
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Food and Live Broadcast(8)

After the first time Hong Boxiao watched Lu Jingqian's live stream, he would watch it every time he went live. At first, he just found it interesting. He saw someone young but with culinary skills that clearly showed years of practice.

However, the thought of Lu Jingqian being bullied, made him feel like he should do something. Otherwise, he couldn't help but feel restless and anxious. He was someone with strong self-control, and it was the first time he couldn't control his emotions because of someone else. He felt that this might not be a good sign. Having his emotions influenced by others was a dangerous omen for him. So he hesitated repeatedly, wondering whether he should accept Ou Wenyu's suggestion to invite Lu Jingqian as the executive chef.


When he received a notification on his computer that Lu Jingqian was live streaming again, he immediately opened the live stream and saw a beautiful back and long legs, along with a towel wrapped around his buttock that revealed its curves. A sudden burst of fire ignited in his heart, making it difficult for him to distinguish whether it was anger or desire. He felt that such a scene should not be seen by anyone other than himself. Just the thought of countless pairs of eyes witnessing this scene made him want to gouge them out.

Even though Lu Jingqian quickly entered the water, and only revealed his shoulders and half of his back, Hong Boxiao still felt angry. There was always a sense of suffocation as if his unique treasure was being spied on by the whole world. He felt that he couldn't endure it anymore, nor could he continue allowing him to be alone in those deep mountains. Who knew what he might do in the next live stream. He had to bring him within his own manageable range so that no one could spy on his body anymore. So that he could belong only to him.

Lu Jingqian provided five ready-made dishes, personally adjusted the mechanical program, and supervised the first batch of packaged cooked dishes. After tasting them and feeling that they were already about 70 to 80 percent of the taste he made by hand, he asked the manager to arrange for them to be sold.

The ready-made dishes of Rainbow Garden Villa had already been put on the shelves of supermarkets under the Shenghong Group. The name of the head chef and the cooking chef was written as Lan Shaoxuan. At first, most people bought a portion out of curiosity and went home to try it. After tasting it, they immediately decided to order more but found that it was sold out.

It had only been on the shelves for an hour, and it was already sold out?! People who wanted to order again couldn't believe their eyes. Some speculated that there might be a problem with the online supermarket's sales system and decided to personally go to the physical supermarket to buy it. But when they arrived at the supermarket, there were already a bunch of people gathered around the ready-made dishes' shelves.

The managers of major supermarkets had no choice but to personally come forward and inform the customers who kept coming into the supermarket that Rainbow Garden Villa's ready-made dishes were already sold out for the day. The food factory was already increasing production, but it would take until tomorrow to restock.

In this era that emphasizes high speed and efficiency, what people lack the most is patience to wait. If they had to come back tomorrow, it would be a wait of over twenty hours. Within that time, they could fly around the world by plane.

The customers blocked the supermarket and refused to leave, so the managers had to contact the food factory to ask if they could send another batch of ready-made dishes. It wasn't that the food factory was inefficient, but it was the first day of operation, and it was a trial sale. They didn't expect the products to sell out so quickly, so they didn't prepare enough machines and raw materials.

The manager of the food factory had no choice but to call the general manager of Rainbow Garden Villa, hoping that they could cook the dishes on-site in the villa's kitchen to get through the day.

Cooking them on-site was impossible because apart from the programmed procedures that the machines could handle, only Lu Jingqian in the villa could produce the same taste. It was impossible for one person to make such a large quantity of cooked dishes in a single day, even if they were exhausted. It wouldn't be enough to satisfy the increasing number of customers in the supermarket.

So the general manager of Rainbow Garden Villa had to call Hong Boxiao's assistant. After Hong Boxiao learned about the situation from his assistant's report, he immediately instructed Ou Wenyu to handle the matter.

With Hong Boxiao's special authorization, Ou Wenyu temporarily obtained a dozen or so ready-made dishes-making machines from the mechanical factory and sent them to the food factory. He also urgently ordered the best raw materials to be delivered.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the ready-made dishes were finally restocked on the supermarket shelves, but they were immediately sold out again. Even if the food factory increased production, it couldn't meet the customers' demand. So the supermarket had to implement purchase limits, restricting each person from buying more than five portions. This slightly alleviated the shortage situation.

