
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (7)

The Black Knights needed to use at least half a month to prepare after discovering where there might be werewolves, so this also gave Bonia the opportunity to discover their actions and tip them off.

Now that Lu Jingqian clearly told them that those people were werewolves in disguise, they went from determining which ones they were to arrange to get those people out unnoticed, but it was done in just two or three days.

After breakfast, Lu Jingqian sat in his room, thinking that three days have passed, and with Antwin's ability, things should be over before. He does not know if he will return today.

The sudden knock on the door made Lu Jingqian come back to his senses. He just stood up to open the door when the door had been opened from the outside.

Antwin came in from outside, Lu Jingqian looked at him and said habitually, "You're back?"

"Hmm." Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian and got a feeling in his heart that he was used to being greeted by him like this. Obviously, they hadn't lived together for long.


"Is the matter you went to do already finished?" Lu Jingqian asked.

"All did as you said. Those we took, all were werewolves, and all have been killed by us." Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian seriously and said, "But I still have to ask you a question. If you know the answer, you can feel free to tell me. This time, no matter what you say, I will believe you. However… if you deceive me, I will never trust you again."

"You are trying to ask, if I am the real prophet, then what method did Bonia use to find those werewolves right?" Lu Jingqian directly said the question he wanted to ask.

"Yes..." Antwin said.

In order to make sure Antwin would really believe what he said, Lu Jingqian once again checked his favorability to himself, and after making sure that his favorability had reached a level where he could tell him the truth, Lu Jingqian said, "In addition to prophets being able to identify werewolves, there are Wolf Kings who can also identify werewolves. I also thought Bonia was really a prophet before because my prophetic ability had not awakened. After my prophetic ability awakened, everyone already believed Bonia was the real prophet, and I did not dare to say that I was the real prophet."

"You did the right thing." Antwin felt a little glad in his heart that Lu Jingqian did not tell everyone that he was the prophet immediately after awakening the prophet's ability. Otherwise, he would likely have suffered a catastrophe by now. On the other hand, he was at the same time relieved that Lu Jingqian was willing to trust him.

Antwin believed what Lu Jingqian said, so he was shocked and angry that Bonia was the Wolf King and had lied to everyone because he was one of the people who had been lied to.

Antwin hated that he can't go and kill Bonia immediately. But he knew very well there was no way to easily kill Bonia, who was protected by the White Knights at all times, without dismantling Bonia's identity and letting all the people know that he was the Wolf King. Unless they fought to the death with the White Knights, who were outnumbered. But then it would be exactly what Bonia wanted for the Black and White Knights to lose.

Previously, because they were not sure if those people Lu Jingqian said were real werewolves, the Black Knights were quietly carrying out the mission.

Now that Antwin has chosen to believe Lu Jingqian is the real prophet, then they don't have to carry out the operation secretly. As long as Lu Jingqian says who is the werewolf, they can use the Order's apprehension power to arrest that person.

Lu Jingqian followed Antwin to several slightly more remote villages to find a number of werewolves, after the capture of these werewolves, all were immediately put to death.

Over the years, the Black Knights have always searched for werewolves in secret. Making a capture with as much fanfare as they are now is something the White Knights are doing, and the people are used to this. Now that the Black Knights have made such a big splash, it's hard not to get noticed.

Both Bonia and Chuck, naturally, also got the news that the Black Knights were openly capturing werewolves at the first opportunity. Everyone knows only a prophet can distinguish a werewolf. And Bonia, who is recognized by all as a prophet, has always been on the side of the White Knights, and certainly wouldn't help the Black Knights now.

So Chuck and Bonia felt that Antwin might have been suppressed by the White Knights for too many years and finally couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to experience the same rights as the White Knights. They thought it was to their advantage that Antwin did this, and they could just take this opportunity to have the Black Knights completely disbanded on the grounds that Antwin had killed innocent humans. In this way, their White Knight will be the one in charge of the entire continent.

