
cousins triangle (he's mine)

Cousins triangle (He's mine ) *synopisis* A once happy family relationship destroyed due to circumstances of greed... Meet Elle Anderson,the cousin to ella Anderson... The two girls grow up together with everyone believing that they are twins....their relationship is built on strong love and trust which is later broken eighteen years later...... Elle's thirst for revenge and Ella's refusal to stay away from other people's property causes many damages... Many damages are caused (both physically and in the spirit realm)..... many bitter truth revealed..... many lives lost Is Elle willing to forgive her family for their dirty past? Find out in this thrilling srort

Hydee_Jay · Teen
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Chapter 1:The accident

Cousins triangle

(He's mine)

Chapter 1

(Do not copy or repost!!)

Ella's pov


Ohhh...of course it was time to be up.. yippee a fresh start for both of us.... Took out time to stare at my ceiling and then began to meditate....my mom oblivious that I was already awake yelled from the sitting room:

"Ella,Get your ass up for college.. you don't wanna be late on your first day uhn..."

With a burst of excitement...."Am up mom"

"Then wake that noisy cousin of yours "..."At your service momma " I screamed before waking the big head up....

I looked to my side and saw her sleeping....mmmm.. "sleeping beauty..." And a smile curved at the centre of her lips...geez thought she was asleep....

"Morning" Elle said with a smile and knocked me on the head before scurrying off to the bathroom

"Hey...what was that for??" I asked and I heard the devil laugh for the bathroom.... ouchhhhh...so painful!!!

Ok a little intro:"Emanuella Anderson is the name but prefer being called Ella...18 years of age, I live with my mom and cousin....but my dad always stays in Dubai for business....am a musical student and Guess what guys it's my first day at college....pheww...I better get ready before time runs out.... Elle be quick with the bathroom am gonna be late"

Soon we were done and ready for school

"Let's skip breakfast " Elle suggested and I gave her an assuring nod "looks like you always read my mind "

"Have your breakfast before you leave " my mom called from the dining on getting to the sitting room

"Oh aunt.. Skipping a day's breakfast wouldn't hurt...and you don't want us to be late on our first day.. heard it brings bad luck". Elle said with loads of sarcasm and I swear I almost burst out laughing....

"Badluck??" My mom asked unsatisfied...

"Guess so..." I replied

"Alright then... have a good day at college"

" Thanks" we both chorused and left the house...

Fredrick's pov

"Heyyyyyy..bro, how is first day at college gonna be uhn?...." My friend and house mate.. Chris asks.. and a smirk follows up.

"Well let's say am gonna be flowing with everything under skirt...yunno"

"You never change uhn??...Just be mindful that we just got here and you have a girlfriend who stays here in California"

"And I also wouldn't forget that I came here for only her..... thank you dad " I replied sarcastically and we burst out laughing....."stupid guy... you gotta change"

A little intro on who I am: Fredrick Williams,19,smart.. handsome... anything you use in describing a demi god.... play boy.. green eyes....".. Honestly I couldn't wait to be the self acclaimed #hottest fresh man of the year..... Anyways enough of that..am off to college.

Walking through the walls of Royal ville..I feel all eyes (girls drolling at my handsome face and the boys gawking at me)..awwn poor little things.. they're scared they might lose their girls to me.... Undeniably the stares gave me a feeling of superiority...but unfortunately this feeling was unable to last long as a girl bumps into me an spills hot cofee on me...

"FUCK!!!! ARE YOU BLIND" Came my angry voice

"Am sorry " A lily livered voice apologized and I raised my head to look at the person...to my uttermost surprise....I called"Elle??"

Ella's POV

OMG...What did I just do on my first day at school...

"Am really sorry" I said quickly and turned to leave..."Elle...wait up"..the stranger called and I turned to look at him surprised..why did he call me Elle... "Am not Elle" I wanted to say but got interrupted by the voice from a loud speaker.."Hello students of Royal ville college, California...I would like for all freshers to move to the registration center of the school to get the registration number.. thank you ".. with that I left the guy and quickly set to look for Elle...gosh I wonder why that girl never stays put in a place.....

After some few minutes of looking for her.... finally found her and we went to the hall together, still wondering why the guy called me Elle...did she know him?,was he someone she had something to do with?

"Earth to ellla!!!" Someone said jolting me out of my thoughts

"Pheww...u scared me"

"Are you okay?" Elle asked me feeling concerned but I decided to keep it to myself.... since obviously she didn't have any business with any student.... "Nothing"

"Nothing?" She asked not looking satisfied.."But you obviously looked like you were deep in thoughts.. like something bothers you" Elle pressured....

"Look I said it's nothing..." I replied almost yelling.... And she gave me a hard stare before walking away to the registration center....

Elle's POV

I wonder why she's keeping secrets from me.."That wasn't the cousins goal" I said talking to myself "not like I care anyways "

Immediately my subconscious itched me "You do care.. you Silly brat" and I couldn't take this no more

"Ella!!" I called running up to her after getting our registration badges " are you ready to talk now?"