The Rainbow Garden Villa's ready-made dishes sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves, and the supermarket was surrounded by customers. It had already made the news.

A reporter contacted the general manager of Rainbow Garden Villa and conducted a live video interview, asking about the expansion of the sales area for Rainbow Garden Villa's ready-made dishes.

"Today is the first day of the sale of Rainbow Garden Villa's ready-made dishes, and we were actually surprised by the sales volume. Although it is currently only sold in major supermarkets in the capital city, our food factory will soon be established in cities nationwide, so customers in other cities won't have to wait too long."

The reporter asked, "We have collected some questions from internet users, and many people want to know when Rainbow Garden Villa will open for business?"

"Because our head chef at Rainbow Garden Villa wants to meet the opening with the best condition, we are currently actively preparing, and the opening time has not been determined yet. Once it is confirmed, we will announce it on our official website, and we welcome everyone's reservations at that time."

"We all know that Rainbow Garden Villa is the head office and a high-end consumption store, which ordinary people may find difficult to afford. So many internet users are curious to know how long it will take for you to open a store in the city center?"

"We are currently planning the city center store as well. Due to the selection of location and shop, there are many complicated tasks involved, so the opening may be delayed, but we will try our best to speed up the process. Before the store opens, we will continuously update our ready-made dishes and increase the production quantity to meet the customers' demands. We will also collect customer satisfaction feedback on different dishes, which will serve as references when the store opens."

In the Hong family mansion in the city center, Mr. Hong sat expressionlessly on the sofa, watching the news on TV, but his eyes couldn't hide his undeniable satisfaction.

"Father, it's time for dinner." Hong Dongbo respectfully approached the sofa and called out.

Mr. Hong stood up, and with his hands behind his back, he walked towards the dining room while asking, "Did you bring back the things I asked you to buy?"

"I couldn't find them in the supermarket, so I called Wenyu and asked him to have them directly delivered from the food factory." Hong Dongbo moved the chair at the head of the dining table.

After Mr. Hong took his seat, the others sat down one after another.

"Father, please try this Thirteen-Spice Crayfish1 first. The aroma is quite enticing, but we don't know if it suits your taste." Hong Dongbo picked up a piece of peeled crayfish meat and put it in Mr. Hong's bowl.

Mr. Hong put the crayfish meat into his mouth, chewed a few times, and for the first time, his face, which usually showed only one expression, revealed a satisfied smile. Crayfish meat is difficult to flavor since its taste primarily depends on the quality and freshness of the meat itself. However, this crayfish meat was not only tender and fresh but the broth surrounding it was also delicious. The fusion of the broth and the meat in his mouth created a taste that was so delicious it could make one feel a sense of happiness.

"I want to try too!" Hong Boxiao's cousin who was still a high school student was enticed by the aroma and couldn't wait any longer to taste it. Finally, when his grandfather took the first bite, he quickly picked up a piece of crayfish meat. "It's delicious! Really delicious! So tasty!"

Others also reached out with their chopsticks to pick up a piece and taste it, nodding in agreement.

"Brother Boxiao is too amazing! Being able to hire such a talented chef who cooks such delicious food. When I have my vacation, I must stay at Rainbow Garden Villa and enjoy delicious meals every day." Hong Boxiao's youngest cousin, who was usually the pickiest eater, couldn't care less about table manners now. His mouth was full of food, and he couldn't help but express his admiration while continuously picking up more from the bowl.

"Call Boxiao and ask when Rainbow Garden Villa will open. I'll bring my group of friends there to support him." Mr. Hong said to Hong Dongbo.

"I called and asked while you were watching the news. They said they are still discussing the menu and there's a lot of preparation work to be done. The date hasn't been set yet." Hong Dongbo replied.

"Grandfather, the head chef Brother Boxiao hired is amazing. He's really skilled. I think you should find some time to spar with him."

Hong Beiqing rarely hears his son praising someone other than Hong Boxiao, he couldn't help but say, "How do you know he's really skilled? He's just in his early twenties. Even if he knows a few tricks, it doesn't necessarily mean he's truly skilled."

"He's really skilled, Grandfather. If you don't believe me, you can watch his previous live stream. He can make his knife fly and kill a chicken. It's impressive!"

