
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (3)

The military doctors on the ship all knew how severe Reynold's injuries were and how serious the virus infection in his body was. They were highly skeptical of the claim that two treatments by Lu Jingqian could make him stand up in a short time.

However, when they saw Reynold actually stand up with their own eyes, they were shocked and had a further understanding and recognition of Lu Jingqian's abilities. Bernice had already decided to persuade Lu Jingqian to stay and work at the military hospital no matter what.

Because of the importance of the First Fleet, it could not participate in combat except during a crisis. Therefore, on the third day, as soon as Reynold was able to walk, he immediately went to the second warship.

After the battle started, the first ship could not retreat too far to avoid being blocked by the war and unable to reach and treat Reynold in time like last time.

While the warship ahead was fighting, the first ship was also waiting anxiously, ready to treat the wounded at any time.

Lu Jingqian was probably the least busy person on the entire ship because he was neither a ranked military doctor nor a member of the fleet. He was just a guest invited on board because he saved Reynold. Treating Reynold was due to special circumstances and was personally allowed by Reynold. If there were no special circumstances, there was no reason for a guest to do the work.

However, Lu Jingqian was not completely idle. In addition to worrying about his lover who was currently in battle, he also had to think about his plans after returning to the Imperial Star and analyze what kind of medicine he needed to develop to provide greater help to Reynold.

Just when Lu Jingqian thought no one would have extra time to pay attention to him before the end of the battle, Bernice came to talk to him again.

Because Bernice was eager to persuade Lu Jingqian to stay at the Imperial Star Military Hospital, he wanted to first understand his thoughts.

"You are a rare genius in both medical skills and drug research. I want to know which school you graduated from," Bernice asked.

"I studied at the Imperial Military Academy's medical department before, but I didn't graduate successfully," Lu Jingqian said.

"Why?" Bernice was surprised that Lu Jingqianwas a student of the Imperial Military Academy's medical department, and even more surprised he didn't graduate successfully. "Since you are a student of the Imperial Military Academy's medical department, why did you become a doctor on a small planet in the border area? Why couldn't you graduate successfully when you could enter the Imperial Military Academy's medical department? Everyone knows that it's much harder to get into the medical department of the Imperial Military Academy than to graduate from there."

"I suggest…" Lu Jingqian sighed and said, "You should investigate my identity first, and then decide whether to persuade me to stay and join you."

Only then did Bernice remember that according to normal procedures, they should thoroughly investigate Lu Jingqian's family background and various experiences before considering what to do next. However, Bernice believes that since Lu Jingqian was able to enter the Imperial Military Academy, it at least shows that his family background and abilities were not a problem. As for why he didn't graduate successfully, perhaps there was a similar reason why he became a doctor on the border planet. They really should investigate it thoroughly.

The battle ended two days later, with Reynolds leading the soldiers to a complete victory. He chased after his archenemy, Bart, for a long time before finally killing him.

But Reynolds' own situation was not good either. He had fought Bart in a life-and-death battle, and as a result, he was also seriously injured. The virus caused by the serious injury spread again, and when Reynolds was sent back to the first ship, he had already fallen into a coma. Bernice personally treated Reynolds, but could not control his deteriorating physical condition. The detection values on the life signs monitor continued to drop, and Reynolds was once again in a life-threatening situation. Bernice could only send someone to ask for Lu Jingqian's help to see if he could save Reynolds.

Lu Jingqian had already prepared for this and had the emergency medicine ready before Reynolds went into battle, waiting for Reynolds to be sent back to the first ship at any time.

Lu Jingqian once again saved Reynolds' life. The military doctors on the ship personally witnessed the whole process, and the doctors who had doubts and reservations about him before now had to admit that he was truly a rare genius. The difference between people just makes you so helpless. When you try your best but still can't catch up with someone who has innate talent, even if you feel bitter, you can only face the reality.

Although Reynolds has been saved from danger, he will probably have to sit in a wheelchair for a long time. However, this is already the best outcome. He would have had to amputate if it weren't for Lu Jingqian's timely rescue.

The news of their victory has been sent back to the imperial capital. The first thing Reynolds did after waking up was to ask them to make his severe injuries public, and the more severe the description, the better. Although the battle here was over, they will face a different kind of struggle without gunfire when they return. Of course, they must prepare to lower the enemy's guard.

The fleet has already begun to return to the Imperial Star. Before returning, Lu Jingqian must control the virus in Reynolds' body to prevent it from spreading, so he must receive treatment every day.

When Lu Jingqian entered the ward and saw Reynolds looking at the computer in his hand, he knew that he already knew about the original host's experiences and condition.

Reynolds turned to look at Lu Jingqian, somewhat incredulously asking, "You're already married?"

"That's right. Moreover, the person who married me is your nominal son." Lu Jingqian looked at him and said, "According to our relationship, I should call you father now."

Reynold had never been so shocked by anything. That he had actually slept with his nominal daughter-in-law, and he only knew about the relationship between them after he already like him.

Lu Jingqian looked at him and thought, 'Now you know how embarrassing it is for you to have a relationship with me, right?'

