
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Consequences with thinking with your lower head

Waking up the next morning, Eli wakes up groggily feeling a weight on his chest. His eyesight finally clearing he sees that it's Bonnie curled up onto his side lying on top of his chest.

'Gotta get up and pray for her for the day. I'm also going To have to buy a house and form some sort of income. So, my child that Bonnie's is carrying will have a good life.'

'Wait, why in the hell am I thinking this.'


[Host is being affected by High Elf trait mentality.]

[No matter what subcategory, a High Elf will always protect its offspring Ensuring their survival even if it's against the dragon.]

"Ah crap! I trapped myself in this predicament. Why did I think with my lower head?"

Bonnie woke up after hearing Eli talking to himself. "Hubby, could you please bring me breakfast. I can't feel my legs anymore, I won't be able to move all day."

"Don't you have to work?"

"I'm way ahead of you hubby, I asked for the week off."

Eli put on an angry face from being tricked by Bonnie into producing a child between them. Making his High Elf trait make him not able to leave Bonnie or his offspring.

'Ill also feel pretty shitty if I did that too.'

"Why are you making that angry face hubby?"

"Because you tricked me! You knew if you conceive a child between us, I'll take care of you, am I wrong."

She gave him a raspberry and told him "I didn't see you stopping any time all night. Between us you're the one that had most fun."

Eli grunted and put on all his clothing and left the room to get breakfast for Bonnie. coming down he saw that everyone was giving him astonished looks. He finally arrived to the innkeeper And she was giving him Impressed Expression.

"Sunny, you had a fun time with your Bunny friend last night, didn't you?"

"You guys heard that."

"Heard it? It was hard not to your bunny ran screaming ever in the time you were rallying her."

That sentence made Eli, start to blush.

"Well, you look at that! Someone that can last all night with a Therianthrope Bunny, like yourself can actually blush."

Eli Tried to change the conversation by bringing up Bonnie's breakfast. "Can get a breakfast for me and my partner."

"You know the rule, sunny one free meal a day. The other one's going to cost you 4 gems."

Eli handed her a big cocker coin and she handed back 6 copper coins. She soon came back with two plates of full of breakfast, in which he them both back to the room, so he and Bonnie can eat together.

While there were both eating together Eli asked Bunny. "So, what's the next move in your plan."

"What do you mean hubby?"

"Well, your first part of your plan was to get pregnant. What's the next part?"

"Well, first was snagging a man, that's done. The next is getting a house. And that's the last is Living a live with luxury."

"That was your great plan. Get knocked up and hopefully the guy who did it will keep his end and provide for you?"

"That's not a very good plan. What would have happened if I just left you pregnant?"


"You're not a very good gold digger."

Bonnie threw her loaf of bread directly at Eli's face. "Screw you that was my best plan at the time. Sorry for not having any nefarious plans to steal your money."

"Eh he" That Last sentence made Eli giggle my bit.

He then took the love of bread, but she threw it his face and half of his eating food and gave it all to Bonnie.

"Here you're going to need this more than me now that you're going to be eating for two. I'm going to leave you here, and search for a house."

"You're really going to get me a house? Please tell me I'm going to quit my job! because the work hours don't kill me the adventures just might, just like the incident, that happened yesterday."

Eli pulled out 40 cold coins out of his dimensional storage and gave them to Bonnie. Making her eye sparkle in seeing that much money.

"This is more than what I make in a year you're not lying, this is mine, right?"

"Yes, this is yours to spend while I'm gone and don't worry, you can keep it afterwards. I'm not taking it back."

"If my legs could move, I would jump you again. Thanks, Hubby" She then curled Nixon. next to him and gave him a kiss in his cheek.

"Have fun and get me a good house."

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 10



Job Titles:


skill: 6 point

Passive: [Longsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortbow proficiency: lv3], [Longbow proficiency: lv3], [Darkvision: lv3], [Keen Senses: lv3], [Fey Ancestry: lv4], [Trance: lv3], [Conceal: lv1], [Alchemy: lv1], [Acrobatics: lv1],

Bonus Actions: [Quick step: lv1], 

Turn Action: [Appraisal: lv1], [Snipe: lv1],

MSP: 665

Gems: 48,058


Copper coins= 8

Big Copper coin= 1

Silver coin= 2

Big Silver coin= 0

Gold coin= 48

Big Gold coin= 0

Gacha: white 0

Magic stones: 2 E-Rank.