
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (9)

Antwin turned around and walked back to Chuck, looked at Bonia, who looked like he had passed out, and said to Chuck, "Since Bonia is a prophet, there is no reason why he can't identify a werewolf, right?"

"Don't talk such meaningless nonsense! Tell your men to hurry up and get out of the way, or don't blame our White Knights for bullying the few with the many!" Chuck said with a stern face.

Antwin ignored Chuck's words and continued, "Bonia, as a prophet, has seen these people many times, but has never revealed their identity as werewolves. In other words, either Bonia deliberately concealed their identity as werewolves, or Bonia simply could not recognize them as werewolves. Now I will vouch for them with my own life. They are werewolves, do you dare to vouch for them on your own life that Bonia is not hiding their identity?"

"What wouldn't I dare?" Chuck was too worried about Bonia's condition to care about anything else. "Whatever you're going to do, wait until Bonia wakes up."

Antwin said, "Since we both stand for opposite produced evidence, there is no need to wait for anyone else, you just have to remember what you said."


Antwin raised his hand. The Black Knight has long been ready. The crowd and the White Knight have not yet reacted to the situation when they immediately move their sword and executed the few wolves.

The crowd of onlookers was silent for a while because they were unable to react until someone in the crowd reacted and immediately let out a shout. There were those who were scared to scream and those who were friends of those werewolves and were screaming their names.

Chuck also froze, he did not expect Antwin really dare to make a move. He was hesitating how to behave to take advantage of this opportunity to make Antwin completely lose the hearts of the people.

The Black Knights took the werewolves, who had already been executed, and dragged them to the onlooking public. Just when those people were about to become more emotional, they watched as the executed werewolves turned back into their wolf form.

So the crowd slowly quieted down again until almost no sound could be heard at all. Because all those who saw the scene were too shocked and froze, including those of the White Knights.

Chuck's eyes widened as he couldn't immediately accept what he was seeing. He subconsciously thought he was seeing things wrong or hallucinating.

The people who came back from the shock had their faces full of disbelief. They looked at each other, making sure that they were not the only ones who saw those werewolves turn into wolves.

"Now, you can fulfill what you just said," Antwin said as he looked at Chuck.

Chuck has not been able to react, looking at Antwin in disbelief, wondering what he had to fulfill.

"All of these people were werewolves in disguise, none of them were exceptions, which means I didn't kill a single innocent person by mistake. Since you just said you are willing to guarantee with your own life that these people are not werewolves, shouldn't you now fulfill your words?" Antwin said.

Chuck remembered he had indeed just been provoked by Antwin to dare to vouch for his life. But now he felt there was a lump in his throat, neither can he swallow or spit out. For a moment, he does not know how to defend himself, and can only look down at his hold Bonia.

Although Bonia has heard everything, and it was unknown how fast his nervous heart was beating, but he was ready to play dizzy to the end. Because at this time, he has no way to face Antwin's and the people's questioning, and give a reasonable explanation.

"I think every one must be wondering why these people are actually werewolves." Antwin said to the people "And why Bonia, as a prophet, did not find out their identity as werewolves, or he knew they are werewolves, but did not expose their identity."

Antwin has said everything on their mind, but they are still looking at him a little confused, waiting for him to tell them the answer.

"If you want to know what the reason is, I'm afraid you can only wait for this fainting prophet to wake up and tell you himself. There is also the question of why he has come here to see these people, but do not say whether they are human or werewolf. Why does a person who has always seemed to be healthy, faint at this time? Is it because he doesn't want to tell the truth that they are werewolves themselves, or is it because they know that they can't hide the truth that they are werewolves, so they don't want to vouch for them being human and simply just faint? We all think about these questions, and if we can't figure it out, we'll just wait for this prophet to tell us the answer."

Chuck held Bonia and stood motionless, subconsciously wanting to firmly believe in Bonia. But what Antwin said made him wonder why, exactly, Bonia didn't expose these werewolves. He had even ventured the idea of wondering whether Bonia was really fainting or faking it, an idea that surprised even himself. But as Antwin had said, someone who had been healthy before, why did he faint at this time?

