
Counterattack System appeared when I'm already At The Mahayana Realm

My name is Jiang Li, and upon traversing to this realm, I found no golden opportunities waiting for me. Through sheer effort, I cultivated my way up to the Great Completion Stage. Now, suddenly, a system appears, claiming it can help me turn the tables and transform me from a minor Qi Cultivation phase practitioner into the foremost figure in the cultivation world. Dear system, you're a bit late to the party. I, Jiang Li, already stand as the Emperor of our era, revered across the nine provinces. I am already the number one in the Cultivation World.

The Whitest Crow · Eastern
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773 Chs

Chapter 549: Reign it in a little, even the Emperor isn't as domineering as you

The director felt that Jiang Li was perfect for the role of an emperor the first time he laid eyes on him.

Calm, strong, harboring the aspiration to protect the world... Jiang Li was just standing there and the director identified his distinctive quality.

"Do you have any acting experience?"

Jiang Li thought briefly of his experience as a human emperor candidate, including but not limited to his interactions with the previous human emperor and candidates and uncertainly said, "It can be considered as an experience."

The director clapped his hands in joy, calling over the costume designer: "That's great, come now, help him into his costume."

Once Jiang Li donned the emperor's robe, without making any particular motion, he simply stood there, emanating the grandeur of a supreme ruler. Even the costume designer dared not approach him, but retreated of their own accord.