

Crystal moves away from her hometown leaving her best friend Cristine and all the memories of her late mother behind to start a new life with her father. Crystal happens to find love in the arms of a young man named Dylan who seemed to understand her from the very moment he set his eyes on her. Although it wasn't love at first sight but amidst all the troubles she had been through.....Country love was all worth it in the end......

Queen_Debz · Teen
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3 Chs

A First For Everything

Arly the next morning, Crystal's dad, John walks up to her room to get her ready for her first day and still finds her fast asleep in the comfort of her room. With a smile on his face, he goes close to her bed and sits down making his way to her hair to caress it while watching her sleep but all of a sudden gets emotional just by looking at her. Tears begin to roll down his cheek when he begins to remember her mother and the pain and agony she went through while she was alive. On thinking about this, John makes a promise to his late wife saying, "I know I failed woefully when it came to giving you the kind of life you needed but I apologize for that. I'm sincerely sorry for watching you go through the pain and agony you went through all alone. If I could do anything, I would have traded my life for yours." "But I promise to make it right by our daughter, Crystal. I'm gonna give her the life I wasn't able to give you and I'll make you proud of me.", he continued.

At this time already, Crystal was wide awake by her father's sobs and turned to comfort her father by saying, "It's okay Dad. I'm sure wherever mum is right now, she's proud of you and she's also watching over us as well. So don't feel bad about what you couldn't do when she was alive Dad; remember you have me and I'll always be here to support you no matter what." Astonished, John could only imagine how much Crystal heard or even read from his mind. He knew he didn't say anything out loud so how did she know his thoughts, he wondered to himself. But not withstanding, he hugged his daughter so tightly and told her to get up from bed and freshen up lest she's gonna be late for school. On hearing this, she replied her Dad with a smile as he walked out of her room to the sitting room.

Thoughts began running through Crystal's mind about how her first day at school will be like.

"It wouldn't be that bad", she thought "It would just be like my old school, new friends, new rules, new hallways, new school officials; but no more of my best friend, no more of Cristine.", she continued but this time the thought of not seeing her best friend caused her to feel emotional again. John calls out to Crystal, "Crystal, can you be snappy about this. Your orientation is in 35minutes and you don't wanna be late on your first day." "Alright Dad, I'll be right down, just gimme 5minutes." Crystal replied. Without hesitation, she got out of her bed and went straight to the bathroom to have a shower. After which she quickly made her way to the living room where her dad was preparing her lunch bag. "Dad, you do know this isn't necessary. I'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to go through the stress of preparing a lunch bag for me." she said to her Dad with a smile on her face. Her Dad chuckled and said, "It's my duty now your mum is no more with us, plus she never lets you go to school without a lunch bag, am I right?" She concurred with her Dad and took the lunch bag and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and politely asked her dad to drop her off at school and he agreed.

At the school, she turned to her dad and asked him to wish her luck on her first day, he smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead and told her that he'd come pick her up later after school.

She came down from the car and waved her dad goodbye and watch him zoom off. Her senses then came altogether as one when she realized that this wasn't her old school neither was it her old life nor was it the familiar faces she saw; suddenly the school bell rung and lots of movements started on the stairs. She gained her sanity back and headed straight for the door to start her new life. As she walked into the hall way she was in the realization that everything from here on out was going to be different; she saw new faces that stared at her, all of them had different expressions, seeing a new girl had arrived their school.

She made her way to the Principal's office to get her orientation started. She knocked on the door and was told to come in. She came in and closed the door after her but didn't see anyone on seat.

"Where did the voice come from?", she wondered. She was about to take her seat when she remembered the etiquettes her mum taught her. "Do not sit until you're asked to do so Crystal. It's called Courtesy, darling." "Thanks mum." she whispered. She waited for a while and there came out a man not too far from her age grade, let's say in his early twenties in a well ironed shirt coming out from the inbuilt library in the office. He was good-looking, had a great height, about 5'8, she wasn't so sure; his face was well structured like a model of a painting that was being given the attention it desired. She was speechless just looking at him. She later regained her consciousness when he noticed that she was staring at him from head to toe. "Can I help you out young lady?", he asked politely "or would you like to stare at me all day?"

On hearing this, she came back to her reality and said "I'm sorry sir, that was so rude of me. I apologize." The man chuckled and said, "No harm done, I get that alot these days. I presume you are here for your Orientation and course registration."

"Yes sir, I have all my documents here sir." she replied without hesitation.

"Well, the principal isn't around right now but I can handle your registration. Hand me your files miss." She handed over her files and wondered to herself, "Since the Principal isn't on seat, then who is he and why is he handling her registration?" She got so restless and she decided to ask him who he was....

"Mind if I ask sir, since the Principal isn't around why then are you handling my registration?"

"He chuckled and answered, "Where are my manners? My name is Mr Chris Downs, I am the personal Secretary to the Principal. I handle all formal matters on the Principal's behalf when he is indisposed."

"Okay sir, I'm sorry for being so curious, it's just you look too young to be in this position. I mean, you look twenty-five."

"Twenty-eight to be exact, I finished my highschool education a while ago and I'm on my IT, since you want to know. So here are your documents and your course list. Your first lecture for the day has started even, so I guess you should head to your class for today."

"Ok sir, thank you sir.", she said trying to swallow her fears

"Welcome to Greenfield Community High my dear." extending his hand for a handshake. They both shook hands and she left his office.

She left the office and headed straight for her first class, the hallway was crowded with people and she tried her possible best to make her way through when she mistakenly bumped into him...