"Alright fine.. you beat me to it " Ella said and I grinned devilishly

" I accidentally bumped into this super cute guy and I spilled coffee on him. ..it was so embarrassing "...."Awwn looks like someone got herself a boyfriend on her First day at college .... I said teasing her ...." That's not all..."

"Mmmmm.. tell me more" I said impatiently....." He called me Elle....." Arching my brows towards her ..." He called you Elle... hmmm seems am gaining popularity on the first day of college" I said with a smirk.."c'mon.. don't be sarcastic..."

"You love me for my sarcasm sweet heart...."

Fredrick's POV

Walking into the registration office still pondering on why that girl had a striking resemblance to mine...

" Bro...you good?". ..... Chris asked

"Am okay.. just thinking about stuffs..."...."alright"

After collecting our registration badges... something caught my attention..so badly...I went back to the registration table and called the names aloud

★Ella Anderson

★Elle Anderson

So truly Elle schools here....ohhhh...I remembered her saying something about her cousin...wow... college just got more exciting.... I thought within me

Monica's POV

Walking into the coven..I said a prayer and anxiously waited for the priest to round up with whatever he was chanting.... finally he was done... thank goodness...

"Finally.... the News you've been waiting for" The haggard Old man who was in his early 60's said.... With a grin.."And I must say it isn't very good news..he said muttering at the last part..

"Can I hear it??" Impatient me asked him

"Two of them are going to be at each other's head one day.... they are going to be sworn enemies and some bad damages would be caused" And immediately my heart gave a heavy thud.... "Is there a way I can prevent this?..".... chuckling the old man answered: It's only the Maker that has the power to rewrite one's destiny " he said which frustrated me....

" What exactly is going to be the cause for such a great fight?"

"A lad"

" A lad?" I asked confused.... "Go home Monica and fix your home".....

Ella's POV

We really didn't do much today at college because most people were yet to arrive..... after the registration..I and my cousin set on the road to go home....

"So Ella tell me about your prince charming".... Elle said ..

"I already told you everything..I spilled coffee on him...

"No..no noo." ...she said cutting me off." I meant details like..how tall he is,..how handsome.. color of eyes.... If he's heavily built..yunoo..."

"Well... he's what I'll describe as a Demi god,.. wickedly cute, ..his chest well built... curly blonde hair that fell to his face.. and of course deep green eyes to make him feel sexier...." .... Elle gave me a weird and surprised look which I didn't understand at first but later did and covered my face in shame...

" I can't believe I just said that.."

"It really sent a great amount of shock to me... coming from an introoooo...vert like you.. But it's okay, it's a nice start..you like him.. don't you?" She asked with a serious expression...

" I don't "I replied bluntly..." Liar" Elle muttered under her breath Which made me chuckle.... "Well since you claim not to like him.. was hoping you could hook me up with him... tomorrow" Elle said playfully ....

" You have a boyfriend..Jeez"..."that lives in Dubai...durrr"... She said with a pale expression....and I knew what was on her mind.

" Don't worry..am sure he'll come over to visit you and even if he doesn't.... I'll make sure we spend the holidays in Dubai... that's a promise".....

" Awwn.. you making me feel so emotional right now" she said teasingly and a smile appeared on the corner of her lip....

"Let's go home Elle.. it's getting late"

At home...

We walked into the four corners of the house... with great anticipation to see what my mom prepared for lunch.....

" Hey mom" we greeted uniformly like kids who were expecting candy from an adult...

"How was first day at college dearies....

"It was fine...." But I was immediately cut off by Elle..."Oh..aunt it was beautiful,the school looked so big.. bigger than I ever expected and you know the most interesting part of it all aunt..."

" What?" My mom asked excitedly...." Someone found herself a boyfriennnnnnd!!!!"...." O c'mon elle ... don't do this" I said with gritted teeth....

"Is that so?". ....."No mom... she's overreacting...I just spilled mere coffee on the green eyed guy" I said trying to be defensive...

"Green eye??" Elle asked... "Yup..any problem "

" Nothing.. green eyes just sounds familiar "

Enough of the talk girls....I really wanna discuss something short and important with you...

"Oh..aunt I'm starving , keep the discussions for later.." she said (obviously you guys already know who) and picked a plantain from the already dished food

"Stop that!!" I said wiping her hands off

"What now"

"It's unhealthy.... those dirty hands.. gosh "

"Oh am sorry.. little mrs green eye" she said With an eye roll

"Enough girls..I just want you guys to promise me that you'll always stick together no matter what..and nothing would ever seperate you both" ....

"Oh...Aunt who's talking about flights now"

" Just promise me.. please " my mom said with pitiful eyes which made me wonder what's going on...

"Look mom.. nothing would ever make us fight"

" But we might fight the next time Ella obstructs me from satisfying my little baby " The crazy girl said rubbing her tummy and everyone burst into laughter....

To be continued.......