
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (4)

Heron's father had a kind heart and would not leave the Black Knights to die just because he was protected by the White Knights. He also never participate in the struggle between those factions. As long as he can save them, he will work hard to save them.

Therefore, after the death of Heron's father, the people from the Black Knights also felt regret. Because those ordinary doctors could not cure the injuries caused by the werewolves. The Black Knights were saved and treated by Heron's father. So when Lu Jingqian proposed to let them send him back, Antwin naturally could not refuse this small favor.

Lu Jingqian returned home, washed up, and leaned on the bed, thinking about the next plan.

According to the plot that the system had shown him before, Heron finally came up with the location where his father might have stored the medicines in the third year after his father's death. But this house had Bonia's eyes watching him, and after he went to confirm where the medicines were stored, Bonia soon learned of it as well.

After Bonia knew about the medicines, Heron had no more value in existence and died in the assassination sent by Bonia, who also pretended to arrange a funeral for him personally.

Now the time rewinds to a year before Heron was killed, and Lu Jingqian's soul replaced Heron's faded soul due to the assassination and became the owner of this body. And what he had to do was take revenge for Heron and make Bonia pay the price he deserved.

What puzzled him was why there was a requirement to obtain eighty percent favorability of the designated character in his mission. The system only told him that he would naturally know the reason when the time and space had been repaired completely. In short, as a system, it will do its best to help him complete all his tasks and will not harm him.

Lu Jingqian got out of bed, went to the floor-to-ceiling window, and lifted the heavy curtain a little to look outside. Because his room was on the third floor, he was able to see the tallest clock tower in the city from his viewpoint at a distance.

The streets and alleys are all empty at night, and no one will go out at night if it is not necessary. But Heron was always curious when he was little, what Lesia City was really like at night.

So when Heron was young, his father would take him up to the clock tower once a year, and it was at night. Because by standing on top of the clock tower, you can clearly see the city of Lesia in the dark. Although the streets of Lesia City are empty at night, the lights on in the homes look like a sea of stars and are extremely beautiful. On that, there is a secret only they, father and son, know.

Lu Jingqian felt that now, he was surrounded by danger, Bonia had sent more than one or two people watching him, and besides Bonia's spies, there were other people who wanted to get those medicines were also watching him. So he can't go alone to get those medicines. He has to find someone who can both protect him and guard those medicines to do so.

After Lu Jingqian had a plan in mind. Early the next morning, he opened Heron's father's pharmacy, took out the medicine box from a hidden compartment, and then went out in the carriage.

Lu Jingqian felt that, although there was a chance of winning if he acted alone, but the difficulty was greater. So finding a suitable person to cooperate with is the best choice. And the most suitable candidate, of course, is Antwin.

First of all, Antwin was really very powerful. So over the years, although the people who joined the Black Knights were less than those who join the White Knights, not to the point that there was no one joining the Black Knights. There are still people who joined the Black Knights because they admire and worship Antwin and are also very loyal to him.

Secondly, Lu Jingqian has the task of gaining his goodwill, and no matter what method he uses to gain goodwill, he must have more contact with him to do so.

So Lu Jingqian took the medicine box with him today and went to visit Antwin.

Antwin was about to leave for the training facility when he learned that Lu Jingqian had come to visit him early in the morning, making him feel a bit surprised. He had met Heron a few times before when he saw his father. But every time Heron meets him, he seems a little afraid. He did not expect him to come to him on his own initiative.

Heron is indeed a little afraid of Antwin because Antwin's aura is too strong and murderous, which naturally makes the timid Heron feel scared. Heron likes gentle and considerate people who will look at him with a warm smile like Chuck. Actually, Chuck once liked Heron. If there was no Bonia's existence, they might be able to get together. After all, in this world, it is acceptable for people of the same or opposite sex to be together. It's just a pity that fate is so unpredictable.

Antwin thought there should be something important for Lu Jingqian to come to him. Perhaps, he wanted to ask for help. After all, the entire Lesia City knows that after Heron's father passed away, he was rejected by people after Bonia said he was of the werewolf bloodline. So, he must have needed help in dealing with things.

Antwin had someone invite Lu Jingqian in. After Lu Jingqian sat down, the servant of Antwin's house served him a cup of black tea.

Lu Jingqian looked at the cup of black tea, which is Heron's favorite black tea. The quantity is very rare. Antwin specially brought it out to entertain him, should not be a coincidence.

Antwin said, "I heard your father mentioned by chance that you like this kind of black tea. I don't drink much tea. I'll send it to you later."

In Antwin's heart, he was grateful to Heron's father, so if Lu Jingqian was really asking him for something, he would not refuse as long as he could do it.

