
County of Westmarch

#1 Demons & Dragons {MATURE CONTENT R18 - No Rape} "There's nowhere else to run, little firefly," Azrakhel chuckled, his voice a silken rasp against Rinn's ear. The moonlight filtering through the cracks in the abandoned castle tower bathed them in an ethereal glow, highlighting the raw desire simmering in his mismatched red and gold eyes. Rinn, her back pressed against the rough stone wall, scoffed. "In your dreams, demon. I'd rather kiss a gargoyle than be caught dead… well, not entirely dead," she amended with a smirk, "between your sheets." Azrakhel, amusement dancing in his eyes, trailed a finger down her arm, sending shivers down her spine despite the defiant fire in her violet eyes. "Sheets? How quaint, firefly. This dusty floorboards will have to suffice for tonight's entertainment." Rinn bristled. "Entertainment? You think this is some game, demon? You burned down my house, my family—" He cut her off, his touch surprisingly gentle as he cupped her face. "Let the past be ash, firefly. Embrace the now. The heat between us is far more interesting than cold vengeance." Rinn's heart hammered against her ribs, a traitorous counterpoint to the anger that still simmered within her. This infuriating demon, with his infuriating charm and even more infuriating good looks, had somehow breached the walls she'd built around her heart. "Vengeance may be cold," she conceded, her voice a husky whisper, "but so is this stone floor. Besides, demons like their conquests fiery, wouldn't you agree?" A slow, predatory smile spread across Azrakhel's face. "Then by all means, firefly, let the flames begin." Their journey began with hatred, a fiery dance fueled by vengeance and a desperate pact. But amidst the chaos and the battles, a flicker of something unexpected ignited - a love as passionate and dangerous as the enemies they were sworn to be. Would Rinn choose the path of vengeance carved by the Council, or surrender to the all-consuming passion of the demon who both destroyed and desired her?

Rhysmonde · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Hidden Agendas III

Valaric sighed, leaning back against the rough bark of the ancient oak. Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting an ethereal glow on his pale features. "So," he drawled, his voice laced with sardonic amusement, "you suspect Azrakhel has ensconced himself in his ostentatious castle with the human girl as his… guest?"

Riordan, perched silently on a high branch like a watchful owl, spoke without turning. "It's the most logical conclusion. Azrakhel wouldn't resort to a mundane abduction unless he has a specific purpose for this Rinn Elancourt."

"A purpose that undoubtedly involves more than mere demonic amusement," Valaric added, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. "Very well, then. We pay Azrakhel a visit tonight and retrieve the girl. Simple enough."

Riordan finally swiveled on the branch, his sightless white eyes seeming to pierce through the darkness. "Not so simple, Valaric. We can't just waltz into a demon lord's castle, no matter how ordinary it may appear."

Valaric's impatience flared. "Ordinary? You expect me to believe Azrakhel's abode wouldn't be crawling with defenses? Wards? Gargoyles that actually spit fire?"

A hint of a wry smile played on Riordan's lips. "Perhaps not literal fire-breathing gargoyles, but the point stands. We need to know what kind of security measures are in place, any magical wards, any hidden mechanisms."

"Valaric," Riordan continued, his voice low and serious, "you seem to forget the precarious situation we currently find ourselves in. Mother's… actions have severely diminished the demon ranks, banishing most to the In-Between. However, Zurakai is not like the others."

Valaric's face hardened. "He's the equivalent of a thousand demons," he spat, the weight of history heavy in his voice. "And Azrakhel, being his elder brother, is even more so. We tread carefully, Riordan, especially with Zurakai still out there, no doubt baying for our blood in his warped sense of vengeance."

As if summoned by their words, a chilling cackle shattered the night's stillness. A dark figure materialized from the shadows, standing tall and menacing beneath the moonlit canopy. Red eyes mixed with gold gleamed with a predatory hunger, and a cruel smile stretched across his face.

"Well, well," Zurakai drawled, his voice a chilling rasp that seemed to emanate from every direction at once. "The great Valaric Hawkrige, finally venturing out to play hero."

