
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (2)

The identity of the former Wolf King was exposed after he attacked the previous prophet. In order to escape the Black and White Knight, he could only hideaway. After his child was born, he was ready to let this child be raised by humans so as not to let his child go into hiding with him or be discovered as a werewolf for following him.

The Wolf King put his child at a village intersection and was waiting for the child to be picked up. But the person who picked up the child happened to be Heron's father, who had just passed by.

Heron's father, of course, did not know that he was the son of the Wolf King. He thought he was an abandoned orphan, so he took him back, gave it to the maid to be raised, and named him Bonia.

Once the Wolf King saw that the one who took the child was actually the most famous witch doctor on the continent, he was at first a little worried that he would find out the werewolf identity of the child. But thinking that he killed the prophet, and although he paid the price of exposing his identity as a werewolf, but the identity of other werewolves will no longer be exposed in large numbers, and his son will not be discovered as a werewolf easily.

Heron's father treated Bonia not so much as his own son, but he was also very good to him. After Heron was born, Bonia grew up with him as Heron's playmate.

Every once in a while, the Wolf King would find a way to see Bonia. But in the beginning, it was not so easy for him to meet Bonia. Because Bonia was always together with Heron. And Heron, as the son of the witch doctor, will naturally be surrounded by knights of the Order for protection at all times.

And Bonilla, after sensing that the Wolf King was secretly watching him, found his own way to sneak out and meet with the Wolf King on his own initiative because in his young body, there was an adult soul that had traveled from other time and space, so he always knew he was the Wolf King's son.

They met every once in a while. Sometimes, Bonia would steal Heron's father's medicine for the Wolf King so he could use it to save the other injured werewolves.

Until one day, ten years ago, the two met and were discovered by Heron's father, who recognized the Wolf King. The situation at that time made Heron's father think the Wolf King was trying to hurt Bonia and wanted to snatch Bonia back.

And the Wolf King thought that the meeting between them was exposed, and Bonia could not stay by Heron's father's side any longer, so he wanted to kill Heron's father.

Heron's father didn't know any martial arts, but he was surrounded and protected by the knights of the Order. In the fight between the Order's knights and the Wolf King, Heron's father took out the poison he had spent more than a decade developing to kill the Wolf King.

Bonia stood on the side, watching the Wolf King die. He appeared to be shocked by the scene but in fact, was very sad inside. He just did not show it.

Ever since the death of the Wolf King, Bonia has thought of avenging the Wolf King and fulfilling his wish to rule over mankind as a mission he must accomplish as long as he lives.

Two years ago, the day Bonia came of age, the Wolf King mark appeared on his chest, and he became the new Wolf King, and this event was not known to anyone else but himself. The Wolf King mark on his chest was also hidden by him immediately after it appeared.

The first thing Bonia did after becoming the Wolf King was to lay out a plan to kill Heron's father, who was unsuspecting of him and then framed the attendant who had followed Heron's father for more than a decade.

The attendant, too, was indeed a werewolf, and Bonia testified against him as a prophet and vouched for him on his own life that he was a werewolf.

The attendant died and turned into a wolf, proving that Bonia's testimony was correct, and most people were delighted and skeptical about the matter, which Bonia said was a prophet. They were delighted because, after so many years, another prophet had finally appeared. But it was suspicious because there have been previous appearances of people posing as prophets.

Bonia, as the Wolf King, has the same ability as the prophet, which is to tell whether a person is a human or a werewolf by intuition.

In the course of two years, Bonia identified many werewolves disguised as humans, gained the trust of almost everyone, and whomever he said was a werewolf was immediately put to death.

The prophet is a unique existence on the entire continent. Because there has never been more than one prophet at the same time before. So, once Bonia sat in the identity of the prophet, if someone comes forward to say that they are a prophet, then this person is either a werewolf or someone who wants to impersonate a prophet.

And the person who actually inherited the identity of the prophet is Heron. It was just that his ability as the prophet had not been awakened before, so even he himself did not know that he was the prophet. Otherwise, Bonia, who grew up with him, would surely know that he is the prophet. After all, Heron treats Bonia as his most heartfelt friend and will tell him whatever is on his mind.

Lu Jingqian can't help but feel that it was a twist of fate. The future Wolf King and future prophet actually grew up together, and there is a deep hatred that can't be eased by other means other than life and death.

Heron treats Bonia as his best friend, but Bonia never treats Heron as a friend. He feels that since he crossed over, he is fated to be the Child of Destiny, the one who is destined to become the ruler of this world. But the experience of having been a servant to Heron was a disgrace to him.

Bonia knew that Heron had a crush on Chuck and used to think this kind of crush between children was a bit ridiculous. But as he slowly grew older and Chuck became more and more handsome, his heart actually moved a bit. But to say he deeply loves Chuck was not necessarily true. He has an ambiguous relationship with Chuck more for the thrill of stealing the love of others. And his biggest goal is still to become the Wolf King, who rules the whole continent and makes al the werewolves and humans submit under his feet.

