virtuous, coming from me, the great Vincent McCauley... Sci Fi Man... Whatever you want to call me, is that I didn't lie. Promised it to my mom, and I never lied since.

While I was working on some tool, I received a phone call. Someone is afraid and kind of paranoid that his life is in danger, and requires the services of the best superhero around.


(Mark's P.O.V)

We knocked on the door, and this woman opened the door holding a plushie in her hand.

"Hello Kathie!" Said my brother. She said "Hello, darling..." in a seductive manner while she was caressing his blushing buttcheek.

Another femme fatale. Of course. And I hate to admit it, but... I don't blame him.

"Oh?" she said and later crouched "You're the superhero's little brother?" I started to stutter before I started to compose myself "I- I- I- I- Yeah, of course." She then gave her full name. "I am Kathie Murcy, it's my pleasure to meet you" and later she winked. "My name is... Where's Stinson?" Said Mark at first while I continued the sentence.


Not me.

She then said "He's in his room! He will be so glad to see you, sweetie!"

No one called us "Sweetie" in two years.

We finally entered inside. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"He's right there! He just finished recording his cartoon reviews for that uploading site" Said that whore... Slut... Whatever the adequate adjective is.

But then I stopped and then I asked "You're his babysitter, right?" to which she replied with a "Mmhmm"

Then I asked: "Do you happen to have any powers?" and then she transformed showing her wings, and her cleavage pink shirt turned into a pink corset similar to Wonder Woman's, and her pants were gone.

I've never blushed more in my seven years of life.

"Wow Kathie, you look stunning!" Said my brother, to which she replied with a kiss to him.

"Are you demons capable of summoning portals?" I interrogated while looking somewhere else. And she said "Oh, not really. We can teleport to hell, yes, but not summon a portal" And I said "Demonstrate" She then gave a smile and she teleported, but not opened up a portal.

That actually reminded me. "Wait, how is it that Stinson probably has those powers?" I asked, and she replied "Oh, I just brewed a couple of things, and, there he goes! A kid with powers to keep him out of trouble! Do you want some, darling?" And I replied with a simple "No... Thanks"

Stinson then got out of his room, and said hello to me and my brother. "Hi, Stinson!" replied my brother, while I cut the shit. "Someone managed to break out the criminal my brother caught. It seems it wasn't your babysitter" Then he asked us a ton of questions "Who did it? What criminal? How did it happen?" among other things. "Someone opened a portal, the first thing I thought was-" and he said "Demons never got the ability to open up portals, trust me, Mark"

Then that means I was wasting time I could have been using for trying to find Budweiser. Or using my computer.

"However... Rose actually knows quite a lot of magic" He later let us know. "Rose? As in the principal's grand-daughter?" I asked. "As in our classmate, Mark," he replied. "She is also the principal's grand-daughter, you..." then I looked sideways to Kathie and I continued the sentence. "Didn't know, did you?"

Stinson then said "Wow! Didn't know she was the grand-daughter. Principal Greg must not like letting everyone know about her" and later he sighed. I said "Of course. Now if you excuse me, my brother and I are going to visit Rose" then Stinson asked "May I come?"

I was about to say "No" but then my brother just went "Of course! What do you say, Kathie?" and she replied "Sure thing! If you give Stinson a good time... I can give you a different kind of good time" and then proceeded to bop my brother's nose.

If everyone wasn't capable of dying, and if I had to celebrate a party, she would have been a top priority.

Then Stinson said "She's looking at you with that typical sympathy smile that's sometimes used to-" I looked at her face, and she was doing exactly that. I quickly looked away.

I heard her whisper to my brother "Your brother has some adorable reactions" but not in a thirsty way.

Part of it makes me wish she was a paedophile with standards and class.

(Vincent's P.O.V)

I went to his house, rang the door, and asked me who I was. I replied with "Pizza delivery!" and he let me in.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?" I asked, and he told me "You see... I got my head targeted for some reason I don't know what is by someone named Budweiser"

"What did you do to gain this bounty on your head?" I asked, and he said "NOTHING! I SWEAR!"

He was shaking and sweating.

(Mark's P.O.V)

The three of us were walking in the woods, and we finally arrived at Greg's house. Knocked the wooden door, and he opened up the door.

"Mark? Stinson?" He asked. Stinson said hello, and I said "We need to talk with your grand-daughter" but he didn't reply. He was busy staring at my brother. Stinson asked if he was ok. Then he replied "Oh, sorry. It 's just... That he had a fly on his forehead. Why don't you come inside, the three of you? I'll prepare you some delicious milk" I said "I don't drink milk at these hours" Stinson then said "Sure!" and my brother said "Yup!"

We entered the house. Greg then moves to a door, knocks on the door, and tells his grand-daughter that he has visitors. And she said she was coming.

Then I proceeded to ask "You don't seem surprised" Then he responded "You're a top student academically, and also you're a detective" then Rose opened up the door, and Greg left to prepare them some milk.

"Stinson? Marlow? And... you?" She asked, and then coughed. I nodded, both my brother and Stinson waved his hand and said hello to her enthusiastically at the exact same time.

She asked the second question in the form of "How can I help?" Then I asked her if she could make a portal. To which she responded "Yes" And so she did make a portal, in it there was a lake with the portal edges glowing in pink. Some flowers were near so she picked one of them.