"I'll let White Knights take these werewolves that have died back and collect them as a gift from our Black Knights to you." Antwin said to Chuck, then turned to the people and said, "Today's execution of werewolves is over, everyone can disperse."

The Black Knights left in a neat line, and the crowd of onlookers silently gave way automatically, no one dared to stop them to ask for a statement. Because on this continent, humans and werewolves are mortal enemies. As long as it is a werewolf that is killed, anyone who comes forward to speak will become a public enemy of humans. Of course, no one will speak for the werewolf, no matter what the identity of the werewolf is, and what is their relationship with themselves, this has become a human instinct.

When the White Knights left, no one stopped them to demand an explanation, because the people have not been able to digest what they saw. So they just silently watched them leave.

After the Black Knights left the view of the people, Lu Jingqian's carriage naturally blended in with them.

It was only after the White Knights had also gone for a while did the crowd slowly dispersed. And after the people came back to their senses, every one of them began to frantically discuss everything that had happened today.

Antwin walked to the carriage, opened the door, and held out his palm to Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian held Antwin's hand and stepped down from the carriage, and the two walked together towards the house.

"After today's events, there will certainly be people among the public who will question Bonia's abilities, while some will question his reasons for not revealing the identity of those werewolves." Lu Jingqian said, "No matter how Bonia explained afterward, it is impossible to completely eliminate the public's heart to question him, this is a good start. Next, let's use this success to speed up the process of dismantling Bonia's true colors while also eliminating the presence of werewolves in large numbers."

"There is no need to be in such a hurry, we have to take advantage of these two days to make preparations. So you can just take a good rest." Antwin held Lu Jingqian's hand and forgot to let go, and the two walked hand in hand all the way to the house.

Lu Jingqian also knew he was in a bit of a hurry. After all, he had previously gotten used to the game mode of completing tasks quickly, and now in the real world, he still wanted to be able to complete tasks quickly. But in reality, time and space can not be skipped, a day is a day, and you have to take one step at a time to do so.

"You go ahead and do your work, I'm going to my room to rest." The first time Lu Jingqian relaxed, he immediately felt he was indeed a little tired. And he followed Antwin's word and take advantage of these two days to rest well.

"Yes." Antwin looked at him and nodded.

Lu Jingqian turned around and was about to leave, but found that he could not move. He turned back and looked down, Antwin was still holding his hand, he actually did not even feel it. The two were holding hands so naturally and had been doing it for a while.

Antwin also followed his gaze and looked down. He also just realized he was actually still holding Lu Jingqian's hand. He froze for a moment before letting go. But after releasing it, he felt some loss in his heart because he lost the touch he just felt.

Lu Jingqian pretended to be calm as he turned to leave, and only after making sure Antwin could no longer see him did he speed up his steps back to his room.

After returning to the room and locking the door, Lu Jingqian didn't know if it was the effect of his heart, he felt that the hand held by Antwin just now still had the remaining feeling of his temperature.

Lu Jingqian opened the system , checked Antwin's favorability rating for him, and found that it had grown to the level of like. He can't believe it grew so fast. No wonder recently the look in Antwin's eyes have more and more indefinable emotions in it. He didn't think that much about it because he was thinking about dealing with Bonia and finding out more werewolves quickly. Now that he sees it, it turns out that Antwin is already into him.

He flopped down on the bed and scratched his hair in a tangle. He really did not want to play with Antwin's feelings, but in order to complete the task, he had to continue to improve Antwin's favorability toward him. This really puts him in a pinch. If Antwin is really in love with him and he can't give him a response, then what should he do?

Lu Jingqian felt it was better to finish all the tasks quickly and go to the next world so he would not have to face Antwin. But on second thought, the system has said before that the characters he has to raid in each life, although they have different identities, are actually the same soul, they just did not have the memories of each life like he is.

Wouldn't that mean he kept playing with the same person's feelings in every life, and then kept running away from that person? Once he thinks about it, Lu Jingqian feels even more torn and chagrined.

But no matter what, what should continue still has to continue. Except that from today onwards, he may not be able to be so unrestrained when facing Antwin, and can't help but feel a little more vain at times for sure.