
Covet By Crimson Beauty

As the young former emperor whom was bestowed by the will of heavens suddenly forsaken and his land perish. His will was shaken and his home was eaten away. The people he loved was slaughtered with no remains. The country under his reign fall and become the city of emptiness. When he open his eyes, he was transmigrated into a new ground. New life, new surroundings, new events and new suffering awaits to the young emperor. As a foreign, will he survive? Find peace, harmony and love? Will this journey be related by the accident happened in his country? Will he ever find answers to his origin? Or will it be another sufferings and anguish? "I used to being above of thousand people, and I used to smile regardless of the pain I feel. I become stiff under the golden robe yet I am a failure whom lost a country and the lives of my subjects" "Though, I am now the one who look up above your name, I am no less than of an insect you can trampled on. I have been like this since young. No treasure can cover the glimpse of hatred I bore because of my eyes and nothing can change that" ps: I am not confident enough with this story. If errors are accord please inform me immediately.

peerlessbeauty123 · LGBT+
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11 Chs


Heading towards the HQ where the secret operation are mostly held under Leonorr's command, excluded by power and private property of Emperor Yang, Leonorr, reach the heart of the sea by riding with his sword flying above the sky. The vast salt water with a tower in the middle that is build connecting the satellite above the galaxy. It produce an immense amount of energy almost everyday that can work up to 10 years and above without consuming electrical source. This energy may not be suitable as a substitute to cultivation method for cultivators since it didn't have pure mana essence and it may affect the core. But still, by the help of a new technology under a thorough observation, and with a team of infamous researchers, they've been expanding their systematic investigation to establish a better and profound source that can maximize the cultivation level at a short period of time.

The tower is surrounded by a transparent space isolation with a hundred mile radius that conceal it's existence to the mortal world governments and issues specially the Imperial Palace regarding the secretion of the operation about the existence of cultivation in the open world.

Inside the space isolation was a huge establishment working under the Leonorr's reign. One of the main purpose of this building is to gather all of those who have or born with cultivation core to practise and enhance their power for the future needs . And not only that, but this building also create weapons that is more advance and is easy to used.

Leonorr mindlessly walk through the space isolation as if it was nothing while his sword vanish into the thin air. His mind was too preoccupied. He thought through and through about the information he received earlier. The call came from one of his subordinates whom found a clue about the matters that Emperor Yang wanted to know. Given the insufficient amount document he pass to Emperor Yang and the reactions he made while Leonorr told him the details of what he saw from the divine matrix, he knows that this clue will give him the answers he seeks. The connection between Emperor Yang and this case is very high.

The hallway was long and the front yard was used to practise cultivation power and swordsmanship. At the center, is a huge arena meant for sparring. In this way, the cultivators may know what is lacking, advantage and disadvantage between them and it's opponent. The potential of every cultivators that brought here to increase their knowledge about the power they posses is slowly decreasing. Either one is slow, weak, soft and timid. But this doesn't mean a failure. Those whom doesn't have what it takes to be a true cultivators have another way of proving themselves. Since the moment they enter this establishment, they are now considered as non-part of human society. Cultivators with low core binding can be part of the secret mission in the outside world. As long as they have what it takes to be part of a team, they can still be of any used. In this way, they will no longer lower themselves but can prove their competence in a different way.

While Leonorr was walking, watching at the dedicated men doing their very best and efforts by all means, a white pigeon suddenly landed into his shoulder. Between it's feet is a small rolled paper attach to it. Leonorr caress the head of the pigeon and rewarded it by feeding some seeds before he took the paper and read. By doing so, the pigeon already flew away.

[ The councilor is here]

Leonorr was shocked by reading the letter. As so, he immediately take a big strides while creasing the paper as he headed directly to the main office where a certain person is awaiting for him.

Opening the door, the room is empty with only a dim of light coming from the screen with a man standing at the a huge monitor with both his hands at his back, suddenly turn around with a grin in his face. The man is wearing a brown suit, with a superior aura surrounded him. By the look of his eyes displays a displeasing personality that one could fear. Leonorr walk straight towards him but what halted when the man speaks rather calmly.

"The promising General that said can slaughter a city by a single night is now reigning but not in the battlefield but by a closed door. It's been so long since the last time I saw you. How's the way of living here.... General An?" His voice has the hint of suspicion that if one will hear, a misunderstanding will be created. "Oh and don't be surprise, I excuses those men here earlier" His smiles becomes more sinister the more he speaks.

Leonorr never dream of facing someone from the Imperial Palace. Since he only appears whenever a country declared a war, he seldom show his face in front of them.

"What brought the Imperial Councilor here?"

Leonorr has been wary ever since he read the letter. The hesitation of facing this old man was shown by his face. Leonorr is not fond at dealing with this kind of pressure. Though he is perfectly aware of what this old man is capable of, still, maintaining the composure of his role needs courage that he never wear once in the battlefield.

"Ah, just paying a little visit, am I not allowed?"

The moment Leonorr heard his voice, he knows that his presence here is not by just a simple visit but with ulterior motives.

Politely, Leonorr said "Then pardon me for not welcoming you from your arrival, Councilor Gong"

"Nonsense. I know that the General is quite busy this past few days and cannot be bothered by this trivial matter like my visit here. And in fact, it is my fault for not informing you for my sudden visit"

"Then what is the purpose of your visit here, Councilor?"

The councilor didn't show any reaction nor responded. He simply shifted his sight back to the monitor and closely watch the different angle of the cameras in each corner of the establishment. Seeing how those unknown cultivators practise their power and swordsmanship freely, Councilor Gong could not remain silent.

"At this moment, none other than me knows about this operation. This kind of behavior and secretion of raising the cultivators are prohibited, you know that well, General An. This kind of act is considered a rebellion towards the Higher Ups. Considering that you are Emperor Yang's lackey, it may tarnish his name and be labeled as the leader, resulting to treason"

Councilor Gong look at Leonorr straight to his eyes as if sending a warning directly to him.

"You know very well about Emperor Yang since you are with him all your life. You know his temper and the way he manipulates the world just to get what he wants. But because he is the son of the heavens, the Higher Ups took blindly of his impudence and ignorant, but this time, with this evidence, I know the Higher Ups will make their move not allowing to expand this bewildered act"

Leonorr knows that Councilor Gong full words are not just a simple warning but a sign of threat using the organizations he runs. As the matter of fact, Emperor Yang is well aware of this but he never tells nor asked for reasons and purpose.

"Look at them. Look at those cultivators whom devoted themselves to nurture the given power blessed by the heavens, but all of those efforts will be in vain if the Higher Ups get rid of them. Think about it, General An, what makes you believe that the Higher Ups will not know about this? Even I, an Imperial Councilor found out about this what's more to them. Above all, they are the most superior being that cannot be easily fooled"

Leonorr clench his fist surpassing the urge to complain but he knows that even if he retaliate, he cannot win against the High Ups. Councilor Gong is one of the most trusted councilor in the Imperial Palace. By only his words the Higher Ups will believe him without a doubt.

"I understand what the Councilor meant. Then what do you think should I do?"

Councilor Gong secretly smile, thinking 'the bait is ready'.

This chapter is kind of mess, so pardon my mistakes.

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