After finding out about the werewolves in several villages in a row, Antwin was worried that Lu Jingqian was too tired and thought of letting him rest for a few days before continuing.

Lu Jingqian felt a little tired because his body was not considered robust, so this continuous running on the road also made him feel overwhelmed. But as he was returning to the city and sitting in the carriage, he inadvertently looked out and noticed that the owners of some of the largest rice stores in the city were actually werewolves.

He was thinking that Bonia, as the Wolf King, had identified many werewolves in order to gain everyone's trust, his ultimate goal must be to lead the werewolves to defeat the humans and become the biggest ruler of this continent. So he will definitely leave the werewolf whose identity is important to help him accomplish his goal when it matters.

Although Bonia is protected by the White Knights, he cannot reveal his nature in front of the White Knights. So he needs people who will be loyal to him unconditionally and help him to do something bad. And these people must also be werewolves.

If those werewolves with important identities are deliberately not revealed by Bonia, then there must be quite a few werewolves in all major cities, including the city of Lesia where they live for sure. If Bonia needs werewolves around him to work for him, then there must be werewolves in the White Knights, too.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingqian could not help but laugh. He can already imagine when he demolished everything, those deceived people, how wonderful their expression will be.

"Think of something funny?" Antwin started to walk away when he saw Lu Jingqian thinking and then started to laugh by himself without knowing what came to his mind. Although he like seeing Lu Jingqian's smile, he was more curious about what made him smile.

Lu Jingqian came back and said, "Just now in the street, I sat in the carriage and saw the owner of the Kadamie Grain Store. He is actually a werewolf. This means that Bonia intentionally did not reveal his identity. Tell me, how many werewolves were like him, who are harbored by Bonia, would there be in Lesia City? Why don't we start tomorrow and go out on the streets together to find out."

"You've been working too hard for a while. It's better to rest for a few days. There's no hurry." Antwin said what he had just said again.

"If we just wander around the town for a while, I won't be too tired. It's not like we're going to have to find all the werewolves in the city in a day or two anyway." Lu Jingqian said, "Finding too many people with important identities at once, may cause chaos. Later, you pick a few people out first."

Lu Jingqian felt it was already time to start unraveling Bonia's identity.

So for the next two or three days, Antwin had to accompany Lu Jingqian on the street for two or three hours every day. The residents of the city, whoever they were, were a little surprised to see them. They would not feel surprised if these two people appeared alone. However, the two actually shop together, and also in a very intimate manner, so they can't not be surprised.

In fact, Lu Jingqian and Antwin himself did not notice that the interaction between them looked very intimate in the eyes of others. They have just gotten used to this way of interaction after being together all this time without realizing it.

Three days later, Antwin suddenly took the Black Knights to the streets to make an arrest, catching everyone a little off guard.

The people already knew about the Black Knights' previous visits to various villages to make arrests, but the Black Knights' sudden arrests in Lesia City made everyone feel baffled. After all, this is not only the city of residence of the main group of the Black and White Knights. There is also Bonia, the prophet, and the Black Knights had captured and lived in the city for many years. They were also considered to have some fame. How can these people be werewolves? If they were werewolves, Bonia would have known long ago and would not have waited until now for the Black Knights to capture them.

The people of the city are very dissatisfied with the Black Knights' arrests in the city. But their reaction is not particularly violent because of the Knights' power and majesty over the years. But the friends of those who were captured came out strongly against the Black Knights' capture and had someone go and bring in the White Knights and Bonia to administer justice. Because they are people that Bonia has met, they believe that these people can not be werewolves and are determined not to let the Black Knights kill indiscriminately.

After receiving the news, Chuck and Bonia immediately rushed over, feeling that the opportunity to make the Black Knights completely lose the hearts and minds of the people had finally come.

And as soon as Bonia received the news, he felt excited inside, but still didn't know exactly who it was that the Black Knights had captured.