The total number of witch doctors on the entire continent is not more than ten. Heron's father is the most powerful witch doctor, he developed the medicine to save countless people, and many people are grateful to him.

According to this, after his father's death, Heron, as his only son, will not have a bad time. But Heron gradually stopped appearing in the crowd after dispatching most of the servants. The reason for that was because Bonia openly told everyone that Heron's ancestors had a bloodline born of werewolves and humans, and Heron did not inherit his father's witch doctor's abilities and is likely to turn into a werewolf in the future.

Werewolves are brutal by nature and have cruelly killed many humans, and humans have killed many werewolves for revenge and self-protection. Both sides can be said to be incompatible, and one side must be completely exterminated in order to be able to settle down.

After so many years of fear, humans can be said to be defensive of all those around them. As soon as they learn that someone is of the werewolf bloodline, they will either immediately have the city's magistrate lock that person up or immediately execute them, and will never leave a danger that could erupt at any time unattended.

The reason Heron was not arrested nor executed was that many people were saved by his father, and he, as his only son, still had people willing to stand up for him. The most important point is that his father left behind a large number of drugs during his lifetime, and even Bonilla thought they were in the drug storage room, but when they opened it, they found it empty of anything.

They searched everywhere they could and only found a will written many years ago in Heron's father's study room. It was written that he would periodically keep some of his medicine in a separate place, and if he died due to an accident, his dearest would certainly know where they were.

Heron's mother passed away when he was young, and his grandparents both passed away before he was born, so his father's closest relatives were only him.

But Heron actually doesn't know where his father put all those medicines, and those people think he deliberately refused to say. After all, those medicines were his last resort.

Bonia repeatedly coerced and intimidated Heron, trying to get him to say where the medicines were stored. And the reason he was so desperate to get those medicines, naturally, was not to save humans.

In order to gain the trust of more people, Bonia identified many werewolves with his Wolf King's intuition. While most of them were injured during their escape. Bonia wanted those medicines to save the injured werewolves. Otherwise, if there were too many casualties, he might not be able to reach his final goal.

When Bonia heard Lu Jingqian say he remembered the place where his father might hide the medicines, he tried to suppress his excitement and said in a gentle tone as possible, "Is that so? It's really good that you can think of it. In fact, those medicines you hid are of no other use. It's better to tell us where the medicines are stored so we can save more people, and those people will also be grateful to you."

Lu Jingqian pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a false smile on his face, "I came over today to tell you that although I remembered the location where my father might store the medicines, I did not have the intention to tell you. So you don't need to come and ask me where the medicine location is. I told you before that I didn't know, but now I'm going to tell you that even if I did, I would never tell you."

Bonia's gazes immediately changed, but because the hall was full of guests, he naturally would not let the others see anything. So he used a calm and gentle expression while gritting his teeth and saying threatening words, "Don't forget, I am the prophet. Whomever I say a werewolf is a werewolf. Whether you are a werewolf or a human, it's up to me!"

"Is it?" Lu Jingqian looked at him with suspicion and said, "Are you sure you're really a prophet?"

"What do you mean?!" Bonia barely maintained a calm expression. He was shocked in his heart, sensing there were other meanings in Lu Jingqian's words, and his eyes became even more ruthless.

Lu Jingqian turned his head to look at the banquet hall and deliberately whispered, "Someone passed me a message that he is actually the real prophet. But now that everyone believes in you, he did not dare to reveal his identity. Say, should I believe him? Or should I continue to believe that you are the true prophet?"

"Who gave you the message?" Bonia asked with a sharp look in his eyes, "Where is he now?"

"Of course, I can't tell you where he is. If what he says is true, and I expose his hiding place, won't he suffer from your murderous scheme?" Lu Jingqian thought to himself. The real prophet is right in front of your eyes, you vicious Wolf King.

Bonia calmed down, then smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Other people will certainly believe I am the prophet anyway. I'm afraid you were deceived and used by him. I'll kindly remind you, do not believe in the words of just anyone. Someone who impersonates a prophet must not be good person."

"That's right." Lu Jingqian nodded in agreement, "The person who impersonates a prophet is certainly not a good person and may also be a vicious wolf."

Bonia looked at Lu Jingqian. He clenched his fists and felt Lu Jingqian must know something. Otherwise, he would not say these words to him. If not because he could not find the location of those medicines, he would have killed him long ago. But he still couldn't do anything to him now and only gritted his teeth in anger.

"Bonia, you should go and toast the others." Chuck walked toward the two of them.

"Okay." As soon as Bonia heard Chuck's voice, he quickly regained his composure, calmly turned around, and walked towards the canter of the hall.

Chuck looked at Lu Jingqian with complex emotion in his eyes before turning around and walking with Bonia to the center of the hall.