"Do you happen to know other people that use magic?" I asked. Then she said "My late mother, from which she learned from my grandmother"

"I was also wondering if someone teached you any magic" to which she replied "No, it's just all from the books that I learned all of this"

First... Kathie is only capable of teleport, and now Rose, who knows magic does create a portal... And yet her abilities are quite different, and all the people she knows that do magic are dead.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

We were just on the table, drinking some coke. All of a sudden, a portal appeared, and a black hooded woman with glasses appeared from it. She looked at my client as if she was some robot. Then said the words "You are not going to get away with this" and my client gulped. However I put on my yellow sci-fi-esque glasses and I transformed into my hero for hire self, and later I got in front of her.

"So... You're a hired assassin that knows magic?" I asked. And then she replied "Not the best one. However, you're standing in my way from the money I will gain"

"So are you" I said.

I shot a blast from my hand, but then she summoned a pillar so it protects her from my attack. And then with a fragment of that pillar she struck me with it, making me go to the wall, cracking it.

My client ran. And she started to walk after him, but then I got up, I grabbed her, and I went through the garden's glass door, and she landed on the floor. Her hood was off, and I saw a blonde with short hair with a fringe. Then she threw fire at me, but I dodged it, and I tried to punch her, but then she rolled to the other side, gusting wind at me throwing to another side, but landed on my feet. Then, I shot with my energy blasts to her wand, and it struck her. She didn't lose her hand, that's not my intention.

I pointed to the sky, because I knew victory was mine for the taking, but then she struck me with a big burning boulder, rendering me unconscious.

Heh, she was lucky.

Then my client got to wake me up, with gentle slaps to my face, and I asked him "Are you ok?" and he said "Physically? Still the same. Feeling-wise? Uh... Not so much"

The guy offered me to grab his hand, but even if I was thankful, I told him it wasn't necessary.

"That whore just had to steal my ultra powerful guns," He said. And I said "Well... Since I helped you... And I'm a hero for hire..." And he said, "Oh, right!" Then went inside the house, and gave me money that was previously his, but currently mine.

"Thanks a lot! That four eyed creepy lady got away, but at least I can take you in, bitch" I said. He asked shockingly "Wait, what?!" And I said "You have to be a really dumb criminal to confess to your crimes in front of a superhero, ya know, nigga?"

(Mark's P.O.V)

After we dropped Stinson to his house, me and my brother were walking towards our apartment. And I had to confess something.

"Brother..." I said, and he asked "Yes, Mark?" And later I said "About the... Babysitter..." And he continued with "Yes? What happened?" And I told him what I had to tell him:

"I fucking hate her. I don't want to see her in my life again" then my brother asked me "But why?! She's a very gorgeous woman!" and I told him to trust me on this.

I can be around Stinson. I can be around Vincent. Can even be around everyone, and treat everyone like shit... But when it comes to women that I either fell in love, or got infatuated with, that's a big red alert.

"Oh, and brother, I would love to talk to Vincent, I feel WE need it" I said. And he said excitedly "Wait, REALLY?!" and I told him to not get his hopes up; Even if in his little world it means that Mark Smith, the one brother he had who left the world in 2006, returns for good.

Days later, my brother invited Vincent for dinner... And his mother... And Tony... And let's just say, I was slightly pissed.

The first people to arrive were Vincent and his mother.

They greeted each other, then the McCauleys said hello to me. I didn't even reply back.

Vincent asked me "Jesus, Mark, what's wrong with you?" and then his mother said "He probably doesn't want to talk. It's rude, but he doesn't want to talk right now. Do you have Rolling Rock, Marlow?"

Then my brother, unsurprisingly, said "As far as I can remember I don't have a rock!" and then later she clarified "I was saying if you have beer!" and that was not the case. Then she said "I'm sorry, but I can't go anywhere and NOT have alcohol! I'll be back" Then she went outside, assuming Tony and her cross paths, because later Tony showed up minutes later and screamed "MARLOOOOOW! VINCEEEEENT!"

Maybe it's a joke I don't quite understand from their childhood.

My brother opened up the door, and there he was. Tony jumped once, striked a pose, and my brother and him gave themselves a handshake.

Then Tony looked at Vincent, and did the same thing, with an added "I MISSED YOU!" coming from both people.

I can't help but feel this is quite the stupidest idea. I had different plans with Vincent.

We ended up at the dinner tables, everyone was enjoying my brother's greatest skill, and so I decided to talk about the investigation, after Vincent asked me about it. Convenient.

"Well, after threatening that bird man, the day after he went missing. Someone summoned a portal that made him escape"

Then Vincent said "Wow, funnily enough I fought against some sort of... Witch that was paid to bring that criminal client of mine down. Heh, she was quite lucky she defeated me"

Then I noticed the W-word and asked "Wait... Witch? What did she look like?" and he told me about her appearance. Black hood, sunglasses, white skin, yellow short hair, a somewhat diagonal fringe... Is he really Budweiser?

Tony proceeded to murmur the words "Great... Fucking great" and asked Vincent "Did she hurt you a lot, Vince?" and Vincent replied "Pffff, as if she was capable of such a thing"

Tony said "Thank christ" Then Tony screamed the letter O, and my brother asked "Wait, Tony, are you alright?!" and Tony clarified "Oh, no worry! I, Tony Chase, the good, old, Tony Chase, just FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT SOMETHING! And I'll be back"

Then he went to the bathroom.

Much later the guests left the apartment. Hanna waved me goodbye and I just did a dry sign of goodbye.

We need to find that witch. But... How is it that my main suspect just described her as if nothing?

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Have some constructive criticisms? Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

And also, I would love to see both fan art and memes of CPU.

I am Roger Kaos, thank you for reading!

RogerKaoscreators' thoughts