"A knife in anyone's hands can kill a chicken," Hong Dongbo teased him.

"No, Uncle, he's really amazing. He… oh well, I can't explain it clearly. Seeing is believing. Let me get the computer for you to see, and leave me some dishes. The other dishes don't need to be saved, but these freshly prepared cooked dishes that just arrived must be saved."

Ever since Lu Jingqian moved into Rainbow Garden Villa, he almost had every meal with Hong Boxiao. They would discuss the menu while enjoying their food and drinks.

Every time they sat together at the small round table, Hong Boxiao felt as if this was the future they would have. When he sat down and looked at the person in front of him, eating the dishes he cooked with his own hands, all the exhaustion of the day would disappear completely. During this period, he no longer worked overtime until midnight. Even if he was busy, unless it was something that needed immediate attention, he would postpone it until the next day and insist on leaving work on time every day to appear here.

"How much can you drink?" Hong Boxiao asked as he saw Lu Jingqian drinking one glass after another, his face turning red but showing no signs of intoxication.

Lu Jingqian paused for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know. So far, I haven't gotten drunk. But I usually only drink a pot, I don't know how much it takes to get me drunk."

"Well, let's try your alcohol tolerance today," Hong Boxiao suggested.

Lu Jingqian propped his chin with his palm and looked at him, saying, "Are you trying to get me drunk and then sleep with me?"

"…No," Hong Bo Xiao wanted to get him drunk, but he didn't plan to take advantage of him once he was drunk. He just wanted to kiss and hug him. He didn't want to scare him away.

"How about we try sleeping together?" Lu Jingqian proposed.

"What?" Hong Boxiao thought he misheard.

"Satiated with food, one thinks of sex. I'm at the age of strong desires and also in need of release," Lu Jingqian said, twirling the glass with his finger. "Based on my observation, I think you have unique qualities and probably excel in bed, so I want to try it with you."

Hong Bo Xiao looked at him, feeling both amused and exasperated, and said, "Are you drunk?"

"No," Lu Jingqian denied. "I'm seriously suggesting it to you. If you don't agree, it's fine. But I really need to satisfy my desires now. Continue eating, you don't have to wait for me. I'll take care of it myself in my room."

Lu Jingqian stood up, swaying slightly, and floated towards the room. He was quite sober, just a little dizzy. And now that he was in this state, he didn't believe that Hong Boxiao wouldn't follow him.

Hong Boxiao watched his figure and couldn't tell if he was drunk or not. Although he said he wasn't drunk, people who are actually drunk often claim they aren't.

Lu Jingqian returned to the room, took off his pants, and lay sideways on the bed.

Hong Boxiao followed behind him. Seeing him take off his pants and lie on the bed, though he had a tempting posture as if he intended to take care of himself, he didn't make a move even after waiting for a while.

Hong Boxiao sat down by the bed and asked, "Didn't you say you were going to take care of it yourself?"

Lu Jingqian turned his head and looked at him, "I did plan to take care of it myself, but it seems like I've had a bit too much to drink. My hands are weak, so I need to rest for a bit."

Hong Boxiao propped himself up and lay behind him. "Shall I help you?"

"In that case, thank you," Lu Jingqian politely replied.

"…You're welcome," Hong Boxiao felt that the conversation sounded a bit unusual, but he still placed his hand between Lu Jingqian's legs.

Lu Jingqian turned over and lay flat. He pointed to his own lips with his finger and said, "Kiss me."

Hong Boxiao looked at his rosy lips and felt as if he had been enchanted. He lowered his head, gently sucked, and savored his sweet and soft lips, which carried a hint of alcohol. It was undoubtedly the best texture he had ever experienced among all the foods he had tried.

Lu Jingqian embraced his neck, and as he put his tongue inside, their tongues intertwined. He entwined his legs around Hong Boxiao's waist, tangling with him like a seductive serpent, bringing them both pleasure.

"Mmm~" Lu Jingqian's body was flipped over, and he lay on the bed with Hong Boxiao firmly pressed on top of him.

Hong Boxiao felt that he might be intoxicated, but not from drinking. It was the warmth emanating from the body beneath him that stirred his desires and intoxicated him.