His eyes, burning with a malevolent fire, flicked from Valaric to Riordan and back. "And you, Riordan," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Hiding behind your blindness as always. Perhaps sensing your defeat in advance?"

Valaric rose to his full height, his eyes narrowing to slits. "Zurakai," he greeted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your… unwelcome presence?"

Zurakai's laughter echoed through the trees, a sound that sent shivers down Valaric's spine despite himself. "Pleasure? No, Valaric, not pleasure. Justice. Your mother, the illustrious Elyana, ripped my kin from their rightful place in this world and banished them to the In-Between! She robbed me of my power, of my subjects!"

He took a menacing step forward, the ground trembling beneath his powerful form. "And for that," he growled, the air crackling with dark energy, "every single one of you Hawkriges shall pay. Starting with you, Valaric."

Valaric met his gaze unflinchingly. He knew Zurakai was a formidable opponent, a demon lord whose power dwarfed even his own. Without Elyana's silver locket, Valaric wouldn't stand a chance. Even with it, he wouldn't be able to tap into its full potential.

Riordan, however, remained silent, a thoughtful expression etched on his face. Valaric knew his friend was formulating a plan, but the urgency of rescuing Rinn gnawed at him.

They couldn't afford to delay. Yet, charging headfirst into a battle with Zurakai would be suicidal. A tense silence descended upon the clearing, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the night breeze. The fate of the mission, and perhaps their lives, hung in the balance.

A guttural laugh ripped from Zurakai's throat, echoing through the trees like the death knell of hope. "Hesitation becomes you both," he sneered, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. "Two mighty vampire lords, reduced to trembling shadows in the moonlight."

Valaric bristled. Being called weak was an insult he rarely tolerated. "Weakness, Zurakai? Or perhaps a keen sense of self-preservation?" he countered, his voice laced with sardonic amusement. "After all, wouldn't a true test of strength be a fair fight? Or are you afraid a mere fistfight wouldn't be enough to subdue the likes of me?"

Zurakai's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing his demonic features. Valaric knew he'd hit a nerve. The demon lord was powerful, undeniably so, but his arrogance often clouded his judgment.

"Fair fight?" Zurakai scoffed. "Fairness died with your precious Elyana, Valaric. Besides," he continued, a cruel smile twisting his lips, "wouldn't it be more satisfying to break you, piece by bloody piece, without the crutch of your fancy magic? Just you, me, and the raw fury of a wronged demon lord."

Valaric's gaze hardened. Rinn's safety gnawed at him, but Zurakai's words held a chilling truth. He wouldn't stand a chance against the full force of Zurakai's power. Not without the locket.

"Fine," he spat through gritted teeth, his voice laced with frustration. "Fistfight it is. Riordan," he called out to his companion, "go and find Rinn. Now."

Riordan, ever the strategist, remained silent. He knew the risk. Leaving Valaric alone with Zurakai was akin to sending a lamb to the slaughter.

"Don't be ridiculous, Valaric," Riordan countered, his voice calm despite the tension crackling in the air. "I wouldn't leave you here, not against the likes of him."

Valaric shook his head, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice. "Riordan, you know it's the only way. The locket, with Elyana's magic, it's protected Kylian. It can protect me too. But we can't afford to delay. Get Rinn to safety, then worry about me."

A tense silence descended upon the clearing. Zurakai watched the exchange with a predatory look in his eyes, clearly enjoying their predicament. Finally, Riordan spoke, his voice laced with a reluctant acceptance.

"Fine," he conceded. "But if he touches you…"

The unspoken threat hung heavy in the air. Valaric knew Riordan wouldn't hesitate to unleash his full power on Zurakai, even if it meant revealing their hidden abilities.

With a final nod, Riordan melted into the shadows, his white form disappearing into the night. Valaric steeled himself, meeting Zurakai's gaze head-on. The demon lord threw back his head and roared, a sound that shook the very leaves on the trees. Then, with a sickening crackle, the air around him shimmered, revealing a grotesque transformation.