Lu Jingqian is not much of a tea lover either. After putting the medicine box in his hand on the table, he said with a smile, "Thank you. I came today to thank you for giving me a ride last night. This is a thank you gift."

Antwin took a look at the small box, and although he did not know what was inside, he felt some doubt. This matter, what can be worthy of him to specifically send a thank you gift?

Lu Jingqian opened the box, "These are some medicines my father left behind when he was alive. It's not much, but I think it should be enough for dozens of your subordinates who were injured by the wolves."

Antwin was not really surprised. The medicines left by Heron's father were something that everyone in the entire continent wanted but could not ask for. If Heron's father is still alive, they can still beg for these medicines, but now that Heron's father had died, all the medicines which can be found by the White Knights had been taken away.

Although Antwin also knows that Heron's father used to make a large batch of medicines during his lifetime, he did not know where it was hidden, and Heron himself has always said that he does not know where the medicines were hidden. Therefore, now in the entire continent, the medicine left by Hyrum's father can be said to be one of the rarest and most precious things. Something that cannot even be exchanged for gold.

Antwin didn't expect Lu Jingqian would give him these medicines as a thank-you gift. Moreover, it wasn't really something to be thanked for.

"Those injured subordinates of yours should be anxiously waiting for the medicine now. Why don't I go over with you to see them? If these medicines are not enough, I still have more somewhere." Lu Jingqian said.

Antwin did not have time to think more, and it was too late to say anything. With these medicines, his subordinates who were injured no longer have to suffer from pain, and after the wound is healed, they do not have to quit the Order.

Antwin immediately took Lu Jingqian with him to the training institute hospital and gave those medicines to the doctors so that they could treat the injured knights as soon as possible.

Those doctors simply treat those medicines as treasures when they saw them. They can not even afford to waste even a milligram of it, and very carefully weighed the dosage.

Looking at his subordinates who had their pain gradually relieved after using the medicine, the anxiety in Antwin's heart also ease slightly. He expressed his gratitude to Lu Jingqian as he was sending him off.

Lu Jingqian said, "These medicines are my gift to you, so you don't have to thank me anymore."

Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian, some words had come to his lips, but he still did not ask them out.

But even if he didn't say anything, Lu Jingqian knew what he wanted to ask. "Are you trying to ask me where those medicines that my father hid are?"

Antwin acquiesced. It was a question that people all over the continent wanted to know, and he was certainly no exception. But as long as Lu Jingqian does not want to say them, he will not use any means to force him, he still has this bit of conscience.

"I want to make a deal with you." Lu Jingqian stopped and looked at Antwin and said.

"What's the deal?" Antwin asked.

"As you probably should know, it's not safe around me, and I don't have anyone I can trust who can protect me. So I was hoping you could send someone to protect me." Lu Jingqian said, "Of course, I will not let you work for nothing, I will let you get what you want."

"Why did you seek me out to help you?" Antwin still does not fully understand, "As far as I know, you and Chuck have known each other since childhood, you always had a good relationship. Has he now failed your trust?"

"Whether or not Chuck can still be trusted, I'm not going to count on him to protect me." Lu Jingqian looked at Antwin seriously and said, "If I told you that Bonia is not a real prophet at all, would you believe me?"

Antwin's eyes flashed with shock and wonder, but his expression remained calm as he looked at Lu Jingqian and asked, "How do you know he's not a prophet? He's identified a lot of werewolves, so if he's not a prophet, how did he do it?"

Lu Jingqian laughed and said, "I can't answer this question for you yet. If you can't trust me, you can reject my offer."

Lu Jingqian knew that now was not yet the time to tell the truth. Because Antwin's favorability toward him has not reached a certain level yet. If he told Antwin that Bonia is the Wolf King, he would not believe him. Therefore, some words can only be said until this point for now. It's good to leave a little doubt in Antwin's heart.

Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian for a moment while thinking and said, "Since you are willing to trust me and let me send someone to protect you, I seem to have no reason to refuse you. Took it as doing it for the sake of your father who has helped me so many times. I will not refuse your offer. But, naturally, it would be better if you can give me what I want."

"Don't worry. I'll give it to you, but only when the time is right." When Lu Jingqian said the right time, he meant when Antwin's favorability toward him was a little higher than it is now. And those medicines are his biggest leverage now. If all those medicines were taken out when Antwyn's favorability toward him was not high enough, it might create some variables he could not control afterward. After all, you can't be too wary of people. Even if he knows Antwin is a pretty trustworthy person, it's not his style to put his hopes completely on someone he's not yet familiar with.

The two of them had reached an agreement. So when Lu Jingqian went back, Antwin assigned five knights to return with him and to protect him in the future.

The day after Lu Jingqian returned, Chuck and Bonia brought people to his door, he had expected them to come, only that they came a little faster than he expected.