


I yawned before I open the door of my office. I'm still a bit drowsy because I slept late last night. I quickly sat on my chair and open the laptop to see if there are emails that our company received during those two days that we're out of town.

Zyair told me that someone handled our jobs while we're not here but he didn't tell who exactly is that person. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to that specific someone.

I'm busy scrolling through the mails when my eyes landed on the table inside my office. My brows snapped together when I saw a bouquet of flower on top of it. I didn't notice it earlier.

Since my curiousity is piqued, I stood up from my seat and walked towards the small table. I picked up the bouquet of flowers and smell it.

"In fairness, it smells so good and the arrangement is fabulous," I uttered to myself while staring at the roses and lilacs. There are I think five different flowers on the bouquet but I'm only familiar with those two.