Zurakai's previously humanoid form contorted, muscles rippling beneath newly formed obsidian scales. Razor-sharp claws extended from his fingertips, and horns sprouted from his brow, framing a face twisted in a hideous grin. Demonic markings, swirling red and black, snaked across his bare chest, a testament to his true power.

"Now," Zurakai boomed, his voice a demonic growl, "let's see what you're truly made of, Valaric Hawkrige."

With a roar that echoed through the ancient trees, Valaric launched himself at Zurakai. Fueled by a potent cocktail of anger and desperation, he unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, aiming for the demon lord's monstrous form. Zurakai, however, moved with an almost supernatural grace, dodging each blow with an effortless flick of his wrist or a twist of his serpentine torso.

"Is that all you've got, little vampire?" Zurakai boomed, his laughter echoing with cruel amusement. "Come now, Valaric, put some muscle into it! A good brawl is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties, wouldn't you agree?"

Valaric gritted his teeth, frustration simmering beneath his anger. He knew Zurakai was toying with him, enjoying his growing desperation. But desperation, Valaric knew, could be a powerful weapon. He feigned another clumsy attack, then with a surge of unexpected speed, landed a solid punch on Zurakai's jaw.

A surprised grunt escaped the demon lord's lips, but the smirk quickly returned. A crimson bead welled up on his jaw, then evaporated before it could even trickle down his obsidian scales. "Ah, there we go!" Zurakai exclaimed, clapping his clawed hands together. "Now that's what I call a party favor!"

Before Valaric could capitalize on his momentary advantage, Zurakai grabbed his fist in a bone-crushing grip. The air crackled as demonic energy surged through Valaric's arm, sending a jolt of pain shooting through his body. With a sickening twist, Zurakai flung Valaric through the air. The vampire lord slammed into a thick oak, the impact sending a shower of leaves raining down.

He coughed, blood trickling down his chin, as he struggled to his feet. Anger, hot and potent, coursed through him. Zurakai was right. Fists wouldn't be enough. He needed to tap into the locket's power, the magic once wielded by Kylian's mother.

Focusing all his energy, Valaric clenched his fist. A surge of blue light erupted from his hand, emanating from the hidden locket beneath his shirt. The air shimmered around him, crackling with raw power. This time, when he lunged at Zurakai, the demon lord's eyes widened in surprise.

The fist, imbued with Elyana's magic, connected with Zurakai's chest with a sickening thud. A guttural roar erupted from the demon lord's throat as he stumbled back, a spray of blood erupting from his mouth. His eyes, for the first time, flickered with fear. The raw power of the locket had caught him off guard.

But the fear was quickly replaced by a renewed fury. With a deafening bellow, Zurakai charged at Valaric. Gone was the mocking playfulness, replaced by a primal rage. Every punch and kick landed with the force of a battering ram, the very ground trembling with the impact. Valaric, despite the locket's protection, felt his bones groan in protest.

He knew he couldn't keep this up for long. Zurakai, despite the initial setback, was still far stronger. But then, a desperate plan began to form in Valaric's mind. He needed to create an opening, a chance to escape.

With a feigned stumble, Valaric let out a cry of pain. Zurakai, blinded by rage, fell for the bait. He lunged forward, a vicious snarl twisting his features. Valaric sidestepped at the last second, letting the demon lord crash into another tree, the ancient oak groaning under the impact.

This was his chance. With a burst of superhuman speed, granted by the locket, Valaric bolted towards the edge of the clearing. He could hear Zurakai's enraged roar behind him, but he didn't dare look back. He had to find Riordan, to regroup and formulate a new strategy.

Just as he reached the treeline, a searing pain ripped through his shoulder. He stumbled, a sickening crunch echoing in his ear as a clawed hand wrapped around his arm. Zurakai, his demonic form radiating fury, loomed over him.

"Trying to run away, little vampire?" Zurakai snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "The fun's just begun, wouldn't you say?"