Although the son was not his biological son, but was forced upon him by someone else, whether he was his nominal son or nominal daughter-in-law, it could not be denied from a legal standpoint. He had lived for almost forty years and finally met someone he liked. He could forget that he was already married, it didn't matter since he and his nominal husband had been separated since the day they got married. However, he turned out to be his daughter-in-law. It was really a big joke that God played on him.

Lu Jingqian lifted his blanket, took out the instrument, and gave him a physical examination while recording his current physical condition.

Reynold watched Lu Jingqian's serious working demeanor as if he didn't care about the complicated situation and relationship at all. He suddenly felt angry. He grabbed Lu Jingqian's hand and brought him into his arms, staring at his face expressionlessly.

Lu Jingqian lay on Reynold's muscular chest and looked up at him, saying, "Do you still want to do something to me, dear Father?"

Reynold was irritated but was helpless. He found that this person's appearance had made him experience too many emotions he had never felt before, such as being moved for the first time, wanting to completely possess someone for the first time, and being angry for the first time because of something.

Lu Jingqian suddenly had a mischievous thought in his heart. He raised his hand to stroke Reynold's face and said, "Father, do you have any profound thoughts about sleeping with your daughter-in-law?"

Reynold grabbed Lu Jingqian's hand and gritted his teeth, saying, "After returning to the Imperial Star, you will immediately file for divorce with Aubrey!"

"I have the same plan. According to the Empire's Marriage Law, we must be separated for two years before we can divorce. From the day I got married, my nominal husband and I have been separated for exactly two years. So, after returning to the Imperial Star, we can get divorced." Lu Jingqian's tone changed and he said, "However… your son publicly humiliated me at the wedding and helped his lover frame me. I had to leave the Imperial Star and couldn't even finish my studies. So I will not let him off easily, you better prepared yourself."

"I can cooperate with you no matter how you deal with him. But after we return, you must divorce him immediately!"

"Whether I divorce him or not has no effect on you, right?" Lu Jingqian looked at him, "Or is it that you will still marry me after I divorce him? Marrying someone who had been married to your son will only turn you from a myth to a joke."

Reynold, whose face was originally green with anger, suddenly showed a cold smile. He whispered in Lu Jingqian's ear, "Whoever wants to make fun of me can go ahead and do so. I don't care. But you better be prepared. I have set my sights on you, and you must be mine, regardless of who you've been married to. You will ultimately be my wife."

Lu Jingqian couldn't help but shiver, thinking that this might be Reynold's true nature. If he didn't have enough cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness, how could he sit firmly in the position of the Empire's General, while being watched by jackals, wolves, and leopards?

Reynold felt Lu Jingqian trembling and rubbed his lips against Lu Jingqian's rosy cheek while caressing his body. He said, "Are you cold? Lie in your father's arms and let Father warm you up."

Lu Jingqian clenched his legs and tried to push his hand away, saying, "Let go of me!"

"I dare you to call me father one more time, and this father will love you dearly, the front and the back, I will properly satisfy you."

"Bastard, you nasty…." Lu Jingqian was made flushed red by his words, but still unable to get rid of his trong, powerful arms. So he could only hold back the shame and say, "You can't do this to me, I'm not divorced yet. It's…, it's incest."

"So what if it's incest?" Reynold takes off Lu Jingqian's clothes, "You may not only marry one man in this life, but your body can only have me, this one man, your every firsts, is all mine…"

"No, no!" Lu Jingqian really can't figure it out. This man's legs can't move, but why was his lower body still so strong?


On the way back to the Imperial Star, Lu Jingqian suffered a lot of harassment from Reynold, and the thing he regrets most was that he should not have called Reynold 'father' in order to deliberately anger him. Now, he was directly taken as his love interest, forcing him to call him that every time. He was obviously so angry before, but suddenly it seems as if he didn't mind that he was already married.

Did Reynold really not mind? Of course, he minded, but because he was so angry, he became calm. Besides, being angry didn't delay his flirtation with Lu Jingqian. His rage wouldn't be directed at Lu Jingqian, so the unlucky one to bear his anger would be the other person in this marriage.

They finally returned to the Imperial Star. Before the spacecraft had completely landed, they could already see the people below warmly welcoming Reynold's return. Reynold's victory this time was of great significance to the Empire. Moreover, the people already knew about his serious injuries and near-death experience, so they all hoped to see him return safely.

Reynold accepted the people's welcome, but most of them could only see him through live broadcasts. When the people saw him sitting in a wheelchair getting off the spacecraft, many couldn't help but shed tears, as they had heard that Reynold's legs might never recover.

Reynold refused all official and private celebratory banquets due to his health reasons. He also refused to visit or be visited by officials. He had publicly announced that he was unwell and needed rest, and didn't want to be disturbed.

There must be factional disputes among the officials, but at this moment, no matter which party, they believed that Reynold was really unwell. As news from the border had come saying that Reynold and Bart were both seriously injured and almost died. However, Bart really died, and Reynold miraculously survived twice. They couldn't help but think that this man was really tough and a bit scary. Even if his legs were really disabled from now on, it would still be difficult to shake his position as a General.

Lu Jingqian sat in Reynold's special car and followed him back to the General's Mansion as his personal doctor, and he would live in the mansion from now on. Yalin and Aubrey, the main culprits who caused the tragedy of the original host, could never have imagined that he would return to the Imperial Star in this way and even move into the General